Non-motoring > The trail may be a little cold Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 9

 The trail may be a little cold - Iffy
We are to have a police investigation into bloody Sunday.

Seems a poor decision to me, it's 40 years ago, the inquiry will take four years and no start date has been identified.

If any prosecutions follow, they will be of ex-squaddies in their 60s or even 70s.

I'm sure the Police Service of Northern Ireland has plenty of fresh crimes to investigate.

The last inquiry cost £195m - mostly paid to lawyers - and took 12 years.

There must be a limit to the amount we can rake over old coals, and I think we've already reached it.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 5 Jul 12 at 20:54
 The trail may be a little cold - Zero
Surely they would need to prove who shot who? Its one thing to say the squad dies opened fire, but who's bullet killed what person?

And will they prosecute Martin McGuiness for mooching about the place with a sub machine gun?

No of course they won't.

These are dogs that are best left sleeping.
 The trail may be a little cold - Iffy
...Surely they would need to prove who shot who?...

I would have thought so.

It will take a brilliant investigation and a brilliantly presented case to convince a jury soldier A shot - and killed - person B.

 The trail may be a little cold - R.P.
A Jury ?

Perhaps there won't be one, I know the so called Diplock trials were binned in 09 but a case was heard as recently as 2012.

Loads of money checked at this - let's move on.
 The trail may be a little cold - Focusless
>> I know the so called Diplock trials were binned in
>> 09 but a case was heard as recently as 2012.
 The trail may be a little cold - Fullchat
Makes my blood boil!

Multi millions of pounds already thrown at this. Are the equivalent resources been thrown into pursuing terrorists who maimed and murdered soldiers and civilians in NI and on the mainland? The ones we did incarcerate all went home under the Good Friday Agreement.

As suggested very doubtful they are ever going to pin a murder charge on any individual. Likelihood of successful prosecution/s - nah. Total waste of time and money.

What is the rationale / motives behind this decision? Only the other week the Queen was meeting McGuiness.

Last edited by: Fullchat on Thu 5 Jul 12 at 22:43
 The trail may be a little cold - Duncan
>> It will take a brilliant investigation and a brilliantly presented case to convince a jury
>> soldier A shot - and killed - person B.

I am not at all sure about that. This is Northern Ireland we are talking about here.

As the airline pilot said "We are about to land in Belfast, please put your watches back a hundred years"
 The trail may be a little cold - zippy
I can imagine the situation...

The enemy has landed on the beaches. The CO orders his battalion to fire on the invaders. No comes the reply. We don't want to be arrested after 40 years have gone by fir murder!

Yes, bloody Sunday was wrong, but the enquiry has happened. Wrong has been confirmed. Anything else is pointless and does nothing for natural justice.

Last edited by: VxFan on Wed 11 Jul 12 at 01:15
 The trail may be a little cold - L'escargot
>> Yes, b***** Sunday was wrong, .............

******* ********!
 The trail may be a little cold - busbee
And, according to TV news, there will be 30 or so detectives tied up full time!!!

Which idiot decided to do this?
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