Computer Related > Ipad Air or Android tablet ? Computing Issues
Thread Author: Pezzer Replies: 3

 Ipad Air or Android tablet ? - Pezzer
Hmm, laddo no 1 has just bought himself an ipad Air and I have to say it is quite impressive bit of kit, so much so that I am tempted to do likewise. Especially as he is now away at college and latterly will be at sea and the Facetime app seems much better than Skype when connecting to No 2 son's iphone.

However I have always had (and liked) an Android smartphone and I just wonder whether I might be better sticking with some kind of Android device. It will rule out Facetime and in truth none of the Android tablets I have looked at really seem that exciting.

I am interested in what the panel think - my head is telling me it is too much for what is essentially a toy but heart is saying go for it.
 Ipad Air or Android tablet ? - Gromit
If FaceTime is what you're after, an iPod will do the same job cheaper if you don't already have, or want, an iPhone.

Having attempted to use it routinely to call SWMBO when she used to be away for work 2-3 nights each week, we rarely found it worked without multiple attempts to connect and then dropping the connection readily.
 Ipad Air or Android tablet ? - Zero
Android tabs are just as unexciting as iPads, but cheaper. You wont go far wrong with a nexus 7, and Skype is more flexible not so sniffy about networks, connections and hardware as FaceTime,
 Ipad Air or Android tablet ? - rtj70
There will also be a new Nexus 8 soon. Or is a Nexus 9. Rumours on both :-)
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