Non-motoring > Africa trip Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 12

 Africa trip - Armel Coussine
>> restaurant cooking can be really bad. Frequently street food that you can see being cooked and stored can be safer.

Yes, up to a point. Roast meat and roast maize should be OK. But some other things can be dodgy. You have to weigh up the person cooking or selling them.

Small restaurants tend to be careful because their reputation hangs on not making people ill.

Someone has pointed out that unfamiliar food can upset some stomachs. That's true too, but the worst you can expect is indigestion or allergic queasiness.

Ate a lot of stewed liver and rice once in the street in Ghana. The old lady cooking it there was very maternal and kept giving me more liver. It was very good.

Another time, also in Ghana, bought a fish ready-cooked, which turned out to have maggots wriggling in it when broken open. It had been 'stored' for too long. Pity because the Ga are fishing people and their fresh fried fish can be superb, especially the local equivalent of whitebait.
 Messages Author Date
 Africa trip  smokie 11 Oct 13 11:39
 Africa trip  sooty123 11 Oct 13 11:53
 Africa trip  No FM2R 11 Oct 13 12:28
 Africa trip  smokie 11 Oct 13 12:45
 Africa trip  sooty123 11 Oct 13 12:51
 Africa trip  Armel Coussine 11 Oct 13 14:03
 Africa trip  Alanovich 11 Oct 13 14:09
 Africa trip  No FM2R 11 Oct 13 15:58
 Africa trip  Armel Coussine 11 Oct 13 17:29
 Africa trip  smokie 11 Oct 13 17:36
 Africa trip  bathtub tom 11 Oct 13 14:32
 Africa trip  smokie 11 Oct 13 15:55
 Africa trip  henry k 11 Oct 13 16:09
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