Motoring Discussion > whats to see in Berwick on Tweed.   [Read only] Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 40

 whats to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
Planning stuff to do in Norhtumberland. Is Berwick on Tweed worth a 50 minute drive, or would it fill half a day. Checking google earth and Panaramio does not make it look terribly inviting. It just looks like a load of bridges.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 7 Jun 10 at 21:05
 whats to see in Berwick on Tweed. - ....
If history is your thing then there are the ramparts and the wall to walk/explore.
I would combine it with a trip to Holy Island, just check the tide times, the Seahouses lifeboat chaps are getting a bit fed-up fishing tourists out of the North Sea.
Last edited by: gmac on Mon 7 Jun 10 at 21:21
 whats to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Ted
Berwick's a nice little town, Z. Usual shops and some different indys. Plenty of places to eat or have a cuppa. Street market in the main drag.
Nice pub in the village by Holy Island.
If you like walking, the beach at Goswick Sands is wild and empty for miles and miles.
We take the caravan there sometimes.
If you like trains, go and stand by the level crossing at the old Goswick station and be afraid, be very afraid.....Scottish expresses whistling by 10ft from you at 90odd mph.

You may be lucky enough to see a hecilopter land in the main street.....remember thread last year ?

Last edited by: silence of the cams on Mon 7 Jun 10 at 21:53
 whats to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
I have the tide tables for the causeway to Holy Island, and I have earmarked alnmouth bay and druridge bay for beach dogwalking.
 whats to see in Berwick on Tweed. - FotheringtonTomas
What to see? The Tweed.
 whats to see in Berwick on Tweed. - BiggerBadderDave
"What to see? The Tweed."

Plenty of tweed in his cap and the blanket across the back seat.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Avant
Personally I wouldn't go specially to Berwick. There is so much else of beauty and interest in the north of Northumberland, e.g.:

Holy Island you've mentioned
Bamburgh Castle and beach
The site of the battle of Flodden (1513)
The whole of the A68 up through the Cheviots and over Carter Bar into Scotland
Rothbury and the view back to it from the road going east from it.

Further south there's Hadrian's Wall, Hexham and Blanchland, and then Allendale and over the hills into Alston (Cumberland).
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Fenlander
>>>It just looks like a load of bridges.

Yep that about sums it up. Best bit is a snack at Morrisons just off the A1 junction then leaving north for Scotland :-)
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - tyro
I'd agree with Avant. Pleasant enough place - it featured in Alec Clifton Taylor's Six More English Towns (see ) but no great attractions - unless the regimental museum of the King's Own Scottish Borderers appeals to you.

It does have a Caffè Nero, though.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - hobby
There's the Royal Border Bridge as well... quite a spectacular entrance to the town from the south by rail!
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Iffy
Last time I was in Berwick, I thought it was a sad, run down, sort of place - not somewhere for a holiday visit.

Among the many places in Nortumberland there are a couple of cracking National Trust properties.

Cragside, near Rothbury, was the first house in the world to have its own hydroelectric power.

Lots of other Victorian gadgets to see, and all recently restored.

If that's not enough, the house is surrounded by acres and acres of gardens.

The circular Rhodendron Drive is several miles long.

Cragside is a genuine international attraction, so it does get busy. Turn up first thing is the best advice.

On a much smaller scale there's Wallington, near Cambo.

Easy circular walk taking in woodland, lakes, parkland, and a formal walled garden.

One of the highlights is stepping stones over a shallow river which always remind me of James Bond and the crocodiles.

Plenty of info on both properties on the National Trust website.

Well, I'm assuming there is, it won't load this morning, so I'll not post a link.

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Mapmaker
Interesting. I've never made it to Berwick, despite several holidays in Northumberland, but local friends say it is well worth a visit.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
I am staying about 5 miles east of Rothbury. I got an OS 1:50,000 land ranger map of the area so am just sorting out where to go, with the aid of the map and Google earth and my previous post and replies on the matter.

So far I have

Alnwick, Warkworth/Amble (for fish and chips) Rothbury/Cragside, Alnmouth Bay/ Druridge bay, Lindisfarne and Bamborough Castle. and the hills of thrunton.

All I need to do is transfer stuff from the OS map into the sat nav.

Now that is the way to use a satnav!

