Non-motoring > P.C. Gone mad. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dutchie Replies: 38

 P.C. Gone mad. - Dutchie
A seven year old lad has been classed as a racist by a local school.

He asked a lad which part of Africa he came from.The school send his mother a letter to sign that her son is a racist.The mother refused,the lad is still at the same school.

The mother said he wasn't a racist just curious.
 P.C. Gone mad. - diddy1234
the dumbing down of the nation is going to plan then.

Ditto for the fascist teachers as well.
 P.C. Gone mad. - Bromptonaut
Need more detail.

A one off innocent question and correct response is to take questioner on one side and explain. OTOH if it was accompanied with chants or stuff learned at home then stronger action needed.

Same as kids that age being sexually curious with one another. Unless there are pointers to abuse at home it's best taken in school's stride with 'words of advice'.
 P.C. Gone mad. - Meldrew

The gist of this is that a boy with the surname Weiner, was teased about the possible Germanic or food implications of that name. He responded by calling one of his mockers A Chocolate Browinie.

I note that this does NOT seem to be case Dutchie is referring to ie a child being asked where he came from but it is just as futile/pathetic.
 P.C. Gone mad. - Bromptonaut
Only the Mail could report that Wiener is an American term for a hot dog sausage without mentioning the other slang meaning..........

Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 27 Feb 12 at 13:52
 P.C. Gone mad. - Mapmaker
>>The gist of this is that a boy with the surname Weiner, was teased about the possible
>>Germanic or food implications of that name. He responded by calling one of his mockers A
>>Chocolate Brownie.

Key to this is that the mocker was WHITE, and his surname was Brown.
 P.C. Gone mad. - -
childhood was a bit simpler in my day, we'd scrap and play and learn about girls and climb trees and get hurt and eventually grow up reasonably normal.

going to be some very strange inhibited troubled adults unable to cope with normal life in due course.

Just what fabians intended?
 P.C. Gone mad. - John H
>> Need more detail. >>


 P.C. Gone mad. - Duncan
‘There is a statutory duty to report any incident that is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.’

'Any other person'

Really! So if I perceive - or claim to perceive - that any incident is racist, it must be reported.

Child A says to child B 'you are stupid', I can insist that the incident is reported although it has nothing to do with me, happened a hundred miles away, both children are unknown to me and are of the same racial type!!
 P.C. Gone mad. - Meldrew
I can't find the "Statutory Duty" aspect in the thread, so far. My Local County Council's guidance on the matter says:-

‘A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any
other person.’

It is worth noting that a racist incident does not necessarily have a victim"

So if you perceive some utterance or action to be racist you can report it but you don't have to.

The second sentence seems to imply that if you come out of a pub and start shouting abuse in general about foreigners taking our jobs that could be a crime even if no foreigners hear it.
 P.C. Gone mad. - John H
>> I can't find the "Statutory Duty" aspect in the thread, >>

I can see where it came from. ;-)

See further discussion of whether such a duty exists or not, here:

>> that could be a crime even if no foreigners hear it. >>

Ignorance of the law is not a defence, and there is no harm in reading what our civil servants make of it:
Guidance on prosecuting cases of racist and religious crime

Last edited by: John H on Mon 27 Feb 12 at 16:22
 P.C. Gone mad. - Westpig
>> ‘A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim
>> or any
>> other person.’

This came out after the Stephen Lawrence inquiry and has been the case for quite some time.

The reality is the 'racist incident' needs to be recorded and investigated. If it turns out there is nothing done wrong...THEN YOU DO NOT TAKE ANY ACTION.

It's the last bit many people have diffculty with. They assume that the need to record and investigate also = automatic guilt.

 P.C. Gone mad. - Fullchat
Not really as stupidism is not one of the strands of diversity - yet. :-)
 P.C. Gone mad. - Armel Coussine
>> stupidism is not one of the strands of diversity - yet. :-)

You can hardly have failed to notice though Westpig that stupidity (dunno about the 'ism') is a virtually universal human characteristic when circumstances favour it. And in your professional life you will also have noticed that it is highly infectious, especially in volatile, fraught situations involving large numbers of people.

It's hard to be sure what really happened either in this case or in the one Meldrew cites. There are many instances of people stirring up trouble about this sort of thing while playing the innocent. Trying to regulate racism with new regulations is just asking for trouble because as well as those trying to make a nuisance of themselves there are half-witted or malevolent or panicky petty officials trying to look important and cover their rumps.

