Non-motoring > Contract change? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Rudedog Replies: 13

 Contract change? - Rudedog
Does anyone have any experience of trying to change a mobile phone contract about a quarter of the way through?

Unfortunately I've tried and tried to get get on with my iPhone 4s but I just can't stand it anymore and I really want my Blackberry back!

I'm with T-Mobile and I'm quite happy to pay the same amount each month for a BB so they wouldn't be losing out financially (I'm looking at the Bold 9900), I just have a feeling they are going to say 'computer says NO!', and I'm going to be stuck with it for the next 18 months.

The more I use the iPhone the more I've realised that it doesn't do what I want it for and it's been hyped up, indeed, I hate when a phone starts telling ME what IT thinks I want. But before I try to change can anyone confirm that you can't save or work-on an Excel/Word document on an iPhone, I seem to be only able to view my work as an email attachment, but when I had my older BB I was able to make changes to it as well and then save it to a documents folder.

The strange thing is that I'm an Apple user through and through so I thought it would be logical to update my contract at renewal to an iPhone, I couldn't have been more wrong.
 Contract change? - Zero

>> starts telling ME what IT thinks I want. But before I try to change can
>> anyone confirm that you can't save or work-on an Excel/Word document on an iPhone, I
>> seem to be only able to view my work as an email attachment, but when
>> I had my older BB I was able to make changes to it as well
>> and then save it to a documents folder.

I use Office2 for Excel and word files on iPhone - Check for the app on the iTunes store, and dropbox or evernote or iCloud to synch documents.

 Contract change? - Zero
Oh, and your contract includes the cost of your phone (about 400 quid) spread over the contract term, thats why you can't just chuck in your contract.

Seriously, there is nothing your iPhone can't do that Blackberry does better. Blackberry is doing a Nokia, so don't get to attached to them.
 Contract change? - R.P.
....and Z isn't an Apple fan.
 Contract change? - Zero
>> ....and Z isn't an Apple fan.

Despite the fact I have two of their appliances.
 Contract change? - mikeyb
Your provider will not let you change as Zero has correctly pointed out, the real cost of your phone is just spread over the contract.

You could find a contract free BB and then sell the iphone on fleabay
 Contract change? - MD
OR get Zeddo to give you a lesson on it's use. Ok ok...just a thought, although I am sure he is a very helpful chap really. Abrasion will wear off with use. x
 Contract change? - rtj70
As said above your contract is covering the cost of the iPhone over the term of the contract. There is however nothing stopping you using your SIM in another phone but you're not going to get T-Mobile to give you a Blackberry for free - they gave you an iPhone already as part of your deal.

So if you are happy to get a phone you like that is useable on T-Mobile there is no reason you cannot switch the SIM over. The iPhone will have a micro SIM so you might need a normal sized one. You can then try selling the iPhone to cover some of your costs.
 Contract change? - Bigtee
You could try saying you have just lost your job got no money take the phone back and when they complain say your getting nowt as i have nowt!

 Contract change? - Rudedog
Thanks for all the answers. Z, I've just downloaded Office2 so I'll give it a try this week.

Does the 4s have any known issues with bad reception like the first 4? I seem to go from full signal to 'No service' very easily whereas wife's Nokia stays constant.

As a side note I've heard that the phone shops now can cut your old size SIM to fit the micro size and they then give you a 'carrier' so it can be used as either type of SIM depending on the phone.

I'd be happy to try and stick with the 4s but I just don't feel in full control of what it does sometimes i.e. why does the touch screen go bananas when I try and use when it's plugged into the mains?
 Contract change? - Zero
>> I'd be happy to try and stick with the 4s but I just don't feel
>> in full control of what it does sometimes i.e. why does the touch screen go
>> bananas when I try and use when it's plugged into the mains?

It shouldn't. It should act just the same as under battery power.
 Contract change? - MD
operator error? (o:-:o)
 Contract change? - Rudedog
OK, looks like it was me! I was using the charger that came with my iPod and although my phone was charging ok apparently using anything but the iPhone charger can cause the screen to have a mind of it's own when running from the mains.
 Contract change? - teabelly
If the old BB still works then why not just use that instead? If you can't get on with the iphone and the old BB is duff then I'd just sell the iphone and use the money to buy a sim free or tmobile payg BB that you do want.

I'd definitely check out the app store first and make certain you really can't view and edit excel etc files as it seems highly unlikely there isn't an app.
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