Non-motoring > Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2.   [Read only]
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 103

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - R.P.

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Volume 2 of this interesting debate - bound to run as the taps run dry !

Volume 1 is here
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 20 Mar 12 at 20:59
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - R.P.

We had this trouble at the old place - the stop cock void where the meter was to go was flooded with ground water - the water bods that (contractors to the water company) whisked out a plastic cylinder to collar the area that the meter was going and "bailed" water out. May be worth cobbling something up along the same lines to check out your meter as suggested.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Pat
The best we can do at the moment is an egg cup and a torch!

 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Runfer D'Hills
My dog has chewed through my hosepipe so that's that then...
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Clk Sec
I would think that CG and Pat have a leak in their system, or a problem with their meter. Either that, or Anglian Water are more expensive than the rest?
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Bromptonaut
Anglian here too.

Metered supply as house is relatively new build. We're paying £75/pcm for family of four (three when Miss B is at Uni). Washer and dishwasher on at least daily, often twice. Three or four showers but only the lad lingers.... The cars get washed once in a blue moon but we do have a watering system in the garden running 15 mins a day May to September.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 15 Mar 12 at 19:18
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Zero
Are you really saying that you are paying 900 quid a year for water?

Thats an unbelievable sum
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Runfer D'Hills
I know a guy who is so tight he waits until he gets to work before going for his...ahem...morning constitutional so that he doesn't have to flush his own bog as much.

He's got it timed down to a fine art but he's really nervous about unforseen traffic jams apparently.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Iffy
...I know a guy who is so tight...

Or as a friend of mine said about a particularly mean publican:

"He's so tight he won't even give his plants a drink."

 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Zero
>> I know a guy who is so tight he waits until he gets to work
>> before going for his...ahem...morning constitutional so that he doesn't have to flush his own bog
>> as much.

Of course it also means he craps in the firms time, and no this own.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - bathtub tom
A neighbour of mine keeps several, empty, two-litre milk containers on his kitchen window-sill. When they want hot water at the kitchen sink they run off the cold that first comes out of the hot tap into these containers and then use that water to partly fill the washing machine.

They've got a water meter and two Mercs!
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - L'escargot
>> I know a guy who is so tight he waits until he gets to work
>> before going for his...ahem...morning constitutional so that he doesn't have to flush his own bog
>> as much.

We had a guy who was so tight that after he had drunk the coffee from the flask he brought to work with him, he filled it with hot water to take home!
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - MD
>> He's got it timed down to a fine art but he's really nervous about unforseen
>> traffic jams apparently.
Advise him to get a Gas conversion.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Bromptonaut
>> Are you really saying that you are paying 900 quid a year for water?
>> Thats an unbelievable sum

It's not inconsistent with Pat's figure given my household is effectively 4 adults.

However, if a hosepipe ban stops SWMBO from running the garden watering system it might make a difference!

My meter is also under water sometimes but pretty sure it's surface water from road.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Oldgit
My meter's dials are nearly always submerged under some water and so I use plenty of old rags to mop up the water and wring them out until the cavity is dry enough to read the dial and observe any unusual activity.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Focusless
We're paying £26pm direct debit to Thames Water for a family of 4 (3 adults + teenager) in a 3 bed detached, and we're on a meter. But we've only been here about a year and a half so I'm not sure whether they've got our usage worked out yet.

As I said earlier I would be a lot happier if I could login to my account and see how we were doing. (I've sent them an email asking why they don't offer any sort of web based account monitoring/management.)
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - John H
>> I'm not sure whether they've got our usage worked out yet. >>

Can't you access your meter?

 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Focusless
>> >> I'm not sure whether they've got our usage worked out yet. >>
>> Can't you access your meter?

Not easily - it's out in the pavement, and far enough down such that I find it quite difficult to read (and you need a torch).

So yes I can, but not sufficiently bothered about it yet to do it regularly. And initially I thought we'd be getting statements more often than once every 6 months.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - henry k
>> Can't you access your meter?

>>Not easily - it's out in the pavement, and far enough down such that I find it quite difficult to read (and you need a torch).

