When I log on to my bank using Opera I get the following warning:
Information from this secure page will be submitted to a page that is not secure on c.brightcove.com.
Submitting sensitive information is strongly discouraged.
Googling doesn't really help me much so maybe the better informed on here can advise.
Other info - Using IE I get no message. I have always used Opera for my internet banking needs in the (naiive ?) attempt to cut down interception risks.
I'd be very curious why when accessing online banking the browser is trying to communicate with the Brightcove website. That has nothing to do with banking.
Brightcove are a company that produce and/or serve video features to other web page providers. In this case your banks page is produced by them under contract, or they are serving some other fancy features (flash based adds) to the web page.
99% the information is some error information, footfall information or some other service based information.
You are getting it because its a: a problem displaying it on Opera, or b: IE thinks its insignificant enough not to be worried about it.
Nor should you be.
And opera is no safer than any other web browser, treat them all with the same level of mistrust and you wont go far wrong.