Non-motoring > Washing machine query Accessories and Parts
Thread Author: legacylad Replies: 9

 Washing machine query - legacylad
Is it me but every few years the red/blue plastic taps, which turn through 90 degrees to allow water into the machine, round off. And I only turn the washer on once a week !
Any metal alternatives ?
In the meantime I’ll revert to using pliers....I suppose you could leave the water supply permanently on but I’d ( irrationally) prefer not to.
 Messages Author Date
 Washing machine query new legacylad 4 Jul 21 11:54
 Washing machine query new sooty123 4 Jul 21 12:05
 Washing machine query new bathtub tom 4 Jul 21 12:30
 Washing machine query new MD 4 Jul 21 14:45
 Washing machine query new henry k 4 Jul 21 12:07
 Washing machine query new martin aston 4 Jul 21 12:55
 Washing machine query new legacylad 4 Jul 21 13:19
 Washing machine query new Kevin 4 Jul 21 13:55
 Washing machine query new hawkeye 4 Jul 21 14:35
 Washing machine query new Dave_ 7 Jul 21 00:14
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