Motoring Discussion > Not at that price Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 14

 Not at that price - Iffy
The CC3's not really up for replacement yet, but one keeps an idle eye on these things, doesn't one?

I've decided my next car will have a more compliant ride, although I'm not sure how that will be achieved.

There were a couple of Range Rover Evoques near to where I parked the other day.

Not been in one, but it passes the 'nose up against the glass' test.

But a quick look online suggests it will be best part of £40K for decent spec.

Not sure what I was expecting, but that's too sore for me.

Leaving aside my inadequate resources, I also think it's rather a lot for a smallish tall roader, or whatever you want to call it.

Do you agree?

 Not at that price - -
Isn't it a Freelander in a designer frock, being the height of apparent fashion is going to give it a huge price tag, its a bit garish for me but a good job we all like different things.

How does FL2 stack up against it in value, not everyones cup of tea but apart from the breeze block sized ignition key which annoyed the hell out of me quite a decent drive i thought, especially with the proper auto box.
 Not at that price - R.P.
X3 would be a better long term buy/risk. This a cash generator for LRJ - and people will buy them for their looks. Not for me though.
 Not at that price - Iffy
I reckon gb and RP are spot on.

I'm not so struck on the exterior look of the Evoque, more the interior.

Just had a look at the X3 online, and the inside of that looks pretty good to me.

X3s look to be a bit cheaper, too.

 Not at that price - PeterS
The Evoque is a bit too 'bling' for me yoo. If I was in the market for a car of this type I think the Audi Q3, BMW X3 and the Volvo XC whatever the small one is would be ahead of it - I realise that this is missing the main point of an Evoque...
 Not at that price - Old Navy
As you are in to origami roofs, iffy, I would have thought you would hold off for that version of the Evoke. :-)
 Not at that price - mikeyb
Saw a horrible Evoke last week. In black with tacky all black alloys - not sure if they were OE or not - looked like aftermarket from Halfords. Had bits or lurid bright pink splashed around it including some text, but what it said escapes me as I was to horrified at the whole overall effect.

I don't think I have ever seen such a new model chaved up to such an extenr
 Not at that price - DP
I personally think the Evoque is one of the best looking new cars in years.

I really don't want to like it, but I just can't help it.
 Not at that price - R.P.
I really like it. But feel it's a trifle "young" for me.
 Not at that price - Armel Coussine
It's cute enough from the outside. But shouldn't that sort of car have a considerable serious side? I mean, is the thing any good? What can it do?

As Iffy asks: is it worth all that bread? Is it all mouth and trousers?
 Not at that price - Focusless
>> As Iffy asks: is it worth all that bread? Is it all mouth and trousers?

Gets 5 stars from 5th Gear:
'it really is as good as it looks'

User reviews are worth a look - most seem to be from people who have never actually been in one, never mind owned one. Did spot what appears to be a 'real' one which might put you off a bit, from 'Pod' - ends with 'it looks good but its as reliable as a freelander'.

 Not at that price - hjd
I think it's absolutely hideous.
Each to his/her own though!
 Not at that price - Old Navy
>> I think it's absolutely hideous.
>> Each to his/her own though!

As is the 4X4 mini, or any BMW mini, its good to see we still have the option to exercise poor taste. :-)
 Not at that price - Runfer D'Hills
Qashqai ? They make 'em just down the road from you...

Can't really fault the ones we've had. If you like that sort of thing. Seem to hold their value quite well too.

I was using "hers" at the weekend because it has my bike racks on its roof. Perfectly pleasant experience.
 Not at that price - TeeCee
>> As is the 4X4 mini, or any BMW mini, its good to see we still
>> have the option to exercise poor taste. :-)

There was one of those in the car park the other day. "Mini"? Trading standards should be having a close look. Not a small car by any stretch of the imagination.
Presumably BMW didn't think to buy the Maxi name.........
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