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Pat
No no no, the way to use satnav on holiday is to lock it in the house and leave it there.

Take an OS map and enjoy discovering the parts of Britain your average tourist never finds!

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - FocalPoint
Can't speak for Berwick.

However: Alnwick and Alnwick Castle (including the gardens) are definitely worth a visit. The little town is nice (splendid butcher's shop sells great local meat) and the gardens wonderful.

I endorse Cragside - amazing - also Wallington.

Holy Island - love it.
Bamburgh Castle - stupendous location; vast beach.
Last edited by: ChrisPeugeot on Tue 8 Jun 10 at 10:42
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Iffy
The other thing one does in this part of the world is take a boat trip to the Farne Islands bird sanctuary.

Leaves from Seahouses, which is also a good venue for fish and chips.

I wouldn't bother with Amble - the town is run down and there's not much to see at the port.

Seahouses is a better bet.

Another food destination is Craster for crabs and kippers.

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - tyro
I was just about to mention the Farne Islands boat trip. The puffins were fantastic when I did it.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Tooslow
I'll second that (Seahouses/ Amble). Must get out to the Farne islands some time. Do you need a hat? :-)

The white cattle of Chillington are worth going to see (honest!) but listen to the man. They're clones. Amazing. And the pub up the road after you've been there is ace. Great local food.

St Abbs (a bit far?) is a very nice walk if you're into that. Past the lighthouse. Some good coastal paths in general.

Embleton bay gives a classic (ie take the camera) view of Dunstanburgh Castle.

Alnmouth bay is beautiful. I stood there the first day in July a few years back. In one direction, about a mile off I could see a man walking a dog. In the other direction - nothing. I had the place to myself. Tip - don't go paddling. Not unless you want your feet preserving cryogenically.

Oh, and one last thing to look out for. If you go on the A1, past the Scottish border, just after the "Welcome to Scotland" sign there's a speed camera.

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Pat
And a lot more before you reach Edinburgh too!

Last edited by: pda on Tue 8 Jun 10 at 12:57
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
I am gona have to buy another OS map my sheet 81 only goes as far north as craster.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Crankcase
I'm amazed that someone so "techy" as Zero is still fiddling about with paper maps, when OS navigational stuff is on phones all over the place now.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
Ah you have poked an erognous zone here CC.

I have used sat navs ever since they first started to appear in cars, and in hand held form. Its really a natural and welcome extension of digitisation, and one of the great boons of the century.


A paper map is a unique thing. A good paper map. The OS landranger series is a work of beauty, simplicity and clarity. Comprehensive - A history book and a work of Art.

Unfolding one on a table I can instantly see at a glance my intended envrionment. The hills, rugged coast, sandy coast, areas of populations and urban conurbations, rivers and roads. 300 square miles in one easy to see screen. No scrolling, no zooming in and out required.

Couple this with real time views and photos from Google earth and one has a good idea of what to expect.

Translate these ideas into cold brutal vectors and digistised points in a sat nav for use as a tool.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Tooslow
Ah yes, the joy of a paper OS map, not including those printed on both sides and you're walking over the join. Contours, place names. Endless entertainment. But you can do both y'know. It's not kinky or anything. On your pc I'd recommend Quo. I've not gone as far as putting anything on the handheld walking GPS, can't see the point on such a dinky screen.

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Pat
He's not tetchy CC:)

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
he IS
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Crankcase
No, Zero is not tetchy, he just has a certain je ne sais quoi, although I don't know what it is.

Each to their own. I feel the same as he does with his maps about books, and indeed, the serendipity of a library catalogue based on paper cards rather than computers.

There is a place for the analogue. But certainly the utility of being able to pinpoint yourself when lost, on an OS map, instantly, and then overlay an aerial photo so you can see precisely where you left the car and what's round the next corner, anywhere in the UK, in ten seconds, for free, is appealing in some circumstances, at least to me.

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
Alas there is also no 3g coverage in most of the area of Northumberland.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Crankcase
Without wishing to extend this too far, many apps download the maps (before you go) to the phone.

But hey, grandma, eggs, all that. Incidentally Mrs C and I had a very enjoyable time in Berwick - a rainy overnight stop and a wonderful walk out to the end of the harbour wall in a gale. Alnwick we thought was slightly over-hyped doodah though.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
thanks for the suggestion CC, but I will stick with the map and the Sat Nav,
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Armel Coussine
>> Alnwick we thought was slightly over-hyped doodah though.

