Computer Related > Blog help Computing Issues
Thread Author: sooty123 Replies: 3

 Blog help - sooty123
I sometimes post on a blog, the format is blogger. But in the past week I can't seem to post anymore, when I type in my name and comment, the comment box goes blank and the comment isn't published. The blog seems to be accepting comments from others, and I've had no problems with my computer. Has anyone had this problem?
 Blog help - TeeCee
Quite possibly a jscript/browser problem. Which version of which browser are you using?

Current versions should all be OK, but earlier ones do tend to have issues when software gets updated. Sometimes the reverse applies and a new browser version may be misunderstood at the other end as it doesn't recognise the browser ID string.
Also look for reported errors in the page rendering. In IE-land, that'll be the little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark that appears in the bottom right-hand corner when something's failed and clicking on this should tell you what's up.

Could be worth trying with another browser to eliminate this.

Also, have you tried emailing the blog admin?
 Blog help - sooty123
I'm using firefox at the moment. I don't think it's been updated, but now you mention it the blog does look a little different as the posts look formatted with a very slight difference. Yes he said that he wasn't aware of any problems and it all seemed to be working ok.
 Blog help - devonite
Maybe you`ve been blocked? - been a bit "contraversial" by any chance?
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