Non-motoring > Compact digital system - lens confusion Specialists
Thread Author: RattleandSmoke Replies: 88

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
My trusty but over five year old Panasonic FZ7 bridge is starting to show its age, my dad wants a decent camera so he can take pictures of Stobart trucks so I have offered to sell him my Panny for £50. A fair price I think.

So I now need something to replace it with, I need something with good zoom but like the idea of being able to change lens. A bridge seems to be bit of a jack of all trades.

A compact system seems to be ideal, but will lens designed for an SLR fit these cameras? E.g Would a Nikon compact system use the F mount?

I will be using a little bit of money I got from my grandpas estate and want something to remember him by, he was well into his photography in the 50's and 60's so it seems to be a fitting to thing to buy.

I have a budget of £350 so an SLR is just out of my price range. I need full manual controls but also an automatic point and shoot mode too. Ideally I don't want to spend £350 I want to spend more like £250 but if a £350 camera is much better than I can go up to that budget.

Any suggestions?

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - smokie ?
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Crankcase
Started a thread recently about getting a new micro four thirds, in my case specifically an Olympus Pen E-PL3.

That's out of your budget, but a PL-1 isn't, at about £250 on Amazon for body and a lens, and indeed the pens offer adaptors for all sorts of lenses if you want to use older ones.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
>> ?<<

Quite right n' all smokey - I like to take piccies of Cornwall n' that, but there are oodles of great photos available on the ww machine.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
I saw the PL1 in PCWORLD and it did catch my eye but knew nothing about it. So I could buy an adaptor then have an array of second hand lens to buy? That sounds like a very good idea.

I don't want to buy a compact system camera only to find any additional lens are £200+ as I may as well have bought a bridge in that case.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
Adapters on Micro Four Third lens cameras tend to need you to manually focus the lens. For starters there's no motor in such a camera anyway. Although many dSLR's lack a focusing motor these days too.

>> I don't want to buy a compact system camera only to find any additional lens are £200+ as
>> I may as well have bought a bridge in that case.

You need to check lens costs out. You can get good lenses from Sigma, Tamron etc for a dSLR. They have still not brought out lenses for micro four thirds.

But the sensor and everything else about the compact system camera will be better than most bridge cameras.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 9 Mar 12 at 20:13
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
It seems Sigma have some lenses arriving for Micro Four Thirds and Sony NEX soon. About time. I hope Tamron do too.

I've not got a lens other than the 14-42mm it came with yet and I've had it since summer 2010. The versatile lens I guess I'd like is the Panasonic 14-140mm and it's very expensive.

Might take my dSLR to the lakes at the end of the month too... not used it much (at all really) since getting the Lumix G2. I know the Sony Alpha 100 produces better photos but it doesn't do video, it's a lot heavier to take away on holiday (luggage allowances etc.) and the Panasonic produces very good photos.

Probably should sell the Sony Alpha.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
b'Jaysus! - you ain't kidding:
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
I had just written a lot but accidentally pressed the back button and lost it :(

I have decided go with a Micro four third system in the hope of picking on some used lens. I assume if I have to use manual focus it is not a major issue as the view is 'live'? The only negative of the EPL1 seems to be its slow auto focus, might be an issue if I am taking pictures of planes taking off at the viewing park :(.

The main issue I have with my current FZ7 is it does have poor low light performance due to its small sensor.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Crankcase
Hold on there big fella. Check the price of the adaptor ring for the pl1 itself is what you want to pay first. Not cheap I'm afraid. Otherwise a good strategy if you want (Olympus fit) older lenses perhaps. There are other pen cameras that are a bit more but have faster autofocus too though. Take a breath and look at the Panasonic Lumix stuff too.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Sat 10 Mar 12 at 18:22
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - AnotherJohnH
>> b'Jaysus! - you ain't kidding:

Free delivery though... ;-)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
I took this photo on a dull day without using flash - such is the Lumix G2
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Wow that picture is brilliant, so much detail and no noise at all, and I assume it is compressed! There is no way my current Lumix FZ7 can get any where near that but then that is for small sensors for you. I thought the adaptors were only £30 or so but I am I missing something?

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Crankcase
Official Olympus MF-2 adapter is £150, lets you use any Olympus fit lenses. But there are other adapters for other lens makes about too at much less - no idea about them though, sorry.

