Britishisms and the Britishisation of American English:
There is little that irks British defenders of the English language more than Americanisms, which they see creeping insidiously into newspaper columns and everyday conversation. But bit by bit British English is invading America too
What is wrong with Anglicanisation rather than Britishisation? That's an Americanism.
I think Anglicanisation is something religious. And the 'isation' makes it a sort of Bushism.
>> everyday conversation. But bit by bit British
Good Lord. Beginning a sentence with a conjunction? I must go for a lie down.
That willl be Queen's English then.... :-)
Last edited by: RichardW on Thu 27 Sep 12 at 09:33
>> >>I must go for a lie down.
Go and lie down, I think. The compound noun "lie down" sounds a bit American to me.
I thought it more Antipodean.
At least the Americans have not complained that it just isn't cricket.
You can bet your bottom dollar that I'm not going to use any Americanisms.
If I had my druthers, we'd ban all Americanisms.
I could care less if we did.
>> ban all Americanisms.
Yeah, creeping gringization just got worse. It's a curse on our tongue unchanged since the days of Ethelred the Unready. That's my two cents' worth.