My daughters gas meter is " sideways on" in the corner of a cupboard.
I just take a digital photo of the reading.

Maybe do the same with your water meter ?
(attach it to yourself first !)
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Focusless
>> Maybe do the same with your water meter ?

Not a bad idea henry. Still more faffing around than I'd like though - not that I'm lazy you understand...
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Focusless
>> As I said earlier I would be a lot happier if I could login to
>> my account and see how we were doing. (I've sent them [Thames Water]
>> an email asking why they don't offer any sort of web based account
>> monitoring/management.)

"In order to resolve matters for you, we have forwarded your suggestion to our Accounts Management Team who is dealing with this for you."
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Focusless
>> >> As I said earlier I would be a lot happier if I could login to
>> >> my account and see how we were doing. (I've sent them [Thames Water]
>> >> an email asking why they don't offer any sort of web based account
>> >> monitoring/management.)
>> "In order to resolve matters for you, we have forwarded your suggestion to our Accounts
>> Management Team who is dealing with this for you."

"Your comments have been noted and forward onto our web design team to review the feasibility of providing such a service, which would understandably benefit our customers.

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention."

Bit of a radical suggestion I suppose; no wonder they hadn't thought of doing that themselves.

 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - John H
>> We're paying £75/pcm >>

Now we know why there is a water shortage! :)

How many litres (1 metre cubed = 1000 litres) a month are you using?

IIWY, I should

1. check there is no leak (turn off stop cock to house and watch if the meter goes round).

2. change your garden plants to those needing less water.

3. tell your family to cut down usage by at least 50%

In my household, the consumption is about 4 to 5 cubic metres per person per month.
Last edited by: John H on Thu 15 Mar 12 at 19:46
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - John H
You need to "dam" it with a "bund wall" made out of a large plastic container, and then use something like this to suck the water out:

Last edited by: John H on Thu 15 Mar 12 at 19:41
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - L'escargot
>> Pat,
>> May be worth cobbling something up along the
>> same lines to check out your meter as suggested.

What about an oil extractor such as this or this (which I've got)
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - John H

>> bound to tun >>

is that a type of iTunes?

>> Volume 1 is over here :-

 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Focusless
Just caught the beginning of Watchdog on BBC1 now - one of the features 'Thames Water - you won't believe the waste'.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - VxFan
>> Where?

Now sorted.
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Dog
>>And allegedly South-West Water is about to be given a £400 million hand out from H.M Gov, so that they can cut the bills for customers in Devon and Cornwall - Smile Dog! that`s you! ;-) <<

I'm smiling devonike, I've got a private water supply :}
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Roger.
Our Severn Trent bill for 2012 is £287.27 and I think that's plenty!
Interestingly, when we were in Spain - a dry country - our bills were around 230€, all metered and with comparable usage to our UK amount. They ran a de-desalination plant, in Marbella, too!
Water was cheap there.
No wonder I don't want a meter!
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Clk Sec
Link here to price increases effective 1st April. In the pipeline, so to speak.

Click on 'Full regional table from Ofwat'

Last edited by: Clk Sec on Fri 16 Mar 12 at 06:35
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - L'escargot
>> in Marbella, too!
>> Water was cheap there.

But what was expensive there?
 Hosepipe Ban Volume 2. - Roger.
>> >> in Marbella, too!
>> >> Water was cheap there.
>> But what was expensive there?
Designer clothes, of course!
We have eaten a menu del dia at a small establishment located on the Paseo Maritimo in Marbella for 7 euros a head. that was, IIRC, in late 2010 or early 2011.
If you do the tourist thing, a glass of freshly squeezed O.J. at a bar in Orange Square in Marbella Casco Antiguo (Old Town) can be costly.
Puerto Banus is where the really silly prices are: front line restaurants facing the marina ARE expensive and the trendy bars are super-silly expensive - just for posers really, but you can, if that's your bag, occasionally see,well known to the world- or relatively so, faces there.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
Water companies do more things with their money than most people realise. For example, our road has recently had a public sewerage system installed at an average cost to the water company of £24,000 per property. The government has decreed that, wherever possible, all properties should be given the opportunity of being connected to a public sewer. At the moment there are millions of properties that have a cesspit or septic tank system. In addition, there are an estimated 10 million properties which have either a private sewer or lateral drain and these are to be transferred to the responsibility of the local water company.