Dog's Lumix is cracking though.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
>>Wow that picture is brilliant, so much detail and no noise at all, and I assume it is compressed!<<

I only press the buttons so you'll have to ask Rob (rtj70) :)
Its some camera though, but they dont come cheap, if you want a camera as a hobby rather than a point and shoot jobbie, then I would suggest you consider this little critter ~
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
It is £300 at Jessops so within my budget, and from your picture alone I think it is well worth it. The RRP in 2010 was £700!. Now I best check we are talking about the same camera :D.

This is the same camera?

Seems like a cracking bargain at £300.

What is more because my existing FZ7 has been the best thing I have ever bought (I have owned five cars since I bought that camera!) I have a massive loyalty towards Lumix cameras.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Sun 11 Mar 12 at 01:03
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Yup! - its the same camera :)
It pays to shop around - my Panasonic Plasma telly worked out cheaper from a local indie than buying from Amazon etc., and they delivered and installed it as well!

I began my quest for a new camera by originally looking at DSLR's preceded by the name Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Pentax etc., having never heard of a four turds camera before,

I spent over 15 hours researching all the various types and makes of camera, and ended up buying the G2.

It can be quite a complex camera to use although it does have the 'intelligent' auto mode, thankfully, that's why I say it needs to be more of a hobby - to get the full benefits of such a fine camera.

So research, research, research, before parting with your hard earnts - and even consider whether you may be better orf with another bridge type camera.

I'm pleased with my G2 - its the best camera I've ever owned.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
I tend to use the manual controls on my FZ7 so I am not too bothered about that. The only thing that concerns me with a SLR/Compact system is the zoom capabilities. I would need every expensive lens to match the zoom of my bridge, but if there is little noise and very high resolution I may be able to gain by cropping without quality loss.

I think another bridge would just be too much of a side ways move, and the sensor itself would be no better than the one I already have. I like the idea of saving up for extra lens as I go, where as with a bridge the only upgrade path is a new camera.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - teabelly
The m 4/3rds aren't that much better sensor wise than current bridge cameras.

Another bridge won't be as sideways as you think. Take a look at the Sony HX100V. The 200v is out soon so the prices will drop nicely. The new panasonics are also pretty good. I'd see what they can actually do before committing to m 4/3rds.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
>> The m 4/3rds aren't that much better sensor wise than current bridge cameras.

The sensor on a 4/3rds camera is much bigger than on a bridge camera. And a super zoom bridge camera relies on a small sensor. The Sony NEX has an APS-C sized sensor.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - teabelly
Even the basic NEX3 is almost out of Rat's budget though.

I found a panasonic G2 on offer:

I can't see the point of getting into m 4/3rds when it costs the same as DSLR money. Bang for buck the bridge camera is the best value of all.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
The G2 has a lot of nice features which the more basic DSLRs don't. The bridge is the best value but the sensor size would worry me as that is my main complaint of my FZ7, low light performance is rather poor.

At £300 for the G2 I it is very good value. May pop into town later and play with a few cameras.

I have not completely discounted another bridge but all this is getting a bit too confusing :(.

I am not a pro so some of the consumer features of some of the micro four third cameras look very appealing to me, especially live view.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Just done some sensor size comparisons, the HX100 has a 6.2x4.6mm sensor and the G2 has a 18.0x13.5mm sensor. So long term the micro four third system does seem like a much better bet, even if the lens will be expensive I can buy them pas you go.

I am still a bit fan of bridge cameras but I want to move up the ladder into more serious photography. I think an SLR is just a little bit much geared towards the professional for my needs.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Fursty Ferret
Canon G12?
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Good camera the G12 ~

Lumix G2 review ~
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - teabelly
The HX100v might have a small sensor but it is always worth looking at the high iso image samples and comparing with other cameras you're interested in before making the assumption that smaller = noisier. It isn't always the case. Also the f stop range of the camera is also important. If you have a wider aperture available you'll need a lower iso than another camera with a smaller maximum aperture for the same focal length.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Iffy
How about this one:
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - spamcan61
>> Just done some sensor size comparisons, the HX100 has a 6.2x4.6mm sensor and the G2
>> has a 18.0x13.5mm sensor. So long term the micro four third system does seem like
>> a much better bet, even if the lens will be expensive I can buy them
>> pas you go.
>> I am still a bit fan of bridge cameras but I want to move up
>> the ladder into more serious photography. I think an SLR is just a little bit
>> much geared towards the professional for my needs.
As teabelly says, compare image samples (and not an insane levels of equivalent physical picture size) rather than sensor measurements.

