Computer Related > First Apple, now Microsoft Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Iffy Replies: 7

 First Apple, now Microsoft - Iffy
If this 'blog post' is kosher, which it appears to be, Flash is on the way out of mobile devices, if not desktops and laptops:

Microsoft has revealed that the tablet version of its Windows 8 operating system which works with the Metro user interface will lack Adobe Flash compatibility.

Instead, it will concentrate on the latest version of web technology HTML5.

Dean Hachamovitch, the development head for Internet Explorer, said in a blog post: "Plug-ins were important early on in the web's history. But the web has come a long way since then with HTML5.

"Providing compatibility with legacy plug-in technologies would detract from, rather than improve, the consumer experience of browsing in the Metro style UI."

While Flash support has been dropped from the web browser which works with the Metro interface on Windows 8, the desktop version of the operating system will still be compatible with Flash.

 First Apple, now Microsoft - Zero
First Apple, now Microsoft is not quite true.

Adobe gave up on flash for mobile devices a month or two back.

HTML 5 was always going to be the eventual winner, as its non-propriety. Microsoft more or less gave up on silverlight for the same reasons.

So really its First Apple, then Adobe and bring up the rear - Microsoft.
 First Apple, now Microsoft - DP
I never doubted Apple's technical reasons for not wanting to support Flash.

What is completely unacceptable to my mind is their refusal to give their customers the choice.
Last edited by: DP on Tue 20 Dec 11 at 23:51
 First Apple, now Microsoft - Hard Cheese

>> So really its First Apple, then Adobe and bring up the rear - Microsoft.

Adobe only announced it was stopping Flash development on mobile devices last month whereas Microsoft have been working down that route for some while, working towards HTML5 as Windows 8 has been developed.

 First Apple, now Microsoft - Zero
>> >>
>> >> So really its First Apple, then Adobe and bring up the rear - Microsoft.
>> >>
>> Adobe only announced it was stopping Flash development on mobile devices last month whereas Microsoft
>> have been working down that route for some while, working towards HTML5 as Windows 8
>> has been developed

Windows 8 will still include flash support, just the mobile version wont.
 First Apple, now Microsoft - swiss tony
>> Windows 8 will still include flash support, just the mobile version wont.

Microsoft's biggest problem, is that they give the user choice - totally opposite Apples view.

Most problems with running MS OS'es are caused at least in part, by 3rd (and 4th and 5th......etc) party software causing compatibility issues, something testing will never cure, as no two windows machines (out in the wild, not corporate clones) will ever be running identical set-ups.

IF MS ran the same as Apple, ie, this is the way we have set it up, just use it, and stop moaning, then, yes, Windows WOULD be more stable, but not as popular as it is.....
 First Apple, now Microsoft - DP
I actually find Windows stability these days to be fine.
Very very occasionally I see an application error, but then force closures on Mac OS aren't as rare as many Mac fans claim either.
I can't remember the last full OS crash I experienced on any OS, Microsoft included.
 First Apple, now Microsoft - Hard Cheese

>>I actually find Windows stability these days to be fine.>>

Likewise XP SP3 is very stable as is 7.

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