The other day I was driving along Westbourne Grove and needed to turn around, I was at a point that I couldn’t turn right , as a no entry sign , so turned left into Portobello rd . 15-20ft inside the road is a sign Stipulating “ Pedestrian and cycle zone only MON -SAT 10-4 , this was around 3pm .
Obviously I couldn’t reverse back onto a main road , so I had to continue .
Feeling aggrieved I went around the block to ensure I hadn’t missed any signs and there weren’t any , so I’m expecting a fine, which will be an interesting fight .
Last Friday I had to use my sons car, and parked up in Fulham , paid via RINGO APP , for his vehicle , LD12 , I received an email confirmation and went about my business .
As I always accept , SMS messages and set my alarm for 1hr 50mins , so I get back in time , I went about my business . As it was shorter meeting I drove home , and then i received a text message to say my parking vehicle Lx16 ( My mums car, but on my app , was nearing time .
Worried about the mistake I messaged RINGO ,and despite sending proof they’re still insisting I parked LX16 ,so I’m expecting another fine assuming I will , I’ll let them take me to court , it’s going to be interesting next few weeks
>> The other day I was driving along Westbourne Grove and needed to turn around, I
>> was at a point that I couldn’t turn right , as a no entry sign
>> , so turned left into Portobello rd . 15-20ft inside the road is a sign
>> Stipulating “ Pedestrian and cycle zone only MON -SAT 10-4 , this was around 3pm
You are safe, its "NO VEHICLES 10:00am 4:00pm Saturday",-0.2030389,3a,68.4y,333.78h,77.32t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqK4gUB0WTLoAaLFPcRCOQQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
Thanks but that is NOT the current signage , it’s
PEDESTRIAN AMD CYCLE ZONE MON SAT 10-4pm Except wheelchair and for access .
I took photos but have no idea how to add to here .
Thanks for your response though
>> Thanks but that is NOT the current signage , it’s
>> PEDESTRIAN AMD CYCLE ZONE MON SAT 10-4pm Except wheelchair and for access .
>> I took photos but have no idea how to add to here .
>> Thanks for your response though
Presumably one of those projects aimed at stopping 'rat running' and giving more space to cyclists and pedestrians that popped up in number during the pandemic.
I think it’s got more to do with the market being there on certain days . I don’t know the area well enough .
Let’s see what happens .
I have had a come back from the council ,thanking me for highlighting it and will look into and if a fine is sent come back to her .
>> I think it’s got more to do with the market being there on certain days
The streetview link Zero supplied with the Saturday only restrictions looks as though the market stall places are marked out on the road surface.
It was the mention of planters etc that made me think of the recent move towards restrictions favouring peds and cyclists at the expense of motor vehicles.
>> Last Friday I had to use my sons car, and parked up in Fulham ,
>> paid via RINGO APP , for his vehicle , LD12 , I received an email
>> confirmation and went about my business .
>> As I always accept , SMS messages and set my alarm for 1hr 50mins ,
>> so I get back in time , I went about my business . As it
>> was shorter meeting I drove home , and then i received a text message to
>> say my parking vehicle Lx16 ( My mums car, but on my app , was
>> nearing time .
>> Worried about the mistake I messaged RINGO ,and despite sending proof they’re still insisting I
>> parked LX16 ,so I’m expecting another fine assuming I will , I’ll let them take
>> me to court , it’s going to be interesting next few weeks
Do Ringo manage charging for the Council or was it private land?
Either way what happens next depends on if if their cameras or Civil Enforcement Officers have detected an alleged infringement by LD12. If CEO then you'd normally have found a ticket on the screen. If camera then the Registered Keeper will get a Notice to Owner with details of the time etc and supporting pics.
The facts can then be challenged with the Council/Landowner.
If it's the Council then their rejection of representations carries a right of appeal to a properly independent Tribunal.
Appeals on private land can be a bit more variable.
My guess though is that Ringo's courtesy reminder facility is glitched and you'll hear nothing more.
It was a normal road , with mainly permit holders only and 3 paid parking bays so hopefully if anything happens it will be easy to clear up
Due to my private reg , my Ringo app has my correct reg but still has it as a Hibs Civic as opposed to BMW.
Even when I delete and reload it still shows the Civic.
I changed cars 2 years ago.