Non-motoring > A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Roger. Replies: 17

 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Roger.
Link to Guido Fawkes' blog.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Robin O'Reliant
Very funny.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Westpig
>> Very funny.

...and very accurate. What a hypocrite Livingstone is.

What are the chances he gets back in again though?
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Slidingpillar
Rather high I think.

Actually I suspect the vote will be close, the eventual mayor could be there thanks to a handful of votes.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Roger.
Livingston..........only if there is postal voting for the Mayorality!
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Stuu
I cant help but wonder if Labour actually dont want a Labour Mayor of London because if they did, with so many obviously talented and more attractive candidates, they would have bundled Ken into a van and sent him for 're-education', permanantly.

He is and always has been an example of the worst kind of socialist lunatic but if people vote for him, they deserve what they get, if indeed he actually would deliver on election promises. That would be a no then. Hmm.

 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Mike Hannon
Why is it, do you think, that so many people now say 'on' the weekend rather than 'at'?
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Cliff Pope
>> Why is it, do you think, that so many people now say 'on' the weekend
>> rather than 'at'?
I suppose "on" has a classier sound to it. Like "on" the King's Road, or On Blue Bayou.

I have so many odd jobs piling up during the week I have to try and slot them "in the weekend".

 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Old Navy
>> I have so many odd jobs piling up during the week I have to try
>> and slot them "in the weekend".
I would have said "in to the weekend". It sounds better to me. :-)

I like the response to Livingston's letter and I can imagine the traffic chaos a car hater like him would inflict on London.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Armel Coussine
>> I can imagine the traffic chaos a car hater like him would inflict on London.

You don't have to imagine it. He's already done it and no one has undone it.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - mikeyb
>> >> I can imagine the traffic chaos a car hater like him would inflict on
>> London.
>> You don't have to imagine it. He's already done it and no one has undone
>> it.

The bendy buses have gone!
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Armel Coussine
>> The bendy buses have gone!

The foul, insulting articulated airport buses may have gone. But the chicanes, bumps, widened pavements, ramps, deliberately idiotic oneway systems, unused bike lanes, bus stops built out into the road and all the othe malevolent crap is still there.

Boris Johnson is undoubtedly a Mensch which is more than you can say for the redfaced, wife-beating twerp Livingstone. But unfortunately he's a cyclist. And the Olympics are eating up all the money Livingstone hasn't wasted.

If London re-elects Livingstone I'll eat my hat. Fortunately though I won't have to suffer if it does.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Bromptonaut
>> I cant help but wonder if Labour actually dont want a Labour Mayor of London
>> because if they did, with so many obviously talented and more attractive candidates, they would
>> have bundled Ken into a van and sent him for 're-education', permanantly.

They tried that trick Stu.

In the first mayoral election Ken in 2000 won as an independent. In spite of Livingstone's support in the party Blair engineered the selection of another 'man of the people' Frank Dobson as the Labour candidate. Dobbo came third.

While he attracts strong opinions both ways KL has a huge core of support in London going right back to his GLC incarnation in 1981/2 and 'Fares Fare'. There's something of a donut effect with Labour votes concentrated in the centre and Boris having support in the 'burbs but it's by no means clear cut. Ken's campaign is focussing on 'swing' wards in the middle and those outer Boroughs where there is Labour support.

Much more pragmatic at City Hall than the rhetoric and persona suggest.

If I were an elector I'd give Paddick my first choice vote but Ken would be second.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 8 Mar 12 at 09:27
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - scousehonda
"He is and always has been an example of the worst kind of socialist lunatic"

In your opinion, of course.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Old Navy
>> "He is and always has been an example of the worst kind of socialist lunatic"

Liverpool had one too, Derek Hatton.

All shades of extremist are a problem and I would include Thatcher in that category..
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 8 Mar 12 at 10:39
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - bathtub tom
>>Liverpool had one too, Derek Hatton.

He was only the deputy leader, strange no-one remembers who the leader was.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Stuu
>>In your opinion, of course<<

Yes. Im not against socialism, it has its merits, but he is just a tax-avoiding hypocrite - from the 'nasty Tories' you would expect it but from the party of the working man, im genuinely sorry for Milliband and his bunch that they are saddled with such a man, he just exemplifies the champagne socialist of old when what Labour need are forward thinking, progressive figures.
 A brilliant riposte from a Government Minister! - Stuu
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