Computer Related > Firefox tip required Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 17

 Firefox tip required - Iffy
Is there a quick way of opening the same page in a new tab or window in Firefox?

At present, I only know to open a new tab and copy and paste the address.

It's not the most critical computer problem, but a quicker way would save me a few clicks.

 Firefox tip required - scousehonda
Click on 'HELP' in the menu bar. Full instructions (even though I can't make head nor tail of them!).
 Firefox tip required - Iffy
From the help shortcuts, 'open page in new tab' sounds promising, but the command is 'option + return'.

I've no idea what the 'option' key is, or even if I have one on the Mac.

 Firefox tip required - R.P.
The option key is the one between the ctrl and cmd key with what looks like a toilet seat on it.
 Firefox tip required - NortonES2
Command + T. Or there may be a + sign alongside the existing tab.
 Firefox tip required - Iffy
...Command + T. Or there may be a + sign alongside the existing tab...

That opens a new blank tab, but not a tab with the existing open page in it, which is what I'm after.
 Firefox tip required - Iffy
...The option key is the one between the ctrl and cmd key with what looks like a toilet seat on it...

Thanks, tried that - and a few others - nothing happens.

 Firefox tip required - Focusless
In my Windows version the help page says Alt+enter with the cursor in the address bar, and that works.

EDIT: I wondered how to do that as well, thanks :)

EDIT2: Alt in windows = 'option' on Mac?
Last edited by: Focus on Thu 12 Jan 12 at 10:58
 Firefox tip required - Iffy
...with the cursor in the address bar...


'Alt/option + enter' works - with the cursor in the address bar.

Shame no one thought to add that small statement to the Firefox help instructions.

Thanks everyone.

 Firefox tip required - Focusless
>> Shame no one thought to add that small statement to the Firefox help instructions.

It does say 'Open Address in New Tab Alt + Enter - from Location Bar or Search Bar' although it could be clearer eg. 'with cursor in' instead of 'from'.
 Firefox tip required - John H
Two other methods which work in Windows and Iffy could perhaps try confirm if they work on a Mac:

1. highlight the URL (apparently Option+L does that on a Mac) and drag to the new tab (+) sign.


2. Anywhere on the open page, right-click and then in the option menu that appears and then, use the centre-scroll wheel to click "reload".

I find method 2 much quicker.
Last edited by: John H on Thu 12 Jan 12 at 11:21
 Firefox tip required - Iffy
...Iffy could perhaps try confirm if they work on a Mac:...

Method one works.

Method two doesn't, although there's no scroll wheel on the Magic Mouse, so it might on a Mac with an ordinary mouse.

 Firefox tip required - Iffy
Just tried method two with a scroll wheel mouse - it also works.

 Firefox tip required - John H
Apparently you can enable a "open in new tab" scroll wheel middle click type function on your Magic Mouse:

re. the method 2 above:
I have just realised that it amended to work as quicker method 3 below:

3. Place cursor over the "refresh" or "reload" symbol, and middle-click. Works in Chrome too.
 Firefox tip required - Iffy
...Apparently you can enable a "open in new tab" scroll wheel middle click type function on your Magic Mouse:...

Thanks for researching that, although I'm wary of trying it for fear of getting into a muddle, or somehow knacking another function.

Your improved method three will be handy when I'm using the netbook.

 Firefox tip required - John H
With cursor on the refresh button, try "cmd + click" on your Magic mouse.

It should open same URL in new tab.

 Firefox tip required - Iffy
...With cursor on the refresh button, try "cmd + click" on your Magic mouse...

That works, too.

And it's probably the easiest way so far.


 Firefox tip required - R.P.
Just found an easier way. Right click on the tab that you want to open as a new tab, drag it down the screen, when you let the mouse key go, it'll jump back to the top and open on its own tab.
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