Non-motoring > Lib Dem civil war? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Stuu Replies: 12

 Lib Dem civil war? - Stuu
Ive been reading alot of the comments on Lib Dem articles in the Guardian re the conference over the last hour and what struck me was how much bile is being heaped on the party, not to mention the language which wouldnt make it past the mods here - its not far short of what id expect BNP members discussing Tower Hamlets local politics - ie genuine hatred in quite a few cases, they are very, very angry for sure. Conference not dicussing the NHS bill seems to be fanning the flames.

There do seem to be factions briefing against eachother in government too, Cable either thinks he is untouchable or he is daring Clegg to sack him - is he unsackable?
I find it all rather perplexing, mainly because given how much coalition has divided the Tories, that would signal to me they have got their own way more often than not and the phrase punching above their weight seems very appropriate, id be pretty pleased with myself if with so few MPs id carried so much weight.

Has the damage been done now or will they survive? I can see a wipeout coming in the next election but that may be more to do with internal conflicts which while amusing to watch, are pretty corrosive in such a small party which can do without the negative publicity.

Another little thing ive been seeing in comments on all right-wing publications are a large proportion of references to ' Im voting UKIP next time' so it will be curious whether this is just disgruntled right-wingers sounding off or whether they will give Nige the nudge next time around. The defection of Miss Swann seems to have got some attention, even if its just on the aesthetics - that she has articles in the Guardian made me chuckle, maybe someone should tell them about the trojan.

Coalition doesnt seem to be working out but I sense the Lib Dems are cheming themselves to bits rather than the Tories doing it - they just have to stand back and watch while Cable is there, though Hunhe was a loss to the left-wing voices I think.
 Lib Dem civil war? - Robin O'Reliant
The junior partner in a coalition is on a hiding to nothing. You get the blame for all the mistakes while the big boys take the credit for the achievments.

Wipeout at the next election from which it will take decades to recover would be my guess.
 Lib Dem civil war? - Manatee
I used to have some regard for Cable, but he needs to wind his neck in for a while as does Danny Alexander. They need to have their arguments with the Tories in private - to do it in public when they'll lose more than they win is stupid.

Danny's attack on higher rate pension tax relief (illogical anyway but that's another argument) will alienate their heartland. Maybe they think think they can eat Labour's lunch instead, but that's a dangerous game - they could end up appealing to nobody.

If Jockland gets floated off, the Tories are in for 30 years :-o
 Lib Dem civil war? - henry k
 Lib Dem civil war? - -
Next election will be very interesting, who and how are the three depts of the state going to bribe the voters with their own money when its run out, surely the electrorate can't fall the same bull.

Lib Dems IMO are finished, they sold themselves for that once in generation stab at a bit of power, even if it was being the tail that the dog wagged, they sold themselves for far less than 20 pieces of silver and lost the slight impression of honour they might have once had.

They have alienated and betrayed their core voters, more importantly with the lie over tuition fees they destroyed the carefully groomed hold over the impressionable young, they'll repent that at leisure, most damning though they allowed the referendum on the voting system to be worded carefully by the Tories away from PR to AV, that'll come home to roost too.
Why did they capitulate over PR so easily?...surely not to keep their unimpressive leader as Camerons poodle, propbably realised if they had forced PR it might have led to another general election, and after the tuition fees disaster they would have been out.

So, the Liberal disaffected will probably vote Labour, and even more (if possible) disillusioned Tory voters will vote UKIP or other pro Britain party.

I don't see it being an easy task for the Tories next time.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 11:22
 Lib Dem civil war? - Stuu
I think the best hope the Tories have is getting shot of Cameron - grassroots Tories really rather loath him, as do I - I dont care about someone being posh, but posh doesnt have to mean aloof and he is certainly that. For some reason, Osbourne doesnt project quite such an arrogance though he may well possess it - I suppose a you need a certain amount of self-belief to hold such positions of power, but at the same time, you need not lord over people either.

Thankfully his backbenchers are atleast trying to keep him honest, I do have a giggle everytime my quite local MP Peter Bone muses what will happen on Camerons demise, its just niggling, but its the joke that keeps on giving.
 Lib Dem civil war? - Skip
I think the best chance the Conservatives have of being re-elected is for Miliband to remain as leader of the Labour Party & for Harman, Balls & Co etc to remain on the front bench !
Last edited by: Skip on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 11:57
 Lib Dem civil war? - Zero
the Lib Lie has been found out.

When you are a minority party with no hope of being elected, you can spout all sorts of rubbish that will be lapped up by the hirsute green ageing hippies.

When you actually have some power over what happens, all those nasty practical and economic things suddenly bite you in the bum and you realise life aint like you preached.

They have never had power, were never ready for power, and will never have another crack again.
 Lib Dem civil war? - Bromptonaut
In a wider western sense Marx begins to look like a man who saw the future.
 Lib Dem civil war? - Skip
"the Lib Lie has been found out.

When you are a minority party with no hope of being elected, you can spout all sorts of rubbish that will be lapped up by the hirsute green ageing hippies.

When you actually have some power over what happens, all those nasty practical and economic things suddenly bite you in the bum and you realise life aint like you preached.

They have never had power, were never ready for power, and will never have another crack again."

Absolutely spot on Zero !
 Lib Dem civil war? - Armel Coussine
>> They have never had power, were never ready for power, and will never have another crack again.

Only the first clause in that daring statement is established as true. And it only applies to the Lib Dems, not the Liberal Party which used to be a great party of government (some time ago though). The SDP, formed by right-wing Labour and right-wing Liberal politicians, and whose foundation I sort of covered for a French paper, never looked all that healthy though. And I think the Liberals made a mistake by amalgamating with it.

Perhaps they never will have a go at power except in coalitions. Perhaps 'pluralism' is the future, with all these xenophobes, fascists and flat-earthers getting a look in too. Come back Sutch, we need you!

I just watched a Nathalie Arthaud of Force Ouvrière being interviewed on French TV for their upcoming elections. Personable girl and very smart, wasted really on the donkey-like workerist ideology of her party's line. 'Pluralism' was one of the more seductive buzzwords she used. One thought: Oh, so it won't be so bad having these spitting lefty saboteurs in parliament after all. They'll be lost in the white noise of all the other barmpots and creeps...
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 17:25
 Lib Dem civil war? - Zero
>> >> They have never had power, were never ready for power, and will never have
>> another crack again.
>> Only the first clause in that daring statement is established as true. And it only
>> applies to the Lib Dems, not the Liberal Party which used to be a great
>> party of government (some time ago though).

Some time ago? the last time the liberals had power was 1915, jeez thats nearly 100 years ago. I would say "some time ago" is a slight understatement. Don't know how you can say they were a great party of government, you were not even born!

They are history, literally and metaphorically.
 Lib Dem civil war? - Armel Coussine
Yes, they are a pale shadow of what they once were. Do you remember the cruel Spitting Image puppet of a grim, thuggish, unshaven David Owen with a squeaky little David Steel in his pocket?

Liberals, LibDems and the like often have good, informed, highly moral policies on (for example) disputes and conflicts in the third world. Those unfairly persecuted by local powers quite often, when they come to the West for support, find themselves well treated by these minority parties and hope to use them to bring their causes to the attention of ruling parties through parliamentary Questions and other lobbying. It works up to a point.

Of course parties of government, Labour or Consevative here, will slap these people on the back and go to receptions in their honour and so on, but are wary of agreeing with them in print. Because one day they may be in power and have to brush them off for reasons of State, as they are delicately called.
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