Computer Related > Open Office and MS Excel Miscellaneous
Thread Author: tyro Replies: 6

 Open Office and MS Excel - tyro
System Restore didn't work. I'm not entirely surprised.

Can someone tell me why System Restore hardly ever seems to work for me? (I'm using XP).

The icons for Word documents, by the way, were changed WordPad, which was the new default program for opening .doc files. I've changed the default setting for opening .doc files to OpenOffice Writer, and .xls documents to OpenOffice Calc, and the icons are now back to what they were before. Strange.

As for the mystery file which can be opened with MS Excel 2000, but not with Open Office 3.2, it doesn't show a file extension when I unclick "Hide extensions for known file types."
 Messages Author Date
 Open Office and MS Excel new tyro 26 Feb 10 08:14
 Open Office and MS Excel new Zero 26 Feb 10 08:38
 Open Office and MS Excel new smokie 26 Feb 10 10:35
 Open Office and MS Excel new tyro 26 Feb 10 11:10
 Open Office and MS Excel new tyro 26 Feb 10 11:34
 Open Office and MS Excel new tyro 26 Feb 10 12:43
 Open Office and MS Excel new smokie 26 Feb 10 17:09
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