Non-motoring > TV problem Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Skip Replies: 36

 TV problem - Skip
I have a 37" LG LCD TV which is about 4/5 years old. The last 2 days when it has been turned for the first time in the morning the green LED has started flashing as normal as it powers up, but then the red standby LED would come back on before it tries to power up again, this happened 3 or 4 times before it finally came on. During the day it comes straight back on from standby everytime, however something inside it is obviously on its way out.

With the throw away age we now live in & given that a replacement is now only just over the 200 quid mark, is it likely to be worth getting it repaired (do TV repairers still exist anyway ?) or should I just chuck it and buy a new one ?

If I do replace it, is an LED worth the extra over an LCD (apologies if this has been covered before !) ?
 TV problem - sherlock47
If you leave it on in standby overnight does it correctly function the following day? If so, problem solved? My rule of thumb is to leave most electronics on permanently! The heating effect just minimises the gas bill. Hardware failures are often coincident with power off/on events.

If you had bought it at JL the warranty would still be running:)
 TV problem - Skip
"If you leave it on in standby overnight does it correctly function the following day? If so, problem solved? My rule of thumb is to leave most electronics on permanently! The heating effect just minimises the gas bill. Hardware failures are often coincident with power off/on events."

Yes, it does get left on standby overnight as it doesn't have an ON/OFF switch so I am puzzled why it is ok after a couple of hours, but not after say 8, unless it goes into some sort of deeper shutdown mode after it has been on stanby mode for s long, but that seems unlikely.
 TV problem - Robin O'Reliant
>> If you leave it on in standby overnight does it correctly function the following day?
>> If so, problem solved? My rule of thumb is to leave most electronics on permanently!
>> The heating effect just minimises the gas bill. Hardware failures are often coincident with power off/on events.
According to the fire brigade TVs left on standby are one of the most common causes of domestic fires. My set has no off switch and the socket is out of easy reach so I fitted a trailing socket with on/off switch between set and wall socket.
 TV problem - henry k
>>(do TV repairers still exist anyway ?)
Yes they do.
I am fortunate in having an excellent one man TV repair shop within walking distance ( Esher, Surrey)
In the last couple of weeks a 50" Plasma and a Digital radio both restored to health.
 TV problem - RattleandSmoke
Sounds like maybe a leaking capacitor on the power supply circuit. It is not a big job and a very common fault. A TV shop should easily be able to repair this.

 TV problem - Manatee
There are about four boards, some speakers and the panel in most TVs now. Repair is usually a board swap which is about four screws and a couple of connectors once you have the back off (I spent two days out with a repairman a couple of years ago).

Probably the power board, which is easy to change but will cost £100 or so for the part if this is anything to go by

They also repair the boards, as Rattle implies, probably cost about half as much, but you'd need to be confident of the diagnosis.

Trouble is, you'll still have a 5 year old TV and when you look at the price of a new one you wonder if repairing is worth it.
Last edited by: Manatee on Sun 4 Mar 12 at 12:43
 TV problem - R.P.
Can this take a aoftware/firmware update ? Had to perform one on the Toshiba to overcome a standby problem.
 TV problem - smokie
I have an LG which sometimes has a problem in the same sort of area, try plugging something into the remote jack plug and unplugging - seems to reset something. (Not sure that's what the hole is, but it's a small jack plug size.
 TV problem - R.P.
Google might help here...
 TV problem - Skip
Right have Googled it & it seems to be a very common problem (not just on LG's) & the general opinion appears to be as Rattle suggested that it is down to bad capacitors on the power supply.

I suppose that it is worth spending up to a ton on, but anymore than that I would probably replace it.

Any opinions on whether LED is worth the extra guys ?
Last edited by: Skip on Sun 4 Mar 12 at 13:36
 TV problem - John H
>> Any opinions on whether LED is worth the extra guys ? >>

I take it you do know the meaning of "LED" in this context.

Whether you do so or not, Google "led vs lcd" and read the top five hits to get a broad range of views.

 TV problem - spamcan61
Irrespective of picture quality differences I'd be tempted by an LED backlit TV, largely on the basis it won't have an expensive high voltage power supply to go wrong.
 TV problem - smokie
Did you try my suggestion? I just remembered what my problem is, which it cures (temporarily, at least). The TV stops responding to the remote, so not the same problem as yours but gotta be worth a try...
 TV problem - Skip
Hi Smokie, thanks for the suggestion, however unfortunately I can't find anything here which has the correct sized jack plug.
 TV problem - Dog
My 5 year old Panasonic LCD had a similar problem in as much as when I switched it on it would sort of try to fire up like a 1980's Ford, but not quite manage it for some reason, I would just switch it orf and on again, and all was well, it actually started playing up when it was still under guarantee, but it was OK other than that so I didn't chicken curry about it.

Re: LED LCD - go and have a look at em in the shop, but make sure you check out the picture in SD as well as HD, I considered getting an LED LCD recently, but I found the picture to be unnaturally bright, so I chose Plasma in the end.
 TV problem - henry k
>>Re: LED LCD - go and have a look at em in the shop, but make sure you check out the picture in SD as well as HD.

Of course not all cheaper sets have Freeview HD and the dear old public are fooled by "Full HD".
Off centre viewing is something else that might be important to you.
Difficult to judge the sound in a show room.
My small Sony has IMO a better program guide ( it retains a thumbnail on the screen ) than my Panasonic.
I hate the Sony " Bong" everytime the picture is about to appear.

