Computer Related > WiFi connectivity problem Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 5

 WiFi connectivity problem - Bobby
Wife’s aunt phoned me. I have a new router thing and I can’t get my laptop connected.

Go round and it’s a new Virgin Hub 4. My phone connected without needing a password (no idea why - acting to do with my own house being Virgin as well? )

Her ancient iPhone has connected.

But no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get her laptop to connect. It sees the router, says that it is connecting, but then gives up without connecting. Tried forgetting the network and putting the details in again to no avail.

The laptop is an old Acer CB5 571 Series.

Any ideas??
 WiFi connectivity problem - smokie
Well as a start I'd put a password on the network - she wouldn't want any old passing Tom Dick or Harry using it for their no doubt nefarious needs.

Then try again - obviously you'll need to connect the other devices too.

I don't recall any of my Virgin routers coming with no password - and I've had a few over the years!!
 WiFi connectivity problem - Bobby
Yeah this comes with the sticker on top with the network ID and password.
No idea why my phone connected unless it’s something to do with me also having virgin and maybe virgin roaming or something? No idea!
I’ll go round with my laptop later and see if it can connect
 WiFi connectivity problem - Biggles
It may be worth trying a different WiFi mode. In the Device Manager window, select the WiFi network adapter then select the 802.11 a/b/g Wireless Mode and try, say, 2.4 GHz 802.11 b/g. This solved my connectivity issue with an older ASUS device.
 WiFi connectivity problem - Bobby
OK will check that as well. Cheers
 WiFi connectivity problem - Bobby
Nipped round at lunchtime. My laptop connected fine.
Rebooted the router and then aunt laptop connected as well.

But realised it’s actually an old Chromebook thing. She couldn’t remember password to get on but was able to reset password by sending code to her phone. But once we got on it was wanting the original password to access her local files? Which she has no idea what it is.

Don’t know how to overcome this!
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