I'm not actually sure this is useful, in any sense, not least of which it's unlikely anyone is going to want to give what the figures show on here, but maybe it's interesting in a way.
Might make you think. Might make you think "so what, how obvious is that" actually.
Anyway, here it is.
Interesting! Mine, as a pensioner, is less than half the UK average, but slightly above the world average.
Just done it. Blimey!
Not sure whether to take it seriously.
How well off you are depends a lot more than on your income, debt and savings also come into the mix.
disposable income is the name of the game. I was above the Uk average when working, now below the UK average when retired. I am just as "well off" tho.
I should be well off according to that.
I am, in fact skint....
Micawber's Law > Stupid BBC calculator.
its all cobblers.... too many factors to consider, aint worth the paper it isnt wrote on
I'm sure my income, which I never calculate, is below the national average. Yet I live in what many would take for luxury and certainly in great comfort and so on. As well as being incomprehensible, it's a bit frightening.
I can't complain no debts nice home and most inportant a good family.When I see children still starving of shortage of food or in war situations which is very sad.The majority of us are very lucky in Europe.
>> I can't complain.................>>
Less than 30odd thousand in benefits is considered to be poverty in the UK. We all live in fantasy land.
Or fantasy Island remember that television series Old Navy.<:)