Computer Related > Printer Wierdness Computing Issues
Thread Author: Bromptonaut Replies: 8

 Printer Wierdness - Bromptonaut
I've recently replaced my ancient Canon inkjet printer scanner with a Brother Laser printer/scanner, model number DCP-L2620DW.

It's my printer but I also use it for work as it's less bother than having a second one. Other than occasional benefit forms and letters to clients who are not IT savvy I don't do much work printing but I've had the IT bods add it to my work Lenovo and set it as default.

Today it's steadfastly refused to print stuff from the work PC. However it's fine with personal stuff like an email with access arrangements for next weeks cottage on Harris. When I went into th Google drive where my work files reside from my own PC everything printed fine.

Work PC says the Brother is 'offline'. Home PC says it's fine.

Maybe associated with sleep mode or fact that it has more than one PC attached. Mrs B had a fight to print off stuff to return a pair of shoes that don't suit.

Any ideas?
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 30 May 24 at 12:30
 Printer Wierdness - zippy
Don't know a lot about printers - but you have changed your router recently. Is everything connected to the new router?
 Printer Wierdness - Bromptonaut
>> Don't know a lot about printers - but you have changed your router recently. Is
>> everything connected to the new router?

The internet works on all PC/laptops and the old router is switched off so I don't think so.

I've reset the printer since we had the new router. Could though be an issue with the work PC.
 Printer Wierdness - Falkirk Bairn
Delete the printer from your PC
Re-install the printer.

Sounds a bit daft but it has worked for me in the past.
 Printer Wierdness - Bromptonaut
>> Delete the printer from your PC
>> Re-install the printer.

Thanks FB, I'd thought about that. As it's a work PC I'll need to get the techies to do it.

Not for a weel though as I've just arrived on Harris for 7 nights....
 Printer Wierdness - smokie
I expect work configured it to its IP address which will have changed with the new router. As above, reinstall will fix it (or a simple change of IP address but probably will need an admin account to do it)
 Printer Wierdness - Bromptonaut
Work's IT guys re-installed it today and it's now fine.
 Printer Wierdness - Bromptonaut
>> Work's IT guys re-installed it today and it's now fine.

Or perhaps not.

Yesterday it resolutely refused to print the email with my appointments for today's advice session in Kettering.

Back home at my desk this afternoon and suddenly, with no obvious relation to what I was doing at the time, the printer sprung into life and out popped my list for this morning.
 Printer Wierdness - Robin O'Reliant
Yesterday I had a hell of a job linking my HP 2724 to my PC after installing a new router. All the various methods suggested by HP all proved equally useless, till I did what I should have done straight away and had a look on Youtube. A two minute video by an amateur techie had me up and running straight away.
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