'serious' photography has very little to do with the camera you're using, unless you're 'pushing the envelope' e.g fast moving sports indoors or gig photography. My 'ancient' FZ20 has full manual control when required, I should think your newer version is the same.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Still driving myself mad over this. I have decided to keep the FZ7 as my 'trip' camera and the new camera will be used for serious photography.

I am still wondering if my original idea of the EPL 1 would be the better buy simply because it is £70 cheaper and with that extra savings I could buy some old glass.

I still think a bridge will just limit my future options too much so the ability to change lens is a must, although that still begs the question if a basic SLR might be better for me.

The only issue is the slow auto focus may be an issue if I take pictures of planes landing and taking off, which I sometimes do but not very often.

Must admit I was impressed with the build of the GM2 but I have not seen a EPL 1 properly yet. Online reviews seem speak highly of both cameras but the EPL1 is cheaper.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Sleep on it Rattle, there isn't any hurry is there.

I have a rather excellent Samsung WB600 which I use for snaps.

The Lumix G2 I use for photography.

So keep your FZ7 for trips as you say, and take your time on choosing whatever it is you decide upon in the end.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Kevin
>Sleep on it Rattle, there isn't any hurry is there.

Fine advice.

I've been a fan of Olympus kit since my first SLR, an OM1, and I currently have an E30 and an old OM4.

The biggest problem though is the price of good optics - blinking extortionate!

A while ago I bought a Sony HX9V that gives pics indistinguishable from the E3 90% of the time and will fit in a pocket.

Rats, go for a good compact that you will use rather than something that will sit in a cupboard because it's too bulky and you can't afford the glass.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 12 Mar 12 at 01:24
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
One reason I use my G2 a lot more than the Sony dSLR is it is smaller and lighter. And second reason is it does 720p video at good quality.

I cannot remember combined weight of the Sony dSLR and Sony camcorder but the G2 is a fraction of the combined weight. And my Sony camcorder was SD and used DV tapes.

Imagine you're out an about and not wanting to look like a Japanese tourist (no offence indented)... you might have the camera out of the rucksack or the camcorder. Keeping both to hand is not convenient. And sometimes you guessed wrong.

And then going out in an evening on holiday - do you want the DLR, camcorder, or both...

I'd get rid of the camcorder but (a) nobody will want it and (b) not everything on all tapes likely to be in digital format. Bought the original camcorder in 2005/2006 (replaced on insurance) and so long written off financially. As is the Sony SLR to be honest.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
I still have a very early digital camera, it has DV output but it uses High 8 tapes. It is a digital camcorder in that it is digital, it just uses an old analogue tape to record the digital data.

Not used it for many years.

The weight is an issue which is why I am not in the market for a fully blown SLR, I think a micro four third is still the best option, but I may save up for a proper lens designed with it rather than the use of adaptors and older glass which would soon become very bulky.

My FZ7 is fairly heavy and that has gone with me every where. Rob what is the zoom like on the G2? I can't quite relate to it in terms of a bridge. I assume with the G2 you can crop a lot and you won't loose too much quality?

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
>> Rob what is the zoom like on the G2

Depends on the lens I suppose. Mine is still the stock 14-42mm Panasonic lens on the G2 - held out for Tamron and Sigma and I think they are coming. Maybe. Good enough for me for holiday snaps but I'd prefer more zoom. I prefer the lens on the Sony Alpha 100 and I know it produces better images and has faster (just) focus.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - spamcan61
>> I still think a bridge will just limit my future options too much so the
>> ability to change lens is a must, although that still begs the question if a
>> basic SLR might be better for me.
A basic SLR will limit your focal length options for sure, a bridge camera isn't limiting unless you want to get into architectural photography (perspective control via expensive tilt/shift lens) or serious macro photography.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
I like to take a lot of city photographs at night and the big limiation is the noise on my current FZ7. I just assumed wrongly this would still be an issue on a modern bridge.

This is what I am so confused about, but then if I have my current bridge for normal good light zooming purposes an EPL1 or G2 may well be perfect for everything else.

The Cannon is a bit too limited for me, a great compact camera and is certainly a great camera for nights out if I was rich but the 5x zoom is no good as there is no oppurunity to upgrade that.

One issue too is the EPL1 has image stablisation in the body, so it is more practicle for none MFT lens where as if I used these on the G2 there would be no stabilisation.