Petty officials - customs men, parking attendants, school and hospital managements, even the old bill I am sorry to say, and it applies to other groups like London black cab drivers - have an esprit de corps and under some circumstances, where one of their number has been dissed or thinks he has, can go into a sort of feeding frenzy and fit someone up. The real nature of the incident is lost in the subsequent kerfuffle.

That's what makes these apparently simple stories a bit treacherous.
 P.C. Gone mad. - Dutchie

Some more here Brompt.
 P.C. Gone mad. - devonite
This sort if thing makes me so mad! and its only going to get worse! - I`m glad I`ve only got 20-25 years left! I`d hate to b a kid now, and have to grow and put up with this sort of thing and worse, for the rest of my life! (by that i mean next 60yrs)
 P.C. Gone mad. - Dutchie
Take it with a pinch of salt devonite.I have worked with many different races,the colour is irrelevant.
 P.C. Gone mad. - Armel Coussine
On the face of it looks as if the school was at fault, and perhaps to a lesser extent the older child (who put his question about the other child's place of origin more than once it seems). All the parents come out of it well.
 P.C. Gone mad. - L'escargot
I don't understand why some people are so self-concious about their skin colour. If I was in Africa and a coloured person asked me if I was white because I came from England I would be proud to say "Yes". If I was in America and someone called me a White Honky it wouldn't bother me one iota.
 P.C. Gone mad. - swiss tony
>> I don't understand why some people are so self-concious about their skin colour. If I
>> was in Africa and a coloured person asked me if I was white because I
>> came from England I would be proud to say "Yes". If I was in America
>> and someone called me a White Honky it wouldn't bother me one iota.

Like most things in life, it only bothers you IF YOU let it.

The issues begin, when people start getting upset on other peoples behalf's....
 P.C. Gone mad. - Bromptonaut
>> Like most things in life, it only bothers you IF YOU let it.
>> The issues begin, when people start getting upset on other peoples behalf's....

So people use your colour to define you in a way which makes sweeping assumptions about your intelligence, culture, character and trustworthiness.

And it only bothers you IF YOU let it.

Words fail me.
 P.C. Gone mad. - swiss tony
>> Words fail me.


Bully's only bully when they can see how much it hurts.
I found, having been picked on in my life, the best way, nay, the only way to stop the bullying is to ignore the hurt it causes.
The more you cry, the more the bully torments.

It IS hard to do - but if you can be strong the results speak for themselves.
Last edited by: VxFan on Tue 28 Feb 12 at 10:19
 P.C. Gone mad. - -
Can't do your way ST, when i see innocent people bullied i am enraged, red mist ensues.

Bullies continue from one victim to another till someone takes them down painfully IMO.
 P.C. Gone mad. - John H
>> I don't understand why some people are so self-concious about their skin colour. >>

It will take a lot of education is required to make you understand then.

>> If I was in Africa and a coloured person asked me if I was white because I came from England I would be proud to say "Yes". >>

1. What is a "coloured" person?

2. So you think that to be white means/proves you are English?

3. Suppose they substituted Germany, or Greenland, or Sweden in place of England. Would you still be proud?

>> If I was in America and someone called me a White Honky it wouldn't bother me one iota.

4. Is there something such as a "Black Honky" (or should that be "Coloured Honky" using your preference for the word "coloured")

5. Honky:
a derogatory term for a Caucasian person.
there are three main theories for the origin of the word:
a. the word originated from the practice of white males wishing to hire African-American prostitutes in the 1920's, and going to the appropriate part of town while honking their car horns to attract the w****s. Some versions state that the reason for this was that the white men were too afraid to actually stop in those neighborhoods, so the honking would bring the hookers to them. Others say that since few African-Americans could afford cars back in that time, the honking signaled a higher-paying white client and would quickly gain the prostitutes attention.
b. the term comes from the word "honky-tonk", which was used as early as 1875 in reference to wild saloons in the Old West. Patrons of such disreputable establishments were referred to as "honkies", not intended as a racial slur but still a disparaging term.
c. "honkie" is a variation of "hunky" and "bohunk", derogatory terms for Hungarian, Bohemian, and Polish immigrant factory workers and hard laborers in the early 1900's. African-Americans began to use the word in reference to all whites regardless of specific nation of origin.