I'm well pleased with the service that I get from our water company.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
I can't believe the number of people who drink bottled water. In this country, tap water (which is infinitely cheaper than bottled water) contains less bacteria than some bottled water.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Fri 16 Mar 12 at 09:35
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Roger.
We use filtered water (a Brita jug) as we find that it eliminates much of the chemical taste present quite often in tap water. It certainly reduces furring in the kettle and scum which can appear on tea in the cup.

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Westpig
>> It certainly reduces furring in the
>> kettle and scum which can appear on tea in the cup.
If you've got a cure for scum, perhaps you wouldn't mind posting it in the 'Policing at football matches' thread....;-)
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - CGNorwich
Selling bottled water must be one of the best marketing ideas ever. Our tap water is fine.

There was a time though when we lived in another part of Norfolk that the water was heavily chlorinated. Running a bath smelt like a swimming pool. I did then buy bottled water to make coffee as chlorinated water makes coffee taste weird.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Oldgit
>> Selling bottled water must be one of the best marketing ideas ever. Our tap water
>> is fine.
>> There was a time though when we lived in another part of Norfolk that the
>> water was heavily chlorinated. Running a bath smelt like a swimming pool. I did then
>> buy bottled water to make coffee as chlorinated water makes coffee taste weird.

The stupidity of drinking bottled water constantly, beggars belief. Quite different if we lived in a third world country or even nearer to home where the water coming from the tap was suspect.
Of course we see so many people now, walking our high streets, that are appear to be suffering from dehydration, as they feel the need to be grasping a bottle of some liquid or some type.
I have lived nearly 75 years on this planet without feeling the need of doing this!
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - sooty123

>> There was a time though when we lived in another part of Norfolk that the
>> water was heavily chlorinated. Running a bath smelt like a swimming pool. I did then
>> buy bottled water to make coffee as chlorinated water makes coffee taste weird.

Wouldn't have been west norfolk would it? I know when I was there quite a few scots moved down there, they couldn't/wouldn't drink water straight from the tap. It tasted very different to them and hated the taste of it. Even years later they prefered bottled and never really got used to the taste.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - devonite
When I had a hospital stay in London, I found the water totally unpalatable! - I had to severely douse it with Blackberry and Apple cordial!
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Harleyman
Ditto in Stevenage, though thankfully not in hospital!

I agree with Oldgit's coment, specially round where I live; why anyone should want to buy bottled water from France when they live in Wales is beyond me. Mind you, when I was driving long-distance I always made sure my 25 litre jerry-can was well stocked with tapwater from home so that I didn't have to top up with the horrible gunk in the London area. Don't even feel clean after washing in that stuff, never mind drinking it.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - CGNorwich
Wouldn't have been west norfolk would it?

No - North Walsham. Think its Ok now as Anglian Water invested a lot of money in new filtration plant a few years back. Water in Norfolk tends to be very hard though as most of it come from aquifers in the chalk. Play havoc with heating elements in washing machines kettles etc.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
Just one final note of praise for our water company. After the public sewer was installed we were given compensation for the fact that the sewer runs under our back garden, even though there was no disturbance to our garden. (The sewer was installed using an underground "mole".) And now we get 12 months sewerage free of charge!
Last edited by: L'escargot on Fri 16 Mar 12 at 10:07
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Slidingpillar
Rather you than me - the free sewage that is...


 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
>> Rather you than me - the free sewage that is...
>> :o)

Sewerage not sewage! D'uh!
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - henry k
>> >> Rather you than me - the free sewage that is...
>> >>
>> >> :o)
>> Sewerage not sewage! D'uh!
Is that a rural equivalent of roadrage?i
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
we could have sew-age travellers.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
>> Is that a rural equivalent of roadrage?i

Yep. Snarl snarl. Growl growl. Scowl scowl. Snap snap. Hiss hiss.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Bigtee
£29.90 a month for 6 months is what i pay in a 2 bedroom house, Yorkshire water contractors couldn't find the pipe coming into the house so they put me on reduced rates.

