Non-motoring > Sertraline and fostering. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Badwolf Replies: 17

 Sertraline and fostering. - Badwolf
Afternoon all,

We recently made a serious enquiry to be accepted onto our local Council's list of approved foster carers. After a very lengthy and, quite properly, intrusive interview we have today found out that the Council will not consider us a fosterers as I am taking Sertraline for clinical depression. Furthermore, they will not consider us until I have been off the tablets for twelve months.

Now, I can understand that they need to be sure that they are not placing vulnerable children with complete nutjobs, but this does seem extremely harsh.

Does anybody have any knowledge of this? Would a private fostering agency be more inclined to accept us?

Thanks in advance, as always.
 Sertraline and fostering. - devonite
According to the Governments "own" figures, ONLY 60 Children were placed with Foster-parents last year, so I wouldn`t think your tablets have had much influence!
 Sertraline and fostering. - Badwolf
Apparently they have. My wife was told that that was the only reason why we have been rejected.
 Sertraline and fostering. - CGNorwich
I think you are talking adoption. Thousands of children are fostered every year
 Sertraline and fostering. - Westpig
I was under the impression that any adoptive parents had to be perfect robots, so:

- non smoking,
- same ethnicity as the child
- not the slightest hint of anything other than Left political views
- no humour
- no 'ist' thoughts

Although the above annoys the hell out of me, as decent loving parents can make a huge difference for a vulnerable child...(and let's face it, the alternative i.e. children's homes, is a road to nowhere)...i'd like to say...

...GOOD LUCK in your quest.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Badwolf
Thank you :-)

We weren't planning to adopt. Adoption and fostering and two distinct and seperate things. We didn't know this until we explored further, but they are.

It's so ruddy annoying as we both want to foster and we both have a lot of love and attention to give the right child. And yet we can't because of my medication. What makes it more annoying is that they have not asked me how severe my condition is, or what the effect is on my life.
Last edited by: Badwolf on Mon 12 Mar 12 at 18:04
 Sertraline and fostering. - Lygonos
Seems a bit arbitrary - I presume your GP will have filled a report in as well, although maybe the council haven't gone to that stage after their initial assessment procedure.

Might be an appeals process you can look into?
 Sertraline and fostering. - devonite
Ah! yes! I think the figures were for adoption rather than foster-Parenting.

I wish you both the best of luck for a favourable outcome! - Kids need Homes!
 Sertraline and fostering. - CGNorwich
Whilst understanding your disappointment I think that perhaps the Council is probably making a reasonable decision. After all Sertraline is normally prescribed for serious depression and the council must err on the side of caution.

As you say we dealing with the lives of vulnerable children whose interest must be paramount. It would neither in the child's or your best interest if you were to be afflicted by a bout of sever depression whilst fostering a child who most likely will have their own troubles to cope with Hopefully in the future you will not longer need to take the drug to manage you depression and the council can reconsider your position.

There is a huge shortage of foster care in this country and your decision to offer to foster a child is laudable. Good luck for the future.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Stuu
I suppose the only option is to see if theres another route to treat the depression which doesnt involve 'banned' substances.

Ive managed mine though its always ups and downs, however its different for everybody and I do live a way most people dont understand in order to counter what I know can be the triggers for me.

Best of luck but I guess rules are rules.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Zero
The Norwich boi kinda beat me to it.

There is a good chance that you were refused, not because of the medication, but because of the diagnosis.

Given that you have had issues with depression and stress (its no secret you discussed them on here) are you really sure that fostering is the right thing to do?
Don't forget you are not going to get normal, well adjusted, sorted kids. You are going to get kids with problems, sometimes short term. Sure "giving them a loving home" is nice, but i think what fostered kids needs is some stability, support, and level headed boundaries - above all applied in a fair and even handed manner.

Now could you provide that, without getting too emotionally attached to the kids, and without getting stressed.
 Sertraline and fostering. - mikeyb
I admire anyone who wants to Foster. Had we not already got a house full then it is something that we would consider, and maybe will consider when ours are older.

I can sympathize with the councils decision - the chances are that you would never pose a risk to any child in your care, however, there is always a chance that you may decide to stop taking your medication.

Mrs B works in that field and has seen quite a few people on medication who feel that they are fine and just decide to stop taking it, often with significant consequences.

When it come to the care of children, particularly those who are vulnerable, they cant take chances. The flip side of that is that I am sure some kids would be better off in the care of people like yourselves than they actually are in their natural family settings.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Bromptonaut
Sort of agree with Z and others but adding emphasis that the Council's concern may be your health. A 'duty of care' sort of thing.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Focusless
While I'm sure the council have got the kids' best interests at heart, they might also be thinking about the headlines if something did go wrong.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Lygonos
From the OP's other recent thread:

>>Now, I do feel that you shouldn't have to pay upfront to get work but on the other hand, I need a way out of my current job and I need it now.

Now might not the time for fostering children or stopping the meds.

I presume you are kept under review by the doc, and the sertraline isn't on repeat meds without follow-up....

 Sertraline and fostering. - Westpig
In the real world people have their ups and downs. Some drink too much, some slap their wives about, some smoke like chimneys, some do illicit drugs, some commit crime regularly......and all have children.

There has to be a balance. You are not going to get 'perfect' foster/adoptive parents.

Without Badwolf going in to more detail (and I really do not think he should) or a physician stating the medication tells a story in itself...then this is a difficult post to comment on.

My parting shot is I don't think the authorities have got the balance right between safeguarding children in any placements...versus..leaving them to rot (literally) in the wholly imperfect children's home situations.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Bromptonaut
Agree with WP but it can be a difficult balance:

Journalist Hannah Pool was adopted from by white parents from an orphanage in Eritrea.
 Sertraline and fostering. - Badwolf
Thanks for your replies folks.

After reading your responses, I have to say that I can fully appreciate the Council's view. Thing is, I still think it could be a little more flexible.

One size doesn't always fit all.
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