Computer Related > CrapCleaner Computing Issues
Thread Author: Ambo Replies: 3

 CrapCleaner - Ambo
There was an answer to this question here not long ago but I cannot now find it so would be grateful for a repeat, please. If I run a full scan with MSE I get the green "protected" icon but if I later run CrapCleaner I get the orange warning icon. How can I stop this from happening?
 CrapCleaner - Victorbox
Untick the option to clean Microsoft Security Essentials in Ccleaner. You're not getting the MSE warning because of a one-off scan it's because you've selected to run a MSE scan on a schedule (probably weekly) and CCleaner is deleting the record from MSE that it's completed a scan within the timeframe you've set.
 CrapCleaner - VxFan
>> There was an answer to this question here not long ago but I cannot now
>> find it
 CrapCleaner - Ambo
Got it. Thank you.
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