The pipe i showed them the stop cock still couldn't find the lead pipe with there magical devices.

So no water meter and i use as much as i want. :-)
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - henry k
>> >> Is that a rural equivalent of roadrage?i
>> Yep. Snarl snarl. Growl growl. Scowl scowl. Snap snap. Hiss hiss.
Wots that I hear ?

an experiment to try and catch the sounds of a maggot, snail and ....
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Slidingpillar
>>Sewerage not sewage! D'uh!

I know, but you've got to admit the mind boggles at the thought!
Last edited by: Slidingpillar on Fri 16 Mar 12 at 15:55
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
I was going to wash my car today, but it's raining ..................
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Bromptonaut
Just offered the wife my car for run to music school so I can wash hers.

She declined 'cos it's raining (doesn't like driving mine).
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Kevin
Currently paying £405 based on RV, made up of £175 paid to Thames Water for Waste Water and £230 to South East for water supply.

South East Water are fitting meters to all their customers. We had ours installed three months ago and we are due to go over to metered charges in May.

I received a letter this morning saying that since the meter was fitted our average daily consumption has been 0.25m3 for 2 adults. We usually use the shower but Mrs K sometimes soaks in a bath in the evening. Washing machine is used daily, dishwasher every other day. Cars have been washed once (buckets, not hose) in the three month period and no use of garden hose. It does include about 3hrs use of a pressure washer to blast the patio.

Quick calculation shows that the metered charge equates to:

0.25 x 365 = 91.25m3 pa at £1.0076 per m3 plus £21 standing charge = £113 pa.

That leaves me with £117 as a buffer to pay for increased summer usage.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - MD
Septic tank here and no meter. YES!
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - MD
Septic tank here and no meter. YES! oops
Last edited by: Martin Devon on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 19:31
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
two tanks?

jeez you are full of sh t martin!

Thats a joke btw for the super sensentive professional offended-ers amoung you.
Last edited by: Zero on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 19:33
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - MD
>> jeez you are full of sh t martin!
>> Thats a joke btw

Well Mate. When the outfall blocked we were don't ya know. A quick dip with the submersible pump and 'chocs' away, if you get my drift.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Roger.
My parents had their own house built on some fairly inaccessible land as far as sewerage was concerned, so a large septic tank, beehive shaped, was constructed from bricks with, naturally, an inspection hatch at the apex.
Before its first use my father & I descended into the pristine depths and knocked out a few bricks.
It never needed emptying for most of the time the family lived there!
IIRC just before the place was sold, my sister & her spouse did manage to get a tanker up the track to slurp out the residues.
(It was up the side of a hill and on Kentish downland, so natural filtration was effective)
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
>> It never needed emptying for most of the time the family lived there!

Septic tanks and cess pits etc result in pollution of the land and the nearby water courses. This is one reason why the government has decreed that, wherever possible, owners should be given the opportunity of connecting to a public sewer.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Roger.
Can one not decline to have a meter fitted?
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - R.P.
Only if you're a leftie communist twonk. :-)
Last edited by: R.P. on Sat 17 Mar 12 at 20:50
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Roger.
So Rowan Williams didn't have a meter then? :-)
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - MD
I believe you can decline, but not on a new build.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Roger.
I used a water co. comparison site and a meter, just for the two of us, based on current usage would be much more expensive than the RV method.
So - thanks, but no thanks, to a meter.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
>> So Rowan Williams didn't have a meter then? :-)

He turned it into wine, had to pay duty
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Roger.
Didn't he play Dumbledore in Harry Potter?
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - R.P.
It's easy to "diss" people you don't agree with far more difficult to actually respect them.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Fursty Ferret
>> It's easy to "diss" people you don't agree with far more difficult to actually respect
>> them.

