I may be showing my ignorance here, either in not knowing that product xxx does this, or in being naieve enough to think such a thing exists, but is there a way of recording what is happening on my computer screen in such a way that I could use the recording to present someone else as a 'how to' video, possibly with a recorded commentary ?
Yes. Look into software for capturing the screen for podcasting. But if the screen is going to play some video in a window you might find it hard to capture that because it might be handled as a separate layer by the graphic card.
Have you tried Google?
Use a Cam-corder focused on the screen (these usually capture audio) then copy the finished "film" to your computer!
I've used Camstudio with some success for simple stuff, like recording the use of a bit of software. Easy and intuitive to use and free.
No, I don't know the programmers.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Wed 15 Feb 12 at 13:03