Sense my pets have long passed away and I have no kids most my photographs are:-

1) Going put pics - I use a cheap Nikon point and shoot for this purpose, it doesn't matter if it gets lost, it cost £40.

2) City shots

3) Landscapes

4) Trams and trains

5) Planes landing and taking off, the FZ7 is quite good for the airport photos!.

There iis just that fine detail the bridges can't seem to do which SLRs and MFTs can. I will spend the half hour before I go to bed reading reviews on the bridges though, just in case the low light quality has improved so much.

Blimey it is far easier choosing a car than a camera!
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
>> A basic SLR will limit your focal length options for sure

The kit lens on a basic SLR will limit focal length options surely.... a decent lens is all you need.

The Lumix G2 with a live viewfinder/screen can be fun when it comes to shutter speeds.... you can see the end result including blurring at slow shutter etc in live view with the shutter speed preview.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Lumix G2 again, but with flash this time:
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
So this is what you look like :-)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Crankcase
If it helps, Olympus have a cashback deal going on until the end of March 2012. They have a cashback website for Pen E-PL3 and E-PM1 (not E-PL1) camera bodies (£50) and another cashback website for lenses and accessories. That one is useless though because it doesn't tell you how much!

So as a special service to any interested parties here, I mailed Olympus about that and this is their reply:

As per our conversation, please review the following information regarding different cashback amounts of the Olympus Promotion.

Lenses Cashback
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 40-150mm 1:4.0-5.6 R £75
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75-300mm 1:4.8-6.7 £200
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 17mm 1:2.8 Pancake £75
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9-18mm 1:4.0-5.6 £160
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 14-150mm 1:4.0-5.6 £160
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12-50mm 1:3.5-6.3 EZ £90
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 12mm 1:2.0 £185
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 45mm 1:1.8 £70

Lens Adapters Cashback
3CON-P01 Converter Kit (Macro, Wide & Fisheye) £55
MCON-P01 Macro Converter £20
WCON-P01 Wide Converter £25
FCON-P01 Fish Eye Converter £35

Accessories Cashback
VF-2 Electronic Viewfinder £55
VF-3 Electronic Viewfinder £45
MF-2 OM Adapter £40
MMF-2 Four Thirds Adapter £40
FL-300R Wireless Flash for PEN £40
MAL-1 Macro Arm Light for use with Accesory Port £15
Last edited by: Crankcase on Mon 12 Mar 12 at 08:27
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
I've got the big brown eyes, the grey whiskers, and even the black nose (when I'm bringing the coal in)

So - right on bro!
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Decided on the Lumix G2 got the price down to £292 from Currys, as they have a price match promise.

I will then save up for the Panasonic 45-200 lens which should be fine for most my needs.

Can we assume the 4/3s system is here to stay?

I would consider an SLR but the required lens for them would just end up being far too bulky and I don't need an SLR. As much as bridge cameras I have improved my photography has gone well beyond point and shoot and can only improve by experimenting with different lenses. I may still buy some older lens for messing about with, but I feel for most of my photography the autofocus and OIS is important.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Whatever choice you made would have been the right one because the cameras you were considering were all 'high end' models.

You'll enjoy the G2, but whether it'll keep you out of the pubs n' clubs is another thing ;)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Ha at that price it will have to :).

The camera certainly won't be going any where near the pubs and clubs, and keeping the FZ7 for camping trips when security might be a problem.

I would need this camera to last 7-10 years really :). My FZ7 has lasted me over five years so far and it is looking like it will still get a lot of use.

There is a lot of pictures I currently want to take which my FZ7 just cannot cope with, mostly low light ones.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
This is some lens: (Jessops) equivalent to 200-600mm in 35mm!

Pity my c/card is in for a refit, and is likely to stay there for the foreseeable future!

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Yep apparently they came out a few months ago, would be stonking lens and show why the Micro Four Thirds system can be an alternative to SLR despite them not been much cheaper. My budget will get me a basic Nikon SLR but the lens would be far too bulky for my needs and I don't need the extra quality the bigger sensor offers me.

It is no wonder the current compact systems are stealing sales away from the high end bridges and low end SLRs.

If I had the money I would be that lens without a second thought but I could never justify spending second hand car money on some lens so thought the 200mm would be a good compromise.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
The lens dog links to is 100-300mm. The kit lens is 14-42mm. So that means you might want a lense that covers 42-100mm.