Unfortunately, he hasn't done anything to earn my respect. He's the (admittedly intelligent) leader of a fairly backwards organisation that, by and large, revolves around tea.

I find it astonishing that in this day and age these bigoted, racist, sexist and homophobic men have serious discussions about the possibility of allowing (what an arrogant word in this situation!) women to take up senior positions in the organisation.

If I ran any other institution and said that I had no intention of allowing a woman to take even moderately senior roles, I'd either be in court or out of business by the end of the year.

Those of us who don't have our rose-tinted spectacles on can see the Church for what it is - a collection of elderly, power-hungry, celibate men in frocks who are scared of losing their dominance over the people, lecturing us about things they know nothing about.

I would have far more respect for Dr Williams if he had resigned on the grounds of being unable to get a bunch of backwards bishops to change their views.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Mr. Ecs
There's a seperate post on this subject for the bible punchers on here.

Next month I'll not be able to use my hose. So I'll be filling buckets from an outside tap. Now what is the difference. I have the tap on continuously filling the buckets for use. Or use a hose, which is an extention of the pipework and with a spray facility and an on/ff control. Surely its like the shower versus a bath argument.
I can't see why they should ban hosepipes when filling buckets will probably use more water.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Clk Sec
>>I have the tap on continuously filling the buckets for use.

Can you not fill just one bucket, then turn the tap off until you need to fill the next one?
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Mr. Ecs
No. As one is being used to splosh over the car, the other bucket is being filled up. I still think loading buckets is more wasteful than a spray hose nozzle with a shut off.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Dutchie
I have just wast the car using three bucketts of water.One buckett of warm soapy water and two bucketts of clean water for get writ of any soap.Finished off with a large duster looks clean again.I fill one buckett and turn the tap off.>:)
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Mr. Ecs
But I bet those three buckets, however gingerly you tried, used more water than I can with a hose pipe with shut off.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Dutchie
I use a plastic scoop filled with clean water to spolsh the car off.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Dutchie
Definetly use less water than a hose pipe.Saying that the car was not that mucky.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Westpig
I think i'm becoming senile
Last edited by: Westpig on Sun 18 Mar 12 at 16:45
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - AnotherJohnH
>> I think i'm becoming senile

Welcome to my World...
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
World? who?
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - AnotherJohnH
>> World? who?

I was welcoming Westpig to the alternative World those of us who are (a bit) senile inhabit...

Not you, yet, as far as I can judge.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
>> >> World? who?
>> >>
>> I was welcoming Westpig to the alternative World those of us who are (a bit)
>> senile inhabit...
>> Not you, yet, as far as I can judge.

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Kevin
I should also have said in my post yesterday that there was a little table in my letter from South East Water that some folks might find useful.

It shows what they consider to be Low, Medium and High m3 usage figures for the number(#) of persons in a house. At 0.25m3 per day for 2 people we fit into the Low category.

1 0.11 0.23 0.40
2 0.24 0.38 0.54
3 0.30 0.47 0.66
4 0.36 0.53 0.73
5 0.41 0.64 0.79
6 0.51 0.70 0.86
Last edited by: VxFan on Sun 18 Mar 12 at 17:41
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Slidingpillar
I've recently had a water meter installed.

Mine is easy to read and I've noted the following.

Those who work probably use the least water as you probably save three toilet flushes per working day (by doing it at work). I'm probably using the WC rather more than average for medical reasons. Slightly reduced the flush volume to good result. Cost me 9p - to weight the water bottles I get for free.

My washing machine might be efficient with electricity, but it uses too much water on a normal wash. Not worth replacing as it would take years to recoup the cost.

I've not got a shower, but in all honesty as I'm slow I suspect I'd use the same or more water.

I use about 140 litres per day on average, and the couple next door use 250 litres average. Neither of us have a dish washer other than hands and a bowl.

I'm waiting on my first real bill though as the interim one was too incomplete to work out a year's bill. I do expect to save money, but I should as I'm a sole occupant of a 3 bed semi.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - AnotherJohnH

the trick with a dishwasher is to have at least two full sets of crockery and cutlery, let the person with best spacial awareness stack it up until it's full to bursting, and clean the pots on a per use basis.

