>> However, what happens if just one of you leaves the village?
App is on my phone.
Both go out, works as described.
One stays behind, then it's likely that other person will walk past the Nest. Its "farsight" sensor sees a person and turns back on. I believe it knows the difference between a person and a random shadow or a pet.
Nest is in main room so at worst if other person gets cold they either walk there or just ask Alexa to set the temperature they want. Or possibly I've remembered and disabled the app or set the temperature back whilst out of the house.
Another option is "guest mode" and then the Nest will just stay on as per whatever its schedule is.
Finally, if you have no geofence app, the Nest will "realise" nobody is home and turn off, if you want. But it takes ages to work out you're "away" sometimes (can be an hour or two), so the app just forces the issue really.
If you have a regular routine, as we did when both working, you just have a fixed schedule. Easy. But our pattern is no longer predictable.
I also appreciate the way the Nest learns how long the house takes to warm up. So it can turn on "preheating" at different times on different days according to various things, including weather reports of outside temperature, to be at the tenperature you want at the time you want.