Non-motoring > Euro 2012 Miscellaneous
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 Euro 2012 - ....
So. Who's up for it ?
Who's planning on making the short hop ?
It's only next door to Germany which is only a few short hours drive to the Nürburgring. OK, so a bit of a difference between going to the 'Ring and Berlin but in the grand scheme of things Poland is not a million miles away.
Lot's of advice appearing in the national press not to go, is anyone actually going ?
 Euro 2012 - Old Navy
What is Euro 2012?
 Euro 2012 - Zero
>> What is Euro 2012?

Don't worry about it, its nothing to trouble the Jocks about, they never get invited to the Euros.
 Euro 2012 - ....
>> What is Euro 2012?
It's where Alex Salmond is taking his Yes campaign to make sure he gets his milestone million signatures.
 Euro 2012 - Falkirk Bairn
Watched the England warm-up match Vs Norway - left me cold.......... poor, and with little action that would instil any faith in seeing England progress very far in the competition.

But then again maybe a few returns from injury and suspension could make a difference...

But I am not holding my breath.
 Euro 2012 - devonite
Seemed to me that Roy Hodgson is trying to model the England team on Chelsea! - They seemed to be playing exactly the same as Chelsea did against Barcelona and Bayern Munich,- defend like mad, and try and "nick-one" on the break!
Boring as Heck to watch, fills no watching teams with dread, and sets "Crooked"(allegedly) Sepp Blatter on a mission to find a replacement for penalty shootouts - but it is effective!
 Euro 2012 - Zero
thats always been the Roy way.

Its like Sam Alardyce. Here is his training sessions.

SaM: "I want you to get the ball upfield"
Player " How high and how far"
Sam: "As High and as far as you can get it - now lets play"
 Euro 2012 - Londoner
Sam: "And don't let the other team panic you into playing football!"
 Euro 2012 - Armel Coussine
Is anyone here planning a visit in the hope of mixing it with those wimpish-looking, limp-wristed Ukrainian 'hooligans'? No old Shed boys keen to show them how it's really done? A couple of tasty Millwall fans could see off a dozen of them one would think.
 Euro 2012 - Dog
Dunno about limp-wristed Ukrainian football 'fans', I was having a chinwag with a Glaswegian quite recently and he reckons if the animals from the den (Millwall) came up against the Glasgow Rangers mob, the animals would run for their lives (and I can well believe it)
 Euro 2012 - Armel Coussine
Perhaps Rangers fans, the Shed and Millwall could each send a squad and they could compete for numbers of dead or disabled Ukrainians.

Of course the Ukrainians will be on their home turf and may have easy access to firearms, so it is a challenge only for the brave.
 Euro 2012 - Dog
I don't really follow football, and like our ancient submariner friend, I too didn't know what €uro 2012 was all about.

But - wasn't Sol Campbell's 'advice' aimed mainly at blacks and Asians?
 Euro 2012 - NortonES2
Re Dogs comments. The "poison dwarfs" as the Germans would call them.....
Last edited by: NIL on Tue 29 May 12 at 13:33
 Euro 2012 - Zero
Todays hooligans are complete pussies compared to the hard case London firms of the 70's. The clip I saw of the Ukrainian fans was however pretty tame, they did look a bit limp wristed. Glasgow or Rangers fans would make mincemeat of them.

Funnily enough. the one place you never found racism was in a football firm.
 Euro 2012 - R.P.
Funnily enough. the one place you never found racism was in a football firm.

They just dealt out violence in a non-discriminatory way, regardless of race colour or creed ?
 Euro 2012 - Zero
>> Funnily enough. the one place you never found racism was in a football firm.
>> They just dealt out violence in a non-discriminatory way, regardless of race colour or creed

It was not non-discriminatory, it was targeted, but race was never a target factor. Unless of course you class those talking in funny northern accents as a race.
 Euro 2012 - Armel Coussine
>> the one place you never found racism was in a football firm.

Perhaps, like the teams they support, they are obliged to recruit the right sort of talent wherever they can find it. I seem to remember seeing one or two two-tone skinhead gangs back when skinheads all wore red DMs and exposed braces to hold up their non-Levi jeans with turnups... And there was this very cool two-tone biker gang I used to see in my old manor... not to mention the pushbike Stunt Nippers who were two or even three-tone (there's a North African community these days).
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Tue 29 May 12 at 14:45
 Euro 2012 - Dog
>>Funnily enough. the one place you never found racism was in a football firm<<

You've clearly never been down The Den then!!
 Euro 2012 - Zero
>> >>Funnily enough. the one place you never found racism was in a football firm<<
>> You've clearly never been down The Den then!!

Indeed I have, chased your bunch of fairies all the way down the Surrey Canal Road.
 Euro 2012 - Dog
>>Indeed I have, chased your bunch of fairies all the way down the Surrey Canal Road<<

The Hammers and The Animals have to sit down nowadays I hear, they'll have an usherette selling choc ices next!
 Euro 2012 - L'escargot
I don't want anything to do with something which has the word euro in it. If it was called Pound Sterling 2012, then that would be different.
 Euro 2012 - DP
Never mind the name of it, the bigger problem is that our national team's ability on the pitch will yet again fail miserably to match a) the expectations, or b) the general national arrogance of England football fans.
 Euro 2012 - Robin O'Reliant
>> Never mind the name of it, the bigger problem is that our national team's ability
>> on the pitch will yet again fail miserably to match a) the expectations, or b)
>> the general national arrogance of England football fans.
The difference this time is no-one apart from the nationalisticly insane has any expectations. We know that our players can't string more than three passes together before giving the ball away.

Still, at least we're not Scotland.
 Euro 2012 - Ian (Cape Town)
Yep, I expect England's overpaid wastrels to bomb out early once again.
I also expect some hothead like Rooney or Terry to do something silly.
And a 'scandal' involving sexual misconduct to come to light a few days after England go home.
 Euro 2012 - Zero
Yep, we all in England also expect all of those things, and everyone else in Europe expects all of those things. We also expect the Roy Hodgson way to be exceptional boring and uninspired.

So all in all, anything that happens beyond that narrow scope is a bit of a bonus really.
 Euro 2012 - Focusless
At least I won't have to splash out a couple of quid on flags for the car - still got them in the boot from last time.
 Euro 2012 - Londoner
Leave them in the boot - you don't qualify to fit them to your car.

An oldie, but goodie . . . . . .

Department for Transport Initiative

Because of the poor quality of driving in the England, the Department for Transport has now devised a new scheme in order to identify poor drivers and give good drivers the opportunity to recognise them whilst driving.

Poor driving initiative

Those drivers who are found to be driving badly include:

Overtaking in dangerous places
Hovering within one inch of the car in front
Stopping sharply
Speeding in residential areas
Pulling out without indication
Performing U turns inappropriately in busy streets;
undertaking on motorways taking up more than one lane in multi-lane roads

These drivers will be issued with flags, white with a red cross, signifying their inability to drive properly. These flags must be clipped to a door of the car and be visible to all other drivers and pedestrians.

Those drivers who have shown particularly poor driving skills will have to display a flag on each side of the car to indicate their greater lack of skill and general lower intelligence mindset to the general public.

Please circulate this to as many other motorists as you can so that drivers and pedestrians will be aware of the meaning of these flags.

Department for Transport
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