Non-motoring > Need an MP3 player - suggestions Miscellaneous
Thread Author: RattleandSmoke Replies: 16

 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - RattleandSmoke
Yes I know they are old fashioned now, I have used my Galaxy S in the past and my other smart phones but it drains the battery on long train trips so I want a proper MP3 player.

Ideally it needs to either have an SD slot or be at least 8GB but more importantly is the volume, it needs to go fairly loud ones with volume restrictions are no use to me.

I will be using it with my PX 100 headphones and on occasion Grado SR60is.
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - RattleandSmoke
This is looking the best bet.

Philips SA3VBE08BN Vibe 8GB MP3 £49.99 from Chavgos

Creative do some but there is comments about the volume so it is no good for me. I need it for Tuesday so ordering it online is no good.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Sat 3 Mar 12 at 16:57
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - spamcan61
The Sansa Clip+ is often available for 30 quid ish, gets a good rep. for sound quality (relatively speaking)

random ebay seller:- & Amazon often have it a similar price
Last edited by: spamcan61 on Sat 3 Mar 12 at 17:14
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - spamcan61
aaghhhhhhh edit timer beat me.

You won't get decent volume out of any CE player (EU directive); however many can be re-flashed with USA software which won't have the volume SW limited.

whoops missed the physical shop bit ignore me
Last edited by: spamcan61 on Sat 3 Mar 12 at 17:20
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - Bromptonaut
My 8GB Sony is brilliant but was remaindered when I bought it in 2009. Current E series is nearest equivalent. Used with closed Creative EP630 in ear phones it has all the volume I want even on trains or walking in London.

Far too many people use volume to overcome characteristic of open backed phones (ie they let in external noise). Someday I'm going to marmalize the person on the other side of the carriage who imposes and hour of bum tish bum tish on me.

 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - Dog
This is what I use with my PX 100's (Amazon)
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - borasport
Just reading this and there's an ad on the right for 'one good earbud'. I'm in the market for some sort of earphones at the moment so I thought I'd have a look.

There's nothing there of interst to me, their point is they sell a single earpiece that plays both channels, but if you are feeding it through a single earpiece, are they taking the mickey advertising separate 'left ear' and 'right ear' products ?
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - Number_Cruncher
>>the battery on long train trips...

>> but more importantly is the volume, it needs to go fairly loud ones with volume restrictions are no use to me.

Please spare a thought for those others on the train who might not want to listen to your music!!??

 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - Woodster
Rattle, are you anti ipod or just want something cheaper?
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - busbee
I have an earlier version of the Sansa, that has a circular 4-way control on the front rather than the square one you show here. (Battery life is about 180 hours IIRC, if you are interested)

I have just tried it to see how loud it will go (and I am also a bit deaf) and it is very loud indeed. You're not just listening, you are being bombard with sound blasts. And it is still not distorting!

It was a piano playing and I was quite concerned the pianist may play an even louder passage and so I took the phones off rather quickly. elf and afety would not like it.
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - busbee
At risk of losing my credibility, I will tell you about some small headphones I bought for 99p made by Magnavox. I bought the first pair fully expecting to throw them away as rubbish but for £1, I was in a mood to play and throw. In fact I was surprised. They were very good indeed and I went back and got more spares. Sadly you can't get them any more, at any price.
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - RattleandSmoke
I don't have it that loud at all on the train, especially if its busy but at other times if I am out I tend to have it on very loud or at night if in a noisy hotel.

I am limited due to the fact I need it for Tuesday, the volume on my Galaxy is more than fine and I assume that is CE certified.

I can only use open back head phones, although they do let in sound and let some sound out it is the only thing that sounds natural and the PX100s have a brilliant ability of making MP3 players sound reasonable.

I am anti Apple I suppose, but also want something a bit cheaper, it is not something I will use on a daily basis.
Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Sat 3 Mar 12 at 20:48
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - Iffy
...I am anti Apple I suppose...

Max volume is not an iPod's strongest point, for the regulatory reasons outlined by another poster.

 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - WillDeBeest
I'd highly recommend a pair of in-ear noise excluding phones for public transport. I bought my Shure ones for about £80 to go with my iPod Classic on long flights. (With a cheap adaptor they'll also work with the onboard AV system, so I can actually hear the dialogue - impossible with airline-issue phones.). Big advantage is that they shut out so much ambient noise that I don't need to wind the Pod's volume above halfway. Much less sound spillage too. Disadvantage is that when you eat your pre-dinner peanuts it sounds like artillery practice inside your head. Mine are four years old but I've more than had my money's worth from them.

Open-backed phones are fine for when you're on your own in a silent room - but then, so are loudspeakers!
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - RattleandSmoke
There is so much background noise on a train (especially diesel ones) and any slight leakage is not really an issue anyway.

It is a major problem on electric trains though such as the Pendolino although the air conditioning units usually drain out any leakage. The class 323 are a no go for open back headphones as they are almost silent.

I always check that I can't hear any leakage from my headphones when on a train and if somebody is sat next to me and they are not using headphones I tend not to use them either unless they are noisy.

 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - WillDeBeest
There is so much background noise on a train (especially diesel ones) and any slight leakage is not really an issue anyway.

Maybe not for the leaker; Bromp might take a different view. More seriously for you, if you're having to wind up the volume to overcome background noise, your ears are getting the louder music and the noise - not good for them in the long term, the experts tell us.
 Need an MP3 player - suggestions - RattleandSmoke
I spend most my weekends in rock clubs, so its a bit late for that! Got studying to do and need to give my liver a and wallet a rest tonight though :).

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