A place I loved in my hitch-hiking to Scotland to see my parents days. The A1 used to go through it although there may be some sort of bypass now. Often arrived there about dawn. Used to walk through to the North side, down the hill, across the little bridge and up to a place where anyone could stop at the top of the hill there. Magnificent view of the castle as the sun rose... pure Hollywood actually (heavily restored and 'improved' in 19th century).

South of Alnwick is a column with a lion on top, the 'Percy Lion'. Given a lift by a local once who told me its story: it was built some time in the late 18th or early 19th century by subscription, by the Duke of Northumberland's grateful tenants, to show their appreciation of him as a landlord. On seeing it, the old (or young) brute decided the tenants had more spare cash than they deserved, and promptly raised all their rents, tee hee. No idea how true it is though.

Very good pies you can get in those parts. There used to be a good baker in the main drag of Alnwick.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Tue 8 Jun 10 at 15:39
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Crankcase
I realise I meant Alnwick Castle in my comment. Alnwick itself is indeed a joy to behold.

And lo, serendipity in action. I looked for the origin of tedious old "a joy to behold" out of curiosity and whilst not finding it, stumbled over this. Reminded me of the Other Thread about Eastern Europeans.

It's from

"In present days Romania, you will find many young girls who outshine the cutest Barbie doll any day. That is because they are careful about their appearance. They are taught early by their mothers to be well groomed at all times. Even in lower secondary schools, pretty young girls dream of becoming a singer, a model or an actress someday. After graduation, most of them opt for careers where their beauty is appreciated greatly. In short, pretty Romanian woman today is conscious of her beauty and does not hesitate to use it to her advantage in making a life of her own.

This spirited attitude, along with her beauty and grace, make Romanian woman a delightful company. She not only appeals to your aesthetic sense, but can lift your spirit as well."

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Bellboy
i was offered a job in berwick in 1981 on at least a 12 month posting
i duly travelled all the way up there from sunny durham qwhich is where i was working at the time
i got there at about 9.00pm that night to find the place shut off the main a1 and in the middle of nowhere
had a walk round for half an hour so i could say been there done that
then went back to civilisation and framwellgate moor to the salutation for a pint (it was shut :-( )
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
well its failry clear that Berwick is not worth a visit.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Iffy
Maps 'talk' to me too.

I can quite happily sit and look at one for quite a while.

And if it's being nice to Zero afternoon, the link he posted in the Cornwall thread for the map shop looks excellent.

It's not often you can get a bit knocked off Ordnance Survey maps.

I've ordered one for a little trip to the Peak District I have coming up in the next few weeks.

A map is a viable internet buy for me because it should go through the letterbox.
Last edited by: ifithelps on Tue 8 Jun 10 at 16:31
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Tooslow
Darn, Iffy, you beat me to it. You'll know that you get an occsasional "voucher" from them for a few extra % off too.

 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Brentus
Zero:- I ain't got a map to hand but i don't think your a million miles away from North Berwick. A delightful little place to stop for walk round, have a cuppa and all that. What struck me when i was there, the public toilets where the cleanest and most well presented i have seen anywhere. I think a few locals provide this service. You can see the Bass rock bird breeding reserve and think an observation place there as well. You can park on the sea front (it was free).
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Avant
North Berwick is up the coast in East Lothian (no more in Berwickshire than Berwick is) about 40 miles from B-on-T. Good to visit if you're taking the coast road towards Edinburgh.

I agree with someone above - St. Abb's Head is a lovely walk, just inside Scotland.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Manatee
North Berwick, where we spent part of our summer holiday last year, is about an hour's drive from Berwick on Tweed. I think the consideration will be that Zero is basing his holiday south of Berwick on Tweed anyway so North Berwick will be a further trek. Pleasant enough though.

We have a few days near Craster this summer, when I shall be visiting the Jolly Fisherman for the crab soup.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Zero
I doit have a current visa to enter the land of caledonia.
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - Iffy
My OS map arrived next day.

Good price and good service.

So it's a thumbs up to:
 what's to see in Berwick on Tweed. - ....
>> Tip - don't go paddling. Not unless you want your feet preserving cryogenically.
A little spanner water never did anyone any harm.
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