Non-motoring > Sarah Sharif Murder Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 15

 Sarah Sharif Murder - Zero
Now the trial is over and guilt established..

Sarah went to the same junior school my son attended, albeit 25 years earlier, and for a while the Sharifs lived at the end of the road I used to live in.

I am utterly appalled that Surrey social services allowed these monsters with known history to so easily slip through the net, and I hope an inquiry is called.
 Sarah Sharif Murder - bathtub tom
No doubt, they'll say 'lessons have been learned' and absolutely nothing will change.

Whatever happened to social services staff being recruited from the armed forces?
 Sarah Sharif Murder - zippy
 Sarah Sharif Murder - zippy
Home schooling has been mentioned as an issue involved.

I mentioned a while ago that our god-daughter passed away during lockdown from cancer, leaving one child, now a young teenager.

The teenager has been taken out of school and is home schooled and is not allowed to see any relatives.

As a precaution, social services have been made aware.
Last edited by: zippy on Thu 12 Dec 24 at 10:18
 Sarah Sharif Murder - Zero
Home schooling is ok if checks are in place. BUT taking a child out of school after the school have raised concerns with social services is a huge red flag, and they should have been all over them like a rash.
 Sarah Sharif Murder - zippy
Him - life - minimum term 40 years.
Her - life - minimum term 33 years.
Uncle -16 years.

Do minimum terms get halved for good behaviour?

Must admit, seeing that video of Sara playing the guitar, made me well up a bit.
Last edited by: zippy on Tue 17 Dec 24 at 13:11
 Sarah Sharif Murder - maltrap
I suspect social services were wary of being accused of racism,
 Sarah Sharif Murder - Zero
>> I suspect social services were wary of being accused of racism,

I suspect Surrey Social Services failed on a much more fundamental level than that
 Sarah Sharif Murder - Bromptonaut
>> I suspect Surrey Social Services failed on a much more fundamental level than that

I suspect the irrespective of what they did Social Services will go under the bus for this one.

From what's been made public it wasn't just the Council. Judge/Judges agreed to her going to the Father. Both Father and birth mother were making allegations that Sara was being abused by the other.

One reason I'd never ever have wanted to get involved in this sort of stuff, even in the courts never mind at the real coal face in Soc Services is trying to deal with people like this with no real means of being so certain I'm sure who are bad and not quite so bad.
 Sarah Sharif Murder - Zero

>> Do minimum terms get halved for good behaviour?

Hopefully he wont survive that long.
 Sarah Sharif Murder - Bromptonaut
>> Do minimum terms get halved for good behaviour?

No the 'tariff' on a life sentence is what they must serve before they can be considered for parole. Usually there's a lot of time still to do before they can apply for Parole.

Even paroled they're still a lifer and can be recalled for putting a foot wrong.
 Sarah Sharif Murder - Bromptonaut
Judges sentencing remarks. Not read in full but there's an explanation on first page about how the terms set work:
 Sarah Sharif Murder - R.P.
Shocking case..
 Sarah Sharif Murder - bathtub tom
Compare those sentences with the (repeated) 24 hours in police custody shown last night. She was shown to have beaten her partner repeatedly and was previously jailed. On the final beating he was hospitalised with a bleed on the brain and despite initially recovering, he had a heart attack, went into a come and died. She was due to be charged with GBH with intent. I would've thought that would be upgraded to manslaughter at least, but know she plead guilty to ABH and got 16 months!
 Sarah Sharif Murder - sentence to be reviewed - zippy
Someone tried to slit his throat with a tin can lid recently and now this:

Hope it's a full life order.
 Sarah Sharif Murder - sentence to be reviewed - Bromptonaut
The Judge, I suspect, stuck very carefully to the guidelines.

I do hope the Law Officers here actually have a real case to argue and are not going to end up as Suella Braverman did with the tragic case of the Policeman dragged behind her car with egg all over her face.
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