Having said that though, we don't have a meter... so why do I bother?

Answer's in another thread.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Kevin
>Those who work probably use the least water as you probably save three toilet flushes per working day..

True, spending a penny is becoming more expensive.

I fitted partial/full-flush valves to my existing loos. A fairly quick, cheap and easy job.

My workplace has just had the loos completely refurbed. The urinals are now waterless jobbies fitted with cartridges that are supposedly good for thousands of Ps and save about 100,000 litres of water each per year. They cost around £300 plus fitting and filters are ~£60 so you're looking at 5 years before payback.

>I use about 140 litres per day on average, and the couple next door use 250 litres average.

Both of you are in the Low category according to SE Water so you should save a little bit (depending on RV).
Last edited by: Kevin on Sun 18 Mar 12 at 22:46
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Fursty Ferret
I have a friend who's neurotic about his water meter. Have now taken to leaving 5p on the cistern if I have to use the toilet at his house as I've used my entitlement to free flushes. His wife despairs.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Dog
When my late brother used to visit the crem where his wifes 'whatever it is they leave there after they've been cremated', he used to fill up some water containers from their tap to bring ome.

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Runfer D'Hills
This friend FF, is he full of...

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Dutchie
We pay seventy five pounds over eight months for water rates.I'm not sure if a water meter would make any difference in cost haven't worked it out.Two people in the house.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Crankcase
Having talked about my lower water rates earlier in this thread (or the previous one), and saying I'd come back with some of yer actual figures, I realise now that of course we're not with Anglian Water at all, but with Cambridge water, not that we live in Cambridge.

They have different tariffs, and furthermore, we don't have a hosepipe ban, nor a plan to put in restrictions at present.

Sorry if I mislead anyone into thinking they were getting a raw deal from Anglian, although my numbers were right.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Pat
I've got a very, very long hosepipe crankcase....any chance of you providing the connecter as I'm not that far from you.;)

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Clk Sec

I wonder if you mean £75 per month X 8 months = £600 per year? If you do, I would think installing a water meter would be a good idea.

However, if you pay £75 for the whole year, I'm going to move to your part of the country pronto.

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
Ok here we go, pucker up and weep people, here is my water bill for this year

ten payments of 27.10 a year

Veolia - a very nice French company
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 19 Mar 12 at 17:47
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - R.P.
A touch lower than ours. We do harvest some water here and at least it rains now and again !
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Runfer D'Hills
Take it you don't wash much now you're retired Z? Need to keep an eye your standards you know old son. You'll be smelling of wee soon. Happy to organise a whip round if it'd help?
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
Ah well you see, index linked pension - bathe in asses milk
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Runfer D'Hills
Loud and deliberate raspberry....

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Focusless
Well it's not that much less than our £26pm over 12 months (AFAIK) for the 4 of us, from good old Thames Water, leaks and all. How big is your household Z?
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Iffy
...Well it's not that much less than our £26pm over 12 months...

Think mine's about the same from Northumbrian Water.

No shortages likely around here.

We have Kielder Water, which a Northumbrian Water fella once (reluctantly) told me would still be half-full if it didn't rain for several years.

Kielder was built to service the old high use heavy industries - mines, shipping, steel.

It opened just as they were closing.

 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Zero
>> Well it's not that much less than our £26pm over 12 months (AFAIK) for the
>> 4 of us, from good old Thames Water, leaks and all. How big is your
>> household Z?

Now two, was three. Once of those is a two showers a day person. Not the retired one.

312 for you, 271 for me.
Last edited by: Zero on Mon 19 Mar 12 at 19:47
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - Duncan
£23 per month x 12 = £276 per annum.

Two in the property. Lady Duncan and her faithful retainer.
 Hosepipe Ban - Volume 2. - L'escargot
I've got 16 days left in which to wash the car before the hosepipe ban comes into effect. It shouldn't need washing again until the ban has been lifted.
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