I wondered about that last bit, so I had a quick poke about on Autotrader for Volvo S60s of similar vintage (52) to mine. There are about five 2.0Ts for each D5 but I couldn't really spot a pattern to pricing - people are asking anything from £2,000 to more than £4,000 for cars of very similar age, mileage and condition, whether petrol or diesel.
It's hard to say how much extra I paid for my diesel S60 - although I've had it from new it was my company car for its first two years - but its list price was about £1,500 more than a 2.0T. But I reckon its 108,000 miles so far have cost me about £5,500 less than if they'd been fuelled by petrol. And maybe when I do decide to move it on it will get me back an extra £500. Good value, I reckon.