Note the G1 came with a 14-45mm lens and the G2 came with a cheaper, more plastic 14-42mm. Some say it's inferior. But this is why there is a 45-200mm lens.

The 4/3rd camers from Panasonic have lens correction in the camera - the lenses are not perfect. Not a problem in tests. 35mm lenses on dSLR can't cheat so easily because you might use them on a film camera.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Yes, I'll most likely go for the 45-200mm lens myself (when my card recovers)

£450 for the the 100-300mm lens would be grounds for divorce.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
I still think the 14-140mm makes more sense for a lens apart from cost.

With more micro 4/3rd cameras sold now, the like of Tamron and Sigma will bring lenses - I hope. Economies of scale.

And yes you can use an adapter for other lenses including 4/3rds but the smaller sensor and hence smaller lenses is part of what attracts people to the format.

I might take my Sony dSLR to the lakes in a few weeks but maybe I should sell it. It does take sharper photos than the Lumix G2 and has very fast auto focus. But a lot bulkier to carry etc.

Maybe I should lend it to Rattle.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
I be tinking that the kit lens is 14-42mm , so the natural telephoto choice (for me) would be the 45-200mm jobbie covering from 90 to 400 mm (35 mm equivalent)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - henry k
How things have changes since my first ENNA tele zoom 85-250 - 4/5.6 back in the 1960s. It weighed a lot as the case was made of brass. It needed manually refocusing when the zoom was used and gave a significant colour shift.
I used it on my Edixa for many years. No we have all that power and more in a fag packet sized wonder.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Got the G2 in the end, I got it from Curry's as Jessops could not be bothered to sell one to me, as they were more interested in selling me warranties, memory cards and cases than the camera but maybe I will make a thread about that another time.

Seems like a very good camera, much better in low light than my FZ7 and the lens being 14mm 42mm have a much wider depth of field than my FZ7 due to their 35mm eqv 36-432mm lens.

I will need extra zoom but I am saving up for that. The pictures are so much sharper than my FZ7. Took some pictures of ongoing building work on the house at 6:45 this evening and despite it being dusk they have worked out brilliantly, on the FZ7 they would have come out blurred unless I used high ISO which created high noise.

Love the touch screen focus system and for manual controls it is a lot simply than my FZ7, everything is just to hand but then I suppose the manual controls on the FZ7 were an after thought.

Not read the instructions yet (apart from how to mount the lens) but I will have a read through them tonight.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Its a mighty fine camera alright - perhaps the last one I'll ever buy (where have I heard that before!)

I'll also need to buy the telephoto lens as I like to photograph my wild birds, I wonder who will be the first to buy one :)

I've not used the touch screen much TBH, but you being young(er) you'll likely take to it quite well.

The instruction booklet is said to be a tad confusing and there is a dedicated book you can buy
but I must admit I've found the instruction booklet to OK, sort of.

Enjoy your new camera - you've made a good choice!
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Zero
And all this talk and confusion about what lenses to buy is why I went for a bridge.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Why make something easy when you make it difficult?
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Bridge cameras are OK, I've still got my Finepix S5800, but I wanted something better than a bridge camera this time.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
The problem with bridge cameras is they make excellent point and shoots and I have created some stunning photographs with my FZ7, it compared with most of todays sub £100 cameras an excellent camera.

The problem is the lens zoom in too much even at the lowest zooms, they are just not wide enough and low light is really quite appalling. If I took pictures of the Thames in London at night I would have to rest the camera on something or it would just be too blurred too due to the high shutter speed required.

When I bought my FZ7 I then spent another £200 on an open university course where I learnt all about manual photography and using the digital dark room (e.g histograms and all that).

However much I out grew my bridge I just didn't want the complexity of an SLR so decided to live with my FZ7 until it broke, but then by accident I discovered these compact system cameras and knew at that moment it was time to upgrade.

I did nearly walk away with a Canon 1100D (I think it was) SLR today which was just £30 more but as I do like to zoom I realised the lens I would need for that would just end up being stupidly big and I just don't need an SLR.

PS I am looking forward to receive that book in the post :D Ordering it tonight.

Also decided to my micro teach for my basic teaching course on the basics of digital photography :).

