As mentioned before my father in law died before Christmas. Funeral was held on Tuesday - a lengthy gap fillied by a huge amount of admin and clearance. Amongst the items "found" whilst looking for a significant piece of paperwork an item was found that really pleased me was a Sinclair Black Watch in a case. How I desired one of these back in the day, but they coast £17 .50 for a kit and 24.50 for an assembled one. How I coveted them in Samuel's shop window, but no way I could afford one. I saved my money and bought an Accurist LCD watch (which I still have and it actually still works) which was probably more reliable.....!
My brother-in-law bought the watch back in the day and assembled it with his father who was an elecronics engineer before joining the Police. I didn't mention my love of the Sinclair in case he thought I was angling for it....but he kindly gave it me....funny how the small things in life give pleasure...I have three premium watches but this really takes the biscuit.
Last edited by: R.P. on Thu 9 Jan 25 at 18:48