I've had Home since last Xmas. I use it mainly to control a few lights and that's about it. I have bought a load pf WiFi switches and plug-through adapters but tbh haven't really bothered to work out yet where to use them. I did pout one on the kettle so it can be started when we are nearly home but I nearly always forget to set it up before we go out, and the small handful of occasions when I've remembered, I then forget to switch it on anyway.
For me it's just a novelty at the moment, but it's when the lights drift offline (which they do from time to time) and you have to actually get up off your seat and switch on a light manually like olden times you realise why you made the huge investment :-)
As far as the technology goes, for me Google seems to do the trick. though each has it's advantages. I do lose connectivity once in a while which is a bit annoying but that is the WiFi around my house rather than the devices attaching to it.
You can also use services over it like Spotify but you need a subscription which I don't want. And eventually I will get to doing some playing around with integration with IFTTT and/or MacDroid.