I think compact systems are just perfect hobbyist photographers here who want a no fuss semi professional camera without the bulk of an SLR.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Wed 14 Mar 12 at 22:28
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
You sound like a serious enthusiast Rattle, I used to be the same back in the 70's when I had a Pentax KM SLR with the obligatory 28mm + 135mm (I think it was) lenses, plus of course an air release, various filters, tripod, etc. etc.,

I also discovered the micro four turds cameras quite by accident when I was trying to decide which Nikon D/SLR to buy :)

I'll need to buy something like this so I can take a photo of the Redstart (which turned out to be a Bullfinch!) and all the other birds that visit my bird table every day, without scaring them orf!
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Zero
>> The problem with bridge cameras is they make excellent point and shoots and I have
>> created some stunning photographs with my FZ7, it compared with most of todays sub £100
>> cameras an excellent camera.
>> The problem is the lens zoom in too much even at the lowest zooms, they
>> are just not wide enough and low light is really quite appalling. If I took
>> pictures of the Thames in London at night I would have to rest the camera
>> on something or it would just be too blurred too due to the high shutter
>> speed required.

The problem is ratts is that you don't have the background in real photography. If I wanted to take a picture of the thames at night, with my Pentax ME super using the highest speed film i could afford (400 asa at the time) I would use a thing called a tripod.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Of course I have tripods (a mini one and a full size one) the problem is if I am in London I can't start lugging all the equipment on the train especially when I have all the other gear with me such as my laptop, clothes etc etc.

The pics I took in dusk of the building work clearly without even bothering with the manual settings (they were the first pics I took) would not have worked out on my FZ7 in automatic settings.

I wouldn't say I am a serious enthusiast I just like to take good photographs. Some time this week I will get the tripod out of the lock up and take some shorts of Mediacity.

I always tend to stick up for Salford having some good mates that live there despite all the (some rightly) bad press it gets on these forums.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - spamcan61
>> If I took pictures of the Thames in London at night I would have to rest the camera
>> on something or it would just be too blurred too due to the high shutter
>> speed required.
Low shutter speed surely...I'd leave the camera at base ISO, use a beanbag or mini tripod i.e. something pocket size, plus self timer.

>> I did nearly walk away with a Canon 1100D (I think it was) SLR today
>> which was just £30 more but as I do like to zoom I realised the
>> lens I would need for that would just end up being stupidly big and I
>> just don't need an SLR.
Agreed, I've used an 1100D a bit and there's no way I'd swap my FZ20 for one. The cost and weight of SLR lenses to cover 36 - 430 range at f2.8 all the way would be phenominal, OK the results could be technically better. FWIW I used film SLRs for 25 years before buying the FZ20, so I'm used to their way of doing things.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
One problem is I have discovered is this:-

Relative: Is it an SLR?
Me: No
Rel: So its a bridge
Me: No
Rel: So it is an SLR then?
Me: No it is a compact system camera, you can still change the lens but it has no mirrobox.

By this time you look like a right wholly. In future if anybody asked I am just going to say it is a new type of SLR. Most people think an SLR is simply a camera you can change lens on anyway. Of course if any photographers ask they will get the full it is a micro four thirds system treatment :P

Still not had chance to take any real photos but maybe tomorrow I will get some chance. Now the cats have gone I find I generally take pictures less round the house.

May polish up the Panda if the sun shines and take some pics of that.

Spam the great thing about the four thirds system is that a 200mm lens will act like a 400mm one on SLR.

For those with SLRs/compact systems do you change lens when out and about? If I get the (50-200mm was it?) lens I would still want the 14-42mm ones with me.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Thu 15 Mar 12 at 23:01
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Zero

>> For those with SLRs/compact systems do you change lens when out and about? If I
>> get the (50-200mm was it?) lens I would still want the 14-42mm ones with me.

And in one small sentence yo have the reason why I went for a bridge camera. The pita of carrying lenses around with you.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
True but that is also why I am keeping my FZ7, so I still have a decent camera to take when I don't want a heavy camera, e.g camping trips.

 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
Rat's post above implies the relatives know what an SLR and non-SLR are. Forget bridge or micro four thirds!

They obviously don't know the difference because they don't know what they are comparing. If someone knows to say SLR or bridge they know cameras and would understand.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Fri 16 Mar 12 at 00:37
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
And I thought Rat's was selling his old camera to his dad to offset some costs. Did he?
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
No decided to keep the FZ7, my cheap Nikon Coolpix is fine for taking pictures when going out with the flash but that really is its limits. It is a cheap basic snapper and that is all it is designed for.

