Computer Related > To switch off or not. Computing Issues
Thread Author: maltrap Replies: 24

 To switch off or not. - maltrap
I switch my computer off, and back on again daily. The only reason i do this is i believe that security etc gets updated. Am i wasting my time, or is it the right thing to do ?
Thanks in anticipation.
 To switch off or not. - Zero
>> I switch my computer off, and back on again daily. The only reason i do
>> this is i believe that security etc gets updated. Am i wasting my time, or
>> is it the right thing to do ?
>> Thanks in anticipation.

its the right thing to do* you are not waiting your time, but you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

Turning it off does not ensure that security etc gets updated. It does however save power and also means that any unused processes, threads and junk left in memory get cleaned up.

*unless you have a good operational reason not to
 To switch off or not. - No FM2R
Switching on and off is not necessary for anything other than power saving. There is even an argument that says the disturbance is not good for the components, although how true that is I don't know.

Restarts will close everything, clean everything and apply everything and, IMO, on a home machine weekly is enough for that. Although if you're restarting you can just close down and restart the next morning.

Depends how inconvenient you find it and how much you worry about the power saving I guess.

 To switch off or not. - VxFan
>> There is even an argument that says the disturbance is not good for the components, although how true that is I don't know.

Component creep, I believe is the technical term. Basically anything that's plugged into a socket on a PCB (eg, RAM, IC chips, etc) can move over time by the continual heating/cooling cycle of switching on/off equipment.

I hardly ever power down my desktop, other than either putting into sleep or hibernate mode. The latter last thing at night, and the former during the evening. I also switch off the power switch on the PSU last thing at night too. Doesn't affect the PC being in hibernate mode at all and hopefully will save wear and tear on the capacitors which was the main failing of my old desktop PC. But then again powering it down and back up again could endure component creep over time.
 To switch off or not. - Zero
>> Component creep, I believe is the technical term. Basically anything that's plugged into a socket
>> on a PCB (eg, RAM, IC chips, etc) can move over time by the continual
>> heating/cooling cycle of switching on/off equipment.

Used to be an issue, as did powering down hard drives. Stuff was best left on for reliability.

Not an issue nowadays, little is "plugged" into the motherboard, and the PC components cycle through heat stages in use anyway (by as much as 50c).

Hibernating a PC s a bit of a waste of time these days as well, if you want instant access to the global world you grab your handy to your elbow pad or phone. Much better to power down and reload a PC with its very untidy OS.

The router stays on all the time, turning it off would be like turing off the phone, why would you?
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 31 May 15 at 08:54
 To switch off or not. - smokie
My router and printer both stay on all the time, both because I am not the only user and I don't know when someone else might want to use them. Printer is pretty modern and hibernates between use so doesn't consume much in stand-by. I did used to have the printer on a mechanical timer so it wasn't on overnight - but that wouldn't work with this one as the on button still needs pressing once power is turned on.
 To switch off or not. - VxFan
>> The router stays on all the time, turning it off would be like turing off
>> the phone, why would you?

Because it's the quickest way to call a family meeting.

If you turn off the router, everyone gathers in the room where it's located.

 To switch off or not. - Slidingpillar
Having had a cloud of smoke come out of the desktop, no way am I not depowering overnight or when I'm away for longer than an hour.

One of two DVD drives committed suttee, was not even using it at the time.
 To switch off or not. - Stuartli
I leave my desktop in Hibernate state if I'm away for a while or overnight (not Standby!!!) and, once a week or so, do a full Shut Down and Restart.

The modem router is left on permanently as advised by the manufacturer. In any case, if it is shut down the DRM at the exchange is more likely than not to be affected and has to start all over again...:-(

As for Windows Updates, I set the configuration to Notify Me of Updates but Let Me Choose Which to Install.
Last edited by: Stuartli on Sat 30 May 15 at 16:35
 To switch off or not. - smokie
For once I'm probably guilty of bad practice then - I shut it down every night. Touch wood I've seen no ill effects.

We used to call it the Light Bulb effect - when serious computers (1000+ users) used to piop something when you turn them on - as that's invariably how a light bulb goes.
 To switch off or not. - sooty123

>> The modem router is left on permanently as advised by the manufacturer. In any case,
>> if it is shut down the DRM at the exchange is more likely than not
>> to be affected and has to start all over again...:-(

I leave the router on as well. I used to turn it off, but the router ended up being binned. It was constantly failing. We leave the new one on all the time and the odd time it needs turning on and off but it's much better than before.
 To switch off or not. - Roger.
I always switch off when either in bed or out of the house.
My laptop is password protected, which of course requires a password at start up. All my banking details are on the machine, so it's a little extra protection.
My wife's laptop, on which there is no sensitive information is not so protected and often remains hibernating when we are out.
I do disconnect the mains power chargers at night and in our absence from the house, as I am not happy with leaving these sources unattended.
 To switch off or not. - rtj70
>> All my banking details are on the machine, so it's a little extra protection.

Roger, is the disk of this laptop encrypted? If not, having bank details on there isn't really protected with a password on the laptop. Take the disk and put in in a different machine and it could be accessed.

Or if the BIOS isn't protected or not set the prevent booting from other media (e.g. USB), then someone could boot from other media and access your files.

I assume you have this encrypted because you see quite paranoid about computer security.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Sun 31 May 15 at 18:56
 To switch off or not. - Dog
I turn everything orf at night, even the missus! router and PC. TV - at the wall. I even turn off the power to my broiler, which lives outside ... yeah, I know the frost protection wont work if there's no power supply but, this is Cornwall.

 To switch off or not. - Mike H
My strategy exactly, except for desktop read laptop. After a few days I find it slows down if I don't restart it anyway. But it's such a chore closing everything down and waiting for it to restart :-s

PS. This post only makes if you read this in threaded view!
Last edited by: Mike H on Sun 31 May 15 at 19:10
 To switch off or not. - VxFan
>> PS. This post only makes if you read this in threaded view!

Or hover your mouse (or pointer) over the up arrow at the start of the subject header of the authors post.
 To switch off or not. - Mike H
He he, well, you learn something every day. Thanks Vxfan.
 To switch off or not. - Mapmaker
I turn my work PC off every night and on every morning. If I don't, then it runs to a standstill.
 To switch off or not. - Fursty Ferret
I don't think I've ever "shut down" my laptop or the antique Dell desktop that lives in the lounge for video duties. It sleeps after 20 minutes, and gets restarted very occasionally (either by Windows Update or someone unplugging it by mistake).

As for switching off the router - WHY? Not least of which is the fact that every time you cut power to it Openreach (or Virgin's) systems assume that it's a line fault and slow it down the next time you connect.

(Just looked, my BT Infinity router reckons that it's been continuously powered for 547 days).
Last edited by: Fursty Ferret on Mon 1 Jun 15 at 17:46
 To switch off or not. - Dog
>>As for switching off the router - WHY?

The main reason I switch off my router every night is because I sleep directly above it, and I don't want any electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR) messing with my dreams of scantily-clad young women.
 To switch off or not. - Dog
 To switch off or not. - No FM2R
 To switch off or not. - Dog
 To switch off or not. - spamcan61

"Although there is yet to be conclusive evidence that radiation emitted by mobile phones and other wireless devices is damaging to male fertility, some studies have shown at least a potential link."

Guy I've worked with on high power RF design for >20 years has 9 kids ;-)
 To switch off or not. - No FM2R
Nobody has ever managed to prove that electricity pylons or cellular telephone masts have an effect, or indeed do not.

until then.............
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