6. Using the word honky has been found to be racist - in a court of law:
"White man convicted of racial abuse after making 'honky' jibe at WHITE security guards"

 P.C. Gone mad. - -
According to my older black friends honky is an insult, a racist term suggesting the victim is of effeminate tendencies or ways.
 P.C. Gone mad. - L'escargot
I'd sooner be insulted than have people ignore me and pretend I didn't exist. Ignoring me would be the worst thing anyone could do. I just like to be the centre of attention, in whatever way.
 P.C. Gone mad. - madf
>> I'd sooner be insulted than have people ignore me and pretend I didn't exist. Ignoring
>> me would be the worst thing anyone could do. I just like to be the
>> centre of attention, in whatever way.

Sorry but I ignore snails... :-)

(except on plates and cooked with garlic)
Last edited by: madf on Tue 28 Feb 12 at 10:42
 P.C. Gone mad. - L'escargot
>> Sorry but I ignore snails... :-)
>> (except on plates and cooked with garlic)

That's not ignoring me. That's giving me the sort of attention I crave!
 P.C. Gone mad. - VxFan
>> I'd sooner be insulted than have people ignore me

Get back in your shell slimey ;o)
 P.C. Gone mad. - L'escargot
>> Get back in your shell slimey ;o)

VxFan, you're my favourite!
 P.C. Gone mad. - Pat
Now I'm off to sulk:(

 P.C. Gone mad. - L'escargot
>> According to my older black friends honky is an insult, a racist term suggesting the
>> victim is of effeminate tendencies or ways.

Hello honky tonk, how are you?
 P.C. Gone mad. - -
>> Hello honky tonk, how are you?

Brilliant, humour from the days we could laugh at our own faults and stereotypes galore.
 P.C. Gone mad. - L'escargot
>> 2. So you think that to be white means/proves you are English?

My family tree is very obscure. My mother was born out of wedlock, and her birth wasn't recorded. My maternal grandfather was unknown to us. I could be related to the lord of the manor or, equally, the village idiot. Sticks and stones etc is my motto. I just have to be a bit wary of anyone waving about a salt cellar!
 P.C. Gone mad. - Dutchie
Who cares Les we're all the same on the inside a mess.
 P.C. Gone mad. - John H
>> Who cares Les we're all the same on the inside a mess>>

By the age of 2 or 3 years, a baby will start to get its mind messed up with all kinds of prejudices (religion, race, class, gender, ... ) that it learns - mainly from its parent(s).

The damage done then is very hard to undo later.

 P.C. Gone mad. - Dutchie
Isn't that up to the parents? My mother was racist my father wasn't.I made up my own mind who I like or dislike nothing to do with colour or race.

Our grandchild will be half Polish and Dutch English.She will learn English Polish and I teach her Dutch.Its a funny world.
 P.C. Gone mad. - DP
>> I don't understand why some people are so self-concious about their skin colour. If I
>> was in Africa and a coloured person asked me if I was white because I
>> came from England I would be proud to say "Yes". If I was in America
>> and someone called me a White Honky it wouldn't bother me one iota.

In my experience these people are in a real minority. I have a fair few black and Asian friends, all of whom are perfectly comfortable and at ease with their ethnicity, and consider the PC culture to be just as baffling and ridiculous as it is to white people. It's actually more sinister even than that, because it brings race into the minds of people they deal with when it generally wouldn't even be a consideration, and the perception that they need to be treated, or spoken to differently than, say, a white person. The whole thing just breeds stress and resentment where it otherwise wouldn't exist.

As has been said elsewhere here, the principle problem is the PC lobby who have taken it upon themselves to get offended on the behalf of other people. Most people only ask to be treated with basic consideration and respect. This is not race-specific.
 P.C. Gone mad. - Bromptonaut
>> As has been said elsewhere here, the principle problem is the PC lobby who have
>> taken it upon themselves to get offended on the behalf of other people. Most people
>> only ask to be treated with basic consideration and respect. This is not race-specific.

The problem arises because too often the presence or degree of consideration & respect is determined, whether consciously or otherwise, by race.

That was the issue in the Stephen Lawrence case that led to the MacPherson Inquiry etc.
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