Read up on the reviews to find out some of the obscure bits.
 TV problem - Stuartli
>> Of course not all cheaper sets have Freeview HD and the dear old public are fooled by "Full HD".>>

Don't you mean "HD Ready"...?
 TV problem - henry k
>>>> Of course not all cheaper sets have Freeview HD and the dear old public are fooled by "Full HD".

>>Don't you mean "HD Ready"...?
That usually refers to 720

"Full HD 1080" as you probably know will show Blu-ray disks but such a set will not always have a Freeview HD tuner.

 TV problem - rtj70
>> "Full HD 1080" as you probably know will show Blu-ray disks but such a set will not always have a Freeview HD tuner.

A HD Ready 720P TV will 'show' Blu-ray disks too.
 TV problem - Stuartli
>> "Full HD 1080" as you probably know will show Blu-ray disks but such a set will not always have a Freeview HD tuner.>>

Freeview HD televisiions were only first launched in early 2010 - "HD Ready" TVs had been around for some time before that...:-)

To get the top definition benefits of a Full HD television, you need to mate it up with a Blu-Ray player or PS3.
 TV problem - John H
>> >> Of course not all cheaper sets have Freeview HD and the dear old public
>> are fooled by "Full HD".>>
>> Don't you mean "HD Ready"...?

Here is just one example of a TV described as "Full HD" even though it does not have a HD tuner.

(plenty like that on that and other retailers' web sites).

 TV problem - henry k
That is a good example, so look for the "Freeview HD" label.
My Panasonic also has a built in sat tuner ( not a very common feature ?) but not sure if it will get Freesat HD as I have yet to get a dish.
 TV problem - John H
>> My Panasonic also has a built in sat tuner ( not a very common feature
>> ?) but not sure if it will get Freesat HD as I have yet to
>> get a dish.

Freesat HD channels in the UK moved from using DVB-S to the new DVB-S2 standard on June 6th 2011. So if you have the S2 tuner built in, you will get HD.

Last edited by: John H on Sun 4 Mar 12 at 23:36
 TV problem - AnotherJohnH
>> My Panasonic also has a built in sat tuner ( not a very common feature
>> ?) but not sure if it will get Freesat HD as I have yet to
>> get a dish.

There can't be too many freesat/freeview Panasonics.

I occasionally watch a 2 to 3 year old 37" Panasonic - it is HD on DSAT.

A google with the model number of yours will probably answer the question.
 TV problem - henry k
I have the TXL32D25 and theTXL37D25 - now discontinued.
Both are reviewed as having Freesat HD.
Very pleased with them to date. We also love the finish of the screen surround, unlike any others and so clever. They also have a swivel stand another plus feature.

Not sure what the current models come with. A few months ago friends bought a very similar model that had no Freesat and reduced to just one SCART.
 TV problem - Skip
Well I turned the TV off at the wall socket last night in case the problem could be a fire risk and when I switched it back on this morning it was dead, not even the red standby LED glowing, then after about 10 minutes that came on, but the tv would not boot up, so I left it about 30 minutes then tried again & it came on.

I have ordered a 40" Toshiba LCD from Currys to collect after work, I think it was about £325 & I will get someone to quote for repairing the old one, which if it is about £100 will have done & put it in the bedroom.
 TV problem - Zero
Something in the power supply is clearly only working when its warm.
 TV problem - Skip
Quick update !

Didn't buy a new TV in the end. A google search found a repair guy who works from home about 4 miles from me. Dropped it off to him yesterday morning, had a phone call last night to say that it was dodgy capacitors on the power board & that he could sort it for £64.00 using parts that were of a better quality than OE & would guarantee the repair for 3 months. It was ready for me to pick up this morning.
 TV problem - Roger.
 TV problem - Clk Sec
I remember the days when there was a TV repair shop on every street corner - well most of them, anyway.
 TV problem - Skip
My dad was a TV repairer for a firm called Rent A Set in the 1950's, however as the sets he fixed had valves in them I don't think he could have sorted this one. Plus the fact that he died 13 years ago may have also been an issue !

I remember us getting our first colour television from Radio Rentals (rented of course) in about 1971/2 and it breaking down frequently, at least once a month, sometimes twice in a week !
 TV problem - AnotherJohnH
those were the days...

PL509, anyone?
 TV problem - Bigtee
More repair men needed for most things electrical we seemed to have got used to throwing things out when a simple fix would sufice.

Got given a hifi a sony midi the on off switch was tempremental a squirt of switch cleaner and it was back in buisness working with no problems, the owner spent £250.00 on a new one!!
 TV problem - rtj70
I had a fully working Panasonic 28" widescreen CRT with Dolby Digital surround sound, sub-woofer, etc.. We didn't want it and neither did anyone else! It got 'recycled' in the end which I tried to avoid but we needed rid of it and I couldn't find anybody who wanted it.
 TV problem - Clk Sec
>> I had a fully working Panasonic 28" widescreen CRT with Dolby Digital surround sound, >>sub-woofer, etc.. We didn't want it and neither did anyone else!

You're right there, no-one want CRTs these days. My local free paper is full of them at £20 - £30.

Our six year old 28" was demoted to a bedroom as a replacement for a smaller telly, where it sits unobtrusively in an alcove.
 TV problem - bathtub tom
I'm using a 28" Sony CRT that I rescued from a relative before it went to the tip. I've only got it on two of the possible five speakers. A common remark from visitors is about how much better it sounds than their modern stuff.
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