Non-motoring > A petition I haven't signed Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Armel Coussine Replies: 7

 A petition I haven't signed - Armel Coussine
... although on the face of it it's a cause I support and sympathise with, the (almost certainly hopeless) attempt to make the drug laws more rational.

There's this bien-pensant website called Avaaz which keeps emailing me to further the causes of e.g. oppressed Muslim women, genocide victims in savage backwaters of the world and so on. Its latest is a petiton, admittedly only to get parliament to have a proper debate on the subject which on past observation will be a huge, dispiriting waste of parliamentary time from which nothing useful will emerge, about the drug laws.

Normally I would have signed more or less automatically. But I didn't because the Avaaz promoter in this case is the egregious, loathsome comedian Russell Brand who I regard as detestable and beyond the pale. You can be those things and still be funny sometimes, not entirely stupid and right about this issue or that. But if people recognise you as a screaming carphound you'd better keep it shut.
 Messages Author Date
 A petition I haven't signed new Armel Coussine 13 Feb 14 19:38
 A petition I haven't signed new NortonES2 13 Feb 14 19:55
 A petition I haven't signed new Robin O'Reliant 13 Feb 14 19:59
 A petition I haven't signed new Armel Coussine 13 Feb 14 20:01
 A petition I haven't signed new Roger. 13 Feb 14 22:29
 A petition I haven't signed new Robin O'Reliant 15 Feb 14 14:49
 A petition I haven't signed new CGNorwich 15 Feb 14 14:59
 A petition I haven't signed new madf 15 Feb 14 16:42
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