Non-motoring > Davy Jones to his locker Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Lygonos Replies: 22

 Davy Jones to his locker - Lygonos
Lead singer of the Monkees - died at 66 from 'massive heart attack' in his sleep.
 Davy Jones to his locker - Focusless
Toured the UK less than a year ago:

 Davy Jones to his locker - MD
Met him early eighties in Greenford no less, at a Fete. What a nice man. Erin had a pic taken with him which to her dismay she can't find. Gail from Corrie was there too. She seemed crumpo then................not that I was looking you understand. >>>>>Matron..................
 Davy Jones to his locker - R.P.
Martin Specsavers now.

Monkees were part of the soundtrack of my life - shame. He was in something on the telly quite recently.
 Davy Jones to his locker - MD
I may have had a 'few' RP. (0:0)
 Davy Jones to his locker - Skip

Monkees were part of the soundtrack of my life - shame.

 Davy Jones to his locker - MD
'Pleasant Valley Sunday'. Just listen to the words.
 Davy Jones to his locker - MD
Daydream Believer. Got the vinyl........................somewhere.
 Davy Jones to his locker - Focusless
'Randy scouse git'. Just the title will do :)
 Davy Jones to his locker - Runfer D'Hills
How did he get to be 66 already? That means I must be....Oh dear ! I used to watch the Monkees on a Saturday morning I'm sure, or was that the Banana Splits?
 Davy Jones to his locker - R.P.
 Davy Jones to his locker - Runfer D'Hills
One banana, two banana, three banana na na, na nana na...

Sorry, it just happens sometimes...
 Davy Jones to his locker - Runfer D'Hills
I met her once. No chin you know. Odd looking. ( Coronation St woman that is )
Last edited by: Humph D'Bout on Wed 29 Feb 12 at 21:08
 Davy Jones to his locker - zippy
Shades of Gray for me.

Could describe the world today!

I used to love their show on Saturday morning TV.

 Davy Jones to his locker - swiss tony
>> I met her once. No chin you know. Odd looking. ( Coronation St woman that
>> is )

ET's long lost sister......
 Davy Jones to his locker - Roger.
>> >> I met her once. No chin you know. Odd looking. ( Coronation St woman
>> that
>> >> is )
>> >>
>> ET's long lost sister......
Mother, more like!
 Davy Jones to his locker - VxFan
Apparently Mickey was the first to send his condolenzes.
 Davy Jones to his locker - Jetski
I'm a bereaver.
 Davy Jones to his locker - MD
It wasn't her chin or lack of I was looking at.
 Davy Jones to his locker - Zero

 Davy Jones to his locker - BiggerBadderDave
What dreadful news hearing the end of Davy Jones, I was a huge fan as a small boy and still love the Monkees.

Actually, I share the same name, the same birth place and who knows, the same ending one day. Well, maybe not quite the same ending - when I'm a 66 year old after tooting a few grams with a hooker I'll probably have a heart attack too.
 Davy Jones to his locker - R.P.
It is Dave - glad you're still around and posting though !!!
 Davy Jones to his locker - Armel Coussine
>> 66 year old after tooting a few grams with a hooker I'll probably have a heart attack too.

'a few grams'? Didn't realise you were an oil burner BBD.

A valve and ring job might help.
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