Motoring Discussion > Phone killer. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 3

 Phone killer. - Old Navy
Should cars be fitted with phone jammers as suggested by a poster to this story ? (Daily Mail)
 Phone killer. - Zero
Yeah we really need hundreds of thousands of phone jammers moving around our cities don't we.
 Phone killer. - Haywain
Best thing would be to remove such idiots by banning them from driving for life. Ignoring a ban once imposed would be punishable by removal of a hand (choice of L or R up to the offender).
 Phone killer. - WillDeBeest
Strange as it may sound, this problem has very little to do with driving. We've become so conditioned to being always available that it's very hard to get people to leave the outside world outside and focus on what they're doing where they are.

I ran a bid workshop the other week and we had a guest presenter from one of our suppliers. Not everyone in the room needed to hear what he had to say, but rather than excusing themselves (they all had desks they could have gone back to) those that weren't involved stayed put and tapped distractingly at their laptops. It was embarrassing, but it's that same attitude that all calls on your attention must be given equal weight that has people texting while they drive. Good luck with changing that!
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