Isn't this technically "criminal damage"? I vaguely remember someone saying they had a rogue parker on their property, but their suggestion of letting down the tyres was met with "that's criminal damage, you'll get into hot water."
Anyway, if you have an SUV, whatever one of those is, would this kind of stuff make you think about it?
MG ZS isn't quite an SUV but would be vaguelly amusing to find one of these tw@s deflating a tyre and then explaining (with the help of a size 11) that it is an EV.
Not sure if I’d sell the SUV ( if I had one ) but, I might buy a baseball bat… ;-)
>> Not sure if I’d sell the SUV ( if I had one ) but, I might buy a baseball bat… ;-)
That'd be my position.
Just bought one for Mrs H. It's got a tyre inflating kit with a pump in the so-called spare wheel well. I think she's relatively protester-proof as long as they stick to tyre deflation by means of the valve and don't use a Stanley knife.
It's also got a box of tricks labelled 'Bose' in the vicinity. What on earth could that be for?
That’ll be for the thumping bass needed to go with the blacked-out windows of an SUV ;)
Either a subwoofer or amp I expect
>> Just bought one for Mrs H. It's got a tyre inflating kit with a pump
>> in the so-called spare wheel well. I think she's relatively protester-proof as long as they
>> stick to tyre deflation by means of the valve and don't use a Stanley knife.
Yes, lets hope they don't use a knife because those tyre inflation kits would indeed be useless. Unlike a spare tyre...
The next time they superglue themselves to the M25 just leave them there. I'm sure all roadusers would put up with a few days inconvenience for a bit of sport.