For a week or two, the C4P screen often greys out about half way down the page. Sometimes top section, sometimes bottom section, sometimes a chunk in the middle.
The bit that is displaying is completely normal, then there will be a line across and nothing can be seen below (or sometimes above) that line.
Sometimes I can see a bit more if I scroll up or down. This is on a desktop PC.
Any ideas, please?
Does this issue manifest itself on other web sites? What browser are you using? does the internet seem slow? any other problems start at the same time?
Doesn't happen on other sites.
Google Chrome (I will try it with Firefox.)
Internet seems normal.
No other problems.
Windows 10 PC.
I don't do anything to return to normal.
I regularly, perhaps once a week, run CCleaner.
The days of CCleaner being of significant value are passed. I'd ditch it if I were you.
Or at least, don't run it for a month and see if Armageddon strikes.
It is quite possible that CCleaner is doing this to you if it is deleting the wrong cookies. I know Car4Play used to get confused for me under similar circumstances and only logging in and out would fix it.
If a cookie is harmful you should worry more about stopping it getting on to your system in the first place rather than removing it some time down the line.
Does it happen with any other website? Or at any other time?
Have you recently updated or changed your browser?
Is this a Windows PC?
What do you do to return to normal?
>> What do you do to return to normal?
It fixes itself - don't know how.
BTW, only seems to be when I have a batch of un-read posts.
Well I think reading unread posts writes/rewrites the cookie so maybe it's something to do with CC doing too much tidying. Must admit I don't use it due to some problem I had with it many many years ago!!
Last edited by: smokie on Mon 5 Oct 20 at 17:40
^^^^^^. This ^^^^^^^ probably
But if don't periodically clear the cookies - or whatever it is that CC does - I get error messages!
What should I use instead?
Last edited by: Duncan on Tue 6 Oct 20 at 09:53
>> - I get error messages!
From CC?
And they are?
>> >> - I get error messages!
>> From CC?
>> And they are?
No, not from CC, from the website. One in particular is
that regularly tells me that it can't load and I need to clear my cookies. (Does it also say something about too many re-directs - whatever they are?)
Last edited by: Duncan on Tue 6 Oct 20 at 10:47
AH! ok!. Its an internet error. The C4P has adds imbedded, they in turn are provided by an outside source called an add server. The add server is failing to serve adds, making your web browser think it hasn't loaded fully.
try whitelisting c4p in ccleaner settings so that it leaves it alone whilst doing it's things, see if that makes a difference.
>> try whitelisting c4p in ccleaner settings so that it leaves it alone whilst doing it's
>> things, see if that makes a difference.
How do I do that?
>> How do I do that?
Option 2: To keep certain cookies on your PC
1.In CCleaner, click the Options icon on the left.
2.Click the Cookies button. The list may take a few seconds to load. You’ll now see a list of cookies from all the browsers you have installed on your system.The left column displays all cookies available to clean and the right column displays a list of Cookies to Keep.
3.To keep cookies, move them to the Cookies to Keep column by selecting cookies and clicking the right-arrow button.You can select multiple cookies by using CTRL+click, or select a set of cookies in a row by clicking the first one and then SHIFT-clicking the last one.
I have done that Vx. Thank you. We will see what happens.