Non-motoring > New Topics Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Fullchat Replies: 16

 New Topics - Fullchat
Last night I cleared my browsing history and cookies out. Today on this forum I have noticed that new posts are not highlighted with the little red message 'New'.

This has happened before but eventually seem to start functioning again.

Any ideas why this happens?
 New Topics - Fullchat
Would you believe it! Just posted and gone back to Non Motoring and this topic is shown as 'New' :S
 New Topics - Old Navy
My non techiegeek answer is if you effectively reset your browser it has to figure out what is new from scratch.
 New Topics - Zero
And there was I thinking we were going to read something completely new.
 New Topics - Fullchat
 New Topics - Robin O'Reliant
I thought it was going to be a rant against downsized chocolate bars.
 New Topics - -
A pain in the proverbial cookie clearing can be, having to re-enter sign ons everywhere apart from a curious few.

Is it absolutely necessary for security purposes to cull the cookies please experts, how real is the danger from undesirables messing with yer stuff, and how often should a chap do so...ta everso.
 New Topics - smokie
Never ever clear mine, unless as a last resort when dealing with a problem. But then - I do not spend a lot of time on "dodgy" sites - my browsing tends to be mainly on the 10 sites my browser opens, then some shopping, research or reading news stuff on what I'd regard as reasonably safe places. That's not to say anywhere is safe, but I do think one can get too paranoid about clearing cookies etc.
 New Topics - Zero
I never clear mine either.
 New Topics - MD
My cookies have always been clean and clear.
 New Topics - Ted

If there are some left after the grandkids have gone I clear them pretty rapido.

Computerwise. , I haven't a clue what you're talking about !

 New Topics - -
Smokie and Zero, thanks, i probably clear mine once a year or if the machine seems sluggish...cookies probably nothing to do with it but along with regular scans seems like a sort of regular bit of servicing for someone who hasn't a clue.
 New Topics - L'escargot
>>........... I probably clear mine once a year or if the machine seems sluggish ... cookies
>> probably nothing to do with it but along with regular scans seems like
>> a sort of regular bit of servicing ......

To get rid of unwanted rubbish I run CCleaner about once a week. Cookies that I want to keep I put in the "Cookies to keep" column. This stops "sign-ons" from being deleted.

>> for someone who hasn't a clue.

Like me.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sun 21 Oct 12 at 09:39
 New Topics - R.P.
I keep mine in a cookie jar.
 New Topics - -
''Cookies that I want to keep I put in the "Cookies to keep" column. This stops "sign-ons" from being deleted.''

Thanks L'es, i didn't realise you could specify cookies to keep in CCleaner so easily, much obliged to me learned friend...Recent CC update now installed and cleaning done...amazing number of cookies in the list.
 New Topics - Robin O'Reliant
>> Never ever clear mine, unless as a last resort when dealing with a problem. But
>> then - I do not spend a lot of time on "dodgy" sites -
So you're saying that you do spend a little time on "dodgy" sites?
 New Topics - smokie
"So you're saying that you do spend a little time on "dodgy" sites"

Doesn't everyone? :-)
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