Computer Related > TV satellite error message Computing Issues
Thread Author: Dave Replies: 9

 TV satellite error message - Dave
I don’t live in england, and receive my TV via satellite (Viasat/Allente).

The box is connected with HDMI cable via an amplifier, but I have the same problem even if connected direct to HDMI input on the telly.

The message I get is: HDCP2.2 This content is not compatible with your TV. Please connect HDMI OUT to the HDMI input jack that supports HDCP2.2 of the TV.

I get this every 3 or 4 days, ring up Allente, and they automatically send a reset type program to the box, and 20 minutes later its fixed for another few days. I have spoken to them but they seem none the wiser, and just send the reset program.

Any ideas what is going on here?
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 21 Dec 24 at 21:45
 TV satellit error message - zippy
HDCP2.2 is a the name of a process (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) designed to prevent copying of high quality (digital) video images.

As you are using HDMI you may not actually need an amplifier as the signal is digital, unless your TV is an awful long way away from the receiver box.

My guess is that either the TV is very old and doesn't send the correct "handshake" back to the receiver periodically, or the amplifier is stripping the signal.

I had a similar message on my very old Sony TV but resolved it by re-seating the HDMI cable.
Last edited by: zippy on Sat 21 Dec 24 at 18:45
 TV satellit error message - Dave
The amplifier is for surround sound home theatre stuff, and the HDMI output has a label saying HDCP2.2 on it. However, the TV is at least 10 years old (doesn’t have a date label), as I got it 2nd hand at least 7 years ago, but it doesn’t have any mention of HDCP, so I’m guessing it’s too old. You talk about the handshake, and the error shows as soon as I turn on the satellite box, before the Allente and Android logos show up, so that makes sense.

I guess I need to buy a new TV!
 TV satellit error message - zippy
Can you leave the satellite box on (perhaps in standby) - might save buying a new TV?
 TV satellit error message - Dave
I’ve tried that but still the same unfortunately.

I did see somewhere online that changing the resolution on the box to 1080 may stop the box from checking the TV. Duly done, so will see in a day or two.

As it must be a not unusual occurrence with an older TV, I’m a bit surprised that their customer service people didn’t appear to know anything about it.
 TV satellit error message - zippy
Might be worth investing in a higher quality 4k HDMI cable. Some of the cheaper / older ones can't support a 4k signal.
Last edited by: zippy on Mon 23 Dec 24 at 01:35
 TV satellit error message - tyrednemotional

>> I did see somewhere online that changing the resolution on the box to 1080 may
>> stop the box from checking the TV. Duly done, so will see in a day
>> or two.

That may well work, but it will depend on the implementation at each end.

HDCP2.2 was implemented to deal with UHD (4K) HDMI transmission, ensuring copy/content protection end-to-end for such content. Even though they cope with 4K signals, the earliest 4K TVs (say 2013) didn't have HDCP2.2 capability, and thus won't work with a source that tries to 'handshake' with that protocol active.

If you're watching a UHD source/channel (or the receiver or amp is upscaling a standard HD source) then it is likely HDCP2.2 will be invoked. For a standard HD source, this should/will not be the case, and either an earlier version (or no protection at all) will be used - this should/will be compatible with a previous generation of TVs. 1080p effectively sets the source to HD (rather than UHD) and, all things being technically "in-line", should avoid the issue. (I'm assuming it will "downscale" any higher resolution content).

It's implicit that you have a 4K (UHD) capable receiver, but I'm doubtful that there will be a large number of UHD transmissions available to you (It's conjecture on my behalf, but I'd expect most channels to be limited to HD for most of their programming). I wonder whether the odd channel is throwing a UHD transmission/programme into the mix from time-to-time, and this is causing your (intermittent) issue?

 TV satellit error message - zippy
>>but I'm doubtful that there will be a large number of UHD

Very true.

I pay for HD on Sky (1080P) which is shameful on Sky and I pay extra again for UHD or whatever it's called - for a 4k broadcast where available (annoying because since the death of my 75 inch TV I'm relegated to 1080P).

There aren't many 4k services though the BBC has a few programmes on iPlayer.
 TV satellit error message - Dave
>> >> I did see somewhere online that changing the resolution on the box to 1080
>> may
>> >> stop the box from checking the TV. Duly done, so will see in a
>> day
>> >> or two.
>> >>
>> That may well work, but it will depend on the implementation at each end.
It didn’t unfortunately. The message came back today, so did my usual and called the help line, said ’technical problem’ to the machine, and waited the 20 minutes for the reset program to be sent.

I’ll buy a new TV after chrimbo, as a modest 40” are as cheap as chips.
 TV satellite error message - Dave
An update! I bought a new cheapy 50” TV, which seems to have solved the problem. Surprisingly, the own brand TV came with a 10 year guarantee.
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