My wee Samsung netbook has been getting very warm lately, to the extent that sometimes need to take it off the "lap" as it is so hot.
Earlier today I couldn't get it to switch on. Have left it for a few hours and it now switches on. Maybe a total coincidence that it was cold when it switched on this time?
Is there an easy way to check if the fan is working, assuming it does have a fan?
Its not like laptops that I have ever been able to hear a noticeable fan whirring, if I put it up to my ear I can feel heat and what might be a very slight whirring noise.
Is there an easy way to check?
how old is the wee samsung netbook? Where you feel the heat coming out, try blowing sharply and hard through it it may be getting dusted up.
Not sure how old - possibly 4 years or thereabouts. Have tried the blowing, will see if that makes any difference.
Fans in laptops can fail. If you can get hold of a replacement then it possible to replace but you tend to have to dismantle quite a bit of the laptop. I know this is a netbook but same principle.
We bought a lap desk for may wife's Asus laptop with deep channels in it to aid cooling.
OK, some may argue unless they line up exactly then what's the point but it does make a difference according to RealTemp.
>> We bought a lap desk for may wife's Asus laptop with deep channels in it to aid cooling.
You can buy laptop trays with built in fans to aid cooling that run from the USB port. No idea if they're snake oil or not.
I take apart all my PC's and laptop once every 6months to blow out the dust and I'm very surprised how much dust collects inside these things.