Computer Related > Free Family sharing calendar Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 12

 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
As a family we used Cozi sharing calendar. Handy to put wife and son’s shifts on as well as all the usual diary events so that everyone could see. Including all the different bin days!
Each day you got an email with that days events and each Monday you got AC email for the week.
But Cozi are now charging so looking for another free one to use.

Anyone use one? Three of us have iPhones and one android.

Can Google calendars be used in such a way?

Cozi also had a shopping list feature which was good for anyone to add to at any point but I dare say we could live without that!
 Free Family sharing calendar - smokie
There are probably multiple ways of using it but we use Google calendar. We each have our private calendar and invite others as required to events which we "own", which go into their calendar.

You can also set up your own published calendar which you can share with whoever you like, and with whatever level of access you like. When added to your calendar app these events are just consolidated into your day. So you could have a family calendar here.

I do this (geekily) with a test calendar to which I publish tomorrows energy rates when they come out which the others can see but not update (for no good purpose really except the someone on the Octopus forum suggested it as an idea and I just wondered if I was capable of making it work!!).

Whether there are any tools to send out weekly calendars I've no idea. I suppose I'd be surprised if there isn't but I have my calendar on my front screen and I think it is more accessible than finding an email.
 Free Family sharing calendar - Crankcase
Concur with Google calendar. I have the council bin calendar they publish connected to mine.

As to shopping lists, if you have an Alexa, then “Alexa, add gobstoppers to my shopping list” works any time. Then when you actually go, “Alexa, what’s on my shopping list” can send you an email with the accumulated items. Open email at shop.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Fri 24 May 24 at 07:01
 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
I hate Alexa so won’t be doing that……

Had a look at Google calendar. Set a sharing calendar called Family up (on desktop) - put in a dummy appt and sent link to my daughter but when she clicked link to view calendar the appt wasn’t showing.
Think I would need to have her sitting beside me whilst we play about with settings. Up till now none of us use Google calendar as such, we all used Cozi.
But on the calendar app on my phone, you can import all your calendars so I had the birthdays from the Google contacts, the Cozi diary and Celtic FC fixtures diary…..
So as you say another diary in there won’t be an issue though I would need to set the whole thing up from scratch on my wife’s phone.
Assume the other members need to have a Google account and can’t access through other email accounts?
 Free Family sharing calendar - smokie
If it didn't work you probably did it wrong, mi8llions across the globe are using it all the time. Your daughter would need to subscribe to the calendar, not just add the event. Try this one (the F1 one)

It just overlays the calendars over each other - but of course you can turn it off when you no longer want it, or for a cleaner view.

You can probably share but maybe not everyone wants to share everything.

You can certainly import loads of other calendars if you want. I've booked flights and hotels and you can import the booking into calendar easily (if their app does it).

One better on Google with Home Assistant - say Hey Google, add a family size pack of condoms to my shopping list (which is held on the Home Assistant). And when you are in close (user defined) proximity to your supermarket it pops the shopping list up on your screen. Or any other reminders and places you want to invent. Of course you could, I suppose, have an inventory of stuff you use and as you use something, scan the barcode which will add it to the list, but that'd be plain silly :-) (though it's given me an idea of where a few hours might go over the next few months LOL)
 Free Family sharing calendar - Crankcase
I had location based reminders happily running last time I had an iPhone. It was just part of IOS, nothing else needed. Get near Tesco and it popped up what I needed to buy.

When I swapped to Android I was taken aback such a thing wasn't there.

I imagine it's still in iPhones?
 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
OK nearly there!

My son who is the android user is fully set up and can see/edit etc.
My iPhone is likewise.
Copied all the same steps on missus’ iPhone and even though the sharing calendar is showing on desktop version of her calendar, it is not coming through to the iPhone calendar.
Stumped for the night as to why. Will try again in the morning in the hope that something happens during the night to make it appear!
 Free Family sharing calendar - smokie
Do you mean she can't see the additional calendar to add in the first place, or can't see an event in it?

My experience is that there is not usually much delay in events being propagated across calendars, I suppose it could be somewhat dependent on the connection of each participant.
 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
When you look at her Google calendar on a desktop screen it shows both her own diary and the family calendar, on the left hand side where the various calendars are like national holidays etc.
But on her iPhone, it is not showing when she goes into calendars although national holidays, her own Google calendar etc are and obviously the actual diary entries aren’t there either.
Somewhere, it will be a box that needs ticked or unticked. I will find it!
 Free Family sharing calendar - smokie
You may need to add it not via the iPhone (e.g. through your PC) to manage calendars. I think that'd how Android works too.
Last edited by: smokie on Sat 25 May 24 at 10:20
 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
I didn’t have to do that with my iPhone but will take a look. Cheers
 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
Now tried that and still not working.

When I go on my wife's google calendar on the laptop there are two subsections - My Calendars and Other Calendars. It is showing under Other Calendars. But on her phone it is not showing at all.

As I own the calendar from my google account, I have tried deleting her access and re inviting her and no matter whether she clicks on the email invite on the laptop, or on her phone, it makes no difference - I still end up with the above scenario.

On my own calendar, the shared calendar appears under "My Calendars" but I assume that is because it is showing under shared calendars but when I look on her phone calendar it is not showing there.

I have tried every option, ticking and unticking every option and it has made no difference.

Yet it works fine on mine and fine on my son's android!

Any other suggestions ?
 Free Family sharing calendar - Bobby
Found the solution
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