Computer Related > Domain hosting and mail forwarding Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 3

 Domain hosting and mail forwarding - smokie
I have "my own" domain, which means I can use giving me limitless email addresses (which forward mail to my real ISP) and also if I ever change my ISP I simply change where it forwards to rather than notifying all my contacts.

For this I currently use 1and1, who are cheap enough (and I know you get what you pay for...). I don't have a webpage and have no intention of changing that.

However their mail forwarding comes with some issues. First there is an occasional one where their servers get blacklisted for issuing too much spam, and secondly, and more commonly, there can be quite a delay to email coming through (and you can identify that they are the delay in the header).

Can anyone recommend a better mail forwarder (I think they'd need to host my domain names) from personal experience?
 Domain hosting and mail forwarding - sherlock47
I have used for over 10 years. Certainly not the cheapest but I can only recall one technical issue in that time - and that was resolved very quickly with excellent and responsive technical support.

The only problem is that they have changed the customer interface about 3 times - and the need to access is so rare that I feel that I am starting on the learning curve all over again!
 Domain hosting and mail forwarding - car4play
I might be able to help.
 Domain hosting and mail forwarding - Dulwich Estate II
If you don't plan to have a web page I don't know why you bother with a domain name and the consequent forwarding hassles. It's simple enough to have a non ISP specific email address - outlook,, googlemail etc.

For sentimental reasons and vanity (mm..... ??? a bit like cherished car numbers I suppose) I kept on the domain name of my business for about 5 years following when I wound up the business. It cost a bit, was a little bit of hassle and in the end I just abandonded it. It was a 3 letter name which when it went to auction raised the princely sum of £47. In retrosepect I should have abandonded it years back.
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