If I sold the FZ7 I would miss it too much, as I there will be many trips where I need a decent camera but won't want the weight of the G2 with the lens I may carry and also be worried about loosing it.

The FZ7 can only be worth £50 max, so dad would be better of just buying a decent point and shoot, something around £100 which is simple to use but also decent quality. A basic Canon springs to mind.

I am hoping to take the FZ7 to a music festival I am going to in August, they say no professional photography allowed but these days with so many people having bridge cameras they would be turning half the people away if they didn't allow that!.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Ignore Zero and his bridges Rattle, perhaps he'll do us all a favour one day and ... :}

Many people wouldn't have a clue what SLR means, let alone TTL!

How's about taking some architectural shots of olde Manc city centre, focusing on interesting parts of sed buildings rather than the whole, and being creative with differing angles/skyline/light etc..
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Zero
>> Ignore Zero and his bridges Rattle, perhaps he'll do us all a favour one day
>> and ... :}

And what Dog?
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
>>And what Dog?<<

= = = > Bridge! < = = =

Justa joke m8 (that 'fell' rather flat it seems)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Pretty much what I used to with the FZ7. I need an entire day to it really, ideally a day with no rain. It never seems to happen!

May do a few short trips today in-between jobs.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - WillDeBeest
For those with SLRs/compact systems do you change lens when out and about?

I do, but I'm selective about what lenses I take with me. My kit is Pentax, which is generally lighter than Canon or Nikon, so carrying one body and a couple of lenses is no great hardship if it's a 'proper photo' day. That's what I carried up Cader Idris last summer and was delighted with the pictures I got. I didn't carry the 75-300 that day, partly because I prefer wide to tele but mainly because it's not very good. If I can sneak a 15mm past the Committee I might just carry that and the 35mm some days.

I have a smaller camera for non-photo days, and I take Mrs Beest's Ixus away on business trips. I really like the look of Canon's new G1x as a big-sensor all-in-one, but it's expensive and...well, never mind.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Focusless
>> That's what
>> I carried up Cader Idris last summer and was delighted with the pictures I got.

Anything you can show us WDB?
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - WillDeBeest
Not from here (at work) but I'll put some examples in an online album tonight if I get home at a sensible time.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Focusless
Cheers - I like a good landscape. Don't get much in Reading :)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Every picture tells a story (they say)

I took this photo from indoors (him indoors) the collared doves are here every day (Buzzard permitting!)

The bird table has got the gymp and awaits renewal when I can get a roun tuit.

The elderly chap (about 60) and his dog are not local so he's probably staying in the caravan park,

The Misubishi Colt CZ1 is a loan car form my local dealer (30 miles away in Falmouth)
quite a lively little car for a 3 pot, sounds like a turbo when you give it the gun, comfortable too and more spacious than it looks from outside, engine is a tad noisy (compared to the Lancer) but I could live with it for up-to 50 mile journeys.

The plastic bags wrapped around the mirrors are to stop the blimmin tits from courting their image,
and crapping all over the door!
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Zero
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Crankcase
Cruel. But it only needs a couple of degrees rotation in a post processing package.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - RattleandSmoke
Looks like the FZ7 is sold now. Just seems ideal for everything my dad wants a camera to do.

£50 towards the 200mm lens :).
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
>>£50 towards the 200mm lens :).<<

Good idea m8 - how much do you reckon a Finepix S5800 is worth (if anything!)
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Zero
>> Cruel. But it only needs a couple of degrees rotation in a post processing package.

Not really. I bought that exact one, the less you have to post process the better the final product.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Crankcase
Yes yes, but that's no good for Dog now, is it.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - rtj70
Dog could put that on the Lumix G2 - it has a hot-shoe.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
I didn't actually compose that photo as such, its just a case of grabbing the camera and aiming it in the general direction of the lovey doves through a small stable door type window.

The car is level, but the gate is on the skew-with anyway, as is the land.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Fursty Ferret
You need to be absolutely neurotic about keeping dust out of it. Probably not so much an issue with yours but once in, they're a nightmare to get out. If you do change lenses at home, do it in the bathroom after running the shower. Moist air helps the dust settle.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Dog
Here's one I took earlier ~
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - WillDeBeest

Sorry to take so long - been another over-full weekend. Anyway, some mountain scenery (with appearances in miniature by three other Beests) and one moving object that may amuse Zero.
 Compact digital system - lens confusion - Focusless
Thanks Wdb, looks good.
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