Computer Related > Italics, bold, underline etc Miscellaneous
Thread Author: L'escargot Replies: 22

 Italics, bold, underline etc - L'escargot
During the time I've been away I've forgotten how to do italics etc. Please remind me.
 Italics, bold, underline etc - L'escargot
Is it like this? Has my memory returned or has it!
 Italics, bold, underline etc - VxFan
Correct. Pass Go - collect £200
 Italics, bold, underline etc - devonite
I've forgotten how to do italics etc. Please remind me.too!!! ;-)
 Italics, bold, underline etc - Zero
No! maybe if you ask nicely Then again maybe not!
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 18:00
 Italics, bold, underline etc - VxFan

Replace the symbol

[ for <
] for >

for it to work.
Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 17:59
 Italics, bold, underline etc - devonite
ah! Thankyou ;-)
Last edited by: devonite on Sun 22 Jan 12 at 21:39
 Italics, bold, underline etc - L'escargot
Being an oldie, I like

typewriter script.

In fact I may do all my replies like that in future.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 14:47
 Italics, bold, underline etc - VxFan
Hmmm! Another html code to be added to the swear filter if it starts being abused.
 Italics, bold, underline etc - L'escargot
>> Hmmm! Another html code to be added to the swear filter if it starts being
>> abused.

Zut alors et sacre bleu. I'm not that much of a hooligan!
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 20:19
 Italics, bold, underline etc - R.P.
Never had you down for one...!
 Italics, bold, underline etc - rtj70
I am surprised that the use of typewriter script hadn't been in the swear filter already.
 Italics, bold, underline etc - L'escargot
I like this one. And I like this one. But which is best? There's only one way to find out. Fight ............. .
 Italics, bold, underline etc - rtj70
>> I like this one. And I like this one....

Copyright Aldi? I think the advert for cereal in a dress is slightly funny.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 22:00
 Italics, bold, underline etc - Focusless
>> >> I like this one. And I like this one....
>> Copyright Aldi?

Back of the class! Harry Hill's TV Burp.
 Italics, bold, underline etc - rtj70
Well I really find Harry Hill unfunny so don't watch him. Maybe Aldi got it's idea from him. The post above reminded me of the Aldi adverts :-)

If only he'd continued being a doctor.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Mon 23 Jan 12 at 22:34
 Italics, bold, underline etc - R.P.
Nawt wrong in going where the money is, and other people must find him funny. My niece is just about to qualify as a doctor, with the crap she's had to put up with already, I wouldn't blame her if she went to do something else.
 Italics, bold, underline etc - rtj70
>> Nawt wrong in going where the money is,

Absolutely not. I like Ade Edmondson and happy he did the Young Ones etc (even Holby City?). I just find Harry Hill (Matthew Keith Hall) unfunny. Hence me wishing he was still someone's doctor :-)

But why has he stayed on the GMC list? (Matthew Keith Hall that is).
 Italics, bold, underline etc - VxFan
>> I'm not that much of a hooligan!

lol. Sorry, my comment was meant to be TIC.

Re: Harry Hill. I think he's great. Both on TV Burp, and narrating YBF.
I imagine he gave up being a Doctor because he kept splitting people's sides.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 24 Jan 12 at 00:26
 Italics, bold, underline etc - rtj70
>> I imagine he gave up being a Doctor because he kept splitting people's sides.

He trained in neurosurgery so I guess he quit that when he split some peoples' sides. Dangerous operations? He should be struck off for that. :-)

I can only assume some people find him funny. If I saw him I'd tell what I thought. He's rubbish.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Tue 24 Jan 12 at 01:00
 Italics, bold, underline etc - Clk Sec
>>Re: Harry Hill. I think he's great. Both on TV Burp, and narrating YBF.

I agree. I rarely miss TV Burp, and even YBF is watchable now that HH is at the helm.
 Italics, bold, underline etc - L'escargot
>> >> I'm not that much of a hooligan!
>> lol. Sorry, my comment was meant to be TIC.

So was my reply!
 Italics, bold, underline etc - henry k
>> Being an oldie, I like

typewriter script.

Is this Courier font? I like it because it is the only non proportional font commonly around,
Courier allows simple tabulations which are often useful.
Its drawback is that it is not a pretty font and not nice to read.
I used it a lot in the old days, when it was the norm on dumb terminals, when creating user guides demo pages etc.
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