Non-motoring > garage door paint
Thread Author: slowdown avenue Replies: 26

 garage door paint - slowdown avenue
a few years back, i painted the inside of my henderson door, with wickes white garage door paint. it's still ok, but i would like it to be a lot brighter.
would it be ok to use some old emullsion i have .
Last edited by: R.P. on Fri 16 Mar 12 at 20:38
 garage door paint - Lygonos
Depends what it says on the tin.
 garage door paint - AnotherJohnH
>> would it be ok to use some old emullsion i have .

I'd have thought not.

It's £10 for this stuff:

(Amazon link to International 10 year garage door paint)
 garage door paint - slowdown avenue
like the look of that. was just trying to save myself ten quid, and use up some old paint
 garage door paint - zookeeper
buy a brighter bulb..............should sort the luminisity out
 garage door paint - Clk Sec
>> was just trying to save myself ten quid, and use up some old paint<<

It's unlikely that you will save any money, as you will almost certainly need to apply a coat of metal primer before applying your emulsion.

 garage door paint - Clk Sec

Sorry, I'd missed the fact that the door had already been painted. However, it's unlikely you'll be able to successfully apply emulsion to the existing surface, even after sanding, without first applying an undercoat. So you might as well invest in another tin of garage door paint in your preferred colour.
Last edited by: Clk Sec on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 06:50
 garage door paint - Old Navy
>> buy a brighter bulb..............should sort the luminisity out

I have a £5, 150w PIR controlled security floodlight fitted at roof level inside my garage, no faffing around with light switches on short visits to the black hole. :-)
Last edited by: Rolling roadblock. on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 10:33
 garage door paint - Oldgit
Believe me, I was an industrial Chemist and Analyst in the paint industry for over 37 years.

Rub door down to enable some adhesion and then plonk on some Dulux (or other brand) Brilliant White Gloss. I have always done my cheap old Garador garage door that way and it outshines everyone elses - which isn't difficult bearing in mind the lack of attention most people give to their properties nowadays.
However, make sure that whatever paint you use in solvent-based and don't use anything that is water based especially Emulsion paints. They don't weather well and have poor longevity and they attract dirt and atmospheric pollution.
Don't use Satin finishes either as they go grey-ish over time and can chalk with weathering.
Last edited by: Oldgit on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 10:56
 garage door paint - Runfer D'Hills
I'm happy to grant that it may just be me, but painting the inside of my garage door would require such a level of nothing better or more pressing to do as to be among the least likely activities I would ever find myself contemplating. No offence to you Slowdown of course, we all have our priorities !

 garage door paint - Dog
>> painting the inside of my garage door would require such a level of nothing better or more pressing to do as to be among the least likely activities I would ever find myself contemplating<<


 garage door paint - Dutchie
Like painting the inside of a dustbin.(only kidding) >:)
 garage door paint - crocks
Shame on you Dutchie. There's no need to refer to Dog's car like that. :-)
 garage door paint - Bigtee
Zero, Is your garage door painted yellow and black to represent a train shed door? :-)
 garage door paint - Zero
No, but I put a "NOT TO BE MOVED" board with light on the car door,
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 11:53
 garage door paint - Oldgit
Oh, dear, I misread this thread and thought that the OP wanted to paint the outside surface.
Sorry for that and my advice is therefore largely spurious, here.
 garage door paint - AnotherJohnH
>> Oh, dear, I misread this thread and thought that the OP wanted to paint the
>> outside surface.
>> Sorry for that and my advice is therefore largely spurious, here.

It's funny you should write that......

specsavers for me too, I fear.
 garage door paint - Dutchie
I wouldn't dare Crocks Dog is from South London you know what I mean.>:)
 garage door paint - devonite
How about getting some of that luminous paint - as used on "Only Fools and Horses"? ;-)
 garage door paint - Dutchie

Thanks great clip.>:)
 garage door paint - Dog
>>Dog is from South London you know<<

sowf lunden 'actually' ;)
 garage door paint - Dog
>>There's no need to refer to Dog's car like that<<

It's an Elegance dustbin I'll have y'all know!
 garage door paint - Dutchie
What ye doing today Dog out good? Car needs washing grass needs cutting painting to do.

Might have a glass of red and relax.>:)
 garage door paint - Dog
>>What ye doing today Dog out good?<<

The missus is up in Essex visiting her 86 year old dad, so I'm having it easy this weekend :)

Um gonna watch Independence Day (again!) tonight - in fact I'm watching all my old favourite films again, but on Blu-ray + 42" Plasma wired up to an old Arcam Alpha 7, 45 watts p/ch. amp driving an old pair of Sony speakers.

Who needs the blimmin picture house!
 garage door paint - Dutchie
Enjoy Dog,I've got loads of films to watch.Cut the grass that's it for today.>)
 garage door paint - slowdown avenue
i knew i'd get some good info here. also wishing to paint the interior brickwork. would that be ok to just coat in emullsion?
 garage door paint - Clk Sec
>>also wishing to paint the interior brickwork. would that be ok to just coat in emullsion?<<

I used Dulux emulsion on the interior brickwork of my garage and it covered in just one coat. If you buy the cheap watery stuff, you'll probably need at least two.

And I used a brush rather than a roller.
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