Non-motoring > Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Meldrew Replies: 79

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
It wouldn't appeal to me personally and reading that they have Katie Price (Jordan) and that well known mattress Nancy del'Ollio as columnists isn't likely to change my mind!
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - R.P.
No - I wouldn't be seen dead buying the dreadful thing. Just blocked its advert on FB, by ticking the "offensive" box. Hope it fails.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...Hope it fails...

I hope you are wrong, not least for the sake of all those involved in its production and distribution.

But I don't need to hope, because it won't fail.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Pat
Yes, I shall buy the Sun on Sunday and very welcome it will be too.

I want my Sunday paper to be lighthearted, a pleasant and humorous read, something I can take with a pinch of salt, divide by two and arrive at something near the truth.

I'm a pretty average sort of person with my feet firmly planted on the ground.

I don't believe all I read in it, but then again, neither do I believe all I read in The Times, I just believe it's done with a tad more conniving and cunning.

Chatting to our local village newsagent a few weeks ago he was bemoaning how hard it is to order the correct number of Sunday papers since the NOW closed down.
He said that their regular readers are floundering about with a different newspaper every week ( as I have done) and not been able to settle on a regular replacement.

Proof indeed that nothing comes up to the ideal blend of serious and frivolous that the vast majority of ordinary people like on a Sunday.

It will be a success, of course many will never admit to either buying, or reading it.

Last edited by: pda on Sun 26 Feb 12 at 08:03
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...Chatting to our local village newsagent...

It's also good news for those of you who like to support your local store.

The more customers who walk in to buy a paper, the more who will also buy pop, tabs, sweets, milk and whatever else is on sale.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - -
No but then i don't willingly subscribe to propaganda, brainwashing or banal tittle tattle and can't abide sport, so haven't bought a paper for probably nigh on 30 years.

The turncoat Sun especially you couldn't blackmail me into reading whichever day its printed.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Bromptonaut
No for same reasons as Rob. Murdoch has been a malign influence on this country for too long.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - L'escargot
>> Hope it fails.

What benefit would you get if it failed? I know what it's like to be made redundant, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I wish the Sun employees every success.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Harleyman

>> What benefit would you get if it failed? I know what it's like to be
>> made redundant, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I wish the Sun employees every
>> success.

I don't buy newspapers to keep people in jobs. I buy them to inform me of national and global happenings with a measure of honesty and veracity.

So it's a no from me as well.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - borasport
Can't remember the last time I bought a Sunday paper - there is nearly always something more pressing to do with your time, and very often (like today) we haven't even got round to looking at yesterday's paper yet

What are newspapers for in this day and age ? We get our news from TV/Radio/Net/text services, we get one paper on Saturdays for the crosswords/gardening/motoring and I get a different paper one day a week when working away so as to have a different crossword in the evening, but if it wasn't for the crosswords we just wouldn't bother
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - L'escargot
>> What are newspapers for in this day and age ? We get our news from
>> TV/Radio/Net/text services, ...........

The news we get from our local weekly paper doesn't appear in any other media.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Manatee
Yes, though I don't expect I'll be buying it every week.

We get the Telegraph every day, it comes with the sub, but I never open the Sunday one - I can't even find the crossword, it's such a jumble of pieces, and I'm usually still reading Saturday's.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Clk Sec
>>and I'm usually still reading Saturday's.

Saturday's Telegraph usually lasts me until about Wednesday.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
Just been to my village shop and it is not on display. Asked why, thinking it might be a continuing stand off re the Sun's reporting of the Hillsborough football deaths, and was told it was a protest against the wafer thin margins on which the paper is supplied to the shop.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - bathtub tom
>>and I'm usually still reading Saturday's.

Saturday Telegraph's the only paper I buy. SWMBO won't let me get one if I haven't finished reading the previous - it can last for weeks sometimes!
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...and I'm usually still reading Saturday's...

One of the changes is recent years is the introduction of multi-supplemented Saturday papers.

Many readers regard the Saturday edition as their weekend paper and no longer buy a Sunday.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dog
I reads em on-line, I'm also a DiM reader.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Roger.
I never buy the dead tree press, although I do miss the Telegraph crosswords.
Last edited by: Roger on Sun 26 Feb 12 at 09:25
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Focusless
Just got back from the local shop with one. Probably won't become a habit though.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Westpig

Too set in my ways with the Telegraph, although to be honest the sunday version doesn't really cut it with me....trouble is there's nothing else out there, so I soldier on with it.

I prefer my news to be as honest and straightforward as possible...I don't want to be searching for the angle or have someone try to influence me.

Problem is the Telegraph's standard's are slipping...which is a real shame. If it carries on like it, there may well come a day when I stop.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...I don't want to be searching for the angle or have someone try to influence me...

Many people try to read far too much into the stories, most are bashed out so quickly there's no time to pay much attention to 'influence' and 'angle'.

Take the splash in the new paper - Amanda Holden's difficult childbirth.

That may not interest you - it doesn't do a lot for me - but the story itself is straight enough.

It is what it is.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - R.P.
Thinking about this I was a regular Telegraph reader for many years. I used to take The Times occasionally on Sundays - I now rarely buy a national paper these days let alone a Sunday. If I was taking the car or bike for a service I'd occasionally browse the Mail or Express if I could find a freebie in a caff. I wouldn't read the latter if you paid me now. The only other national I now browse is the I which is a bargain read although lacks depth, I trust its coverage. Since papers, even the Telegraph, have become obsessed with celebrity nonsense I avoid them, It really disengages me. I buy the North Wales edition of the Daily Post - mainly for the very local content (they have a West and East edition) and to see whose died. It's a habit and a questionable one !

Maybe being a Private Eye reader for 30 years has turned me bitter and twisted.....I know measure the values of the printed media by the character of their owners and editors. Dacre and Sullivan are not the type of people I associate with.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sun 26 Feb 12 at 10:23
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - L'escargot
I'm surprised by the number of members who've said they buy the Telegraph, considering how often in this forum it's disparagingly referred to as the Torygraph.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Harleyman
>> I'm surprised by the number of members who've said they buy the Telegraph, considering how
>> often in this forum it's disparagingly referred to as the Torygraph.

You shouldn't be. For all the paper's alleged Conservative sympathies, it's still by far the most balanced of all newspapers both quality and red-top.

I was a semi-regular reader for many years (every Monday without fail and a couple of more in the week, but never Saturday) and I still browse the on-line version, but two things made me stop buying hard copy; the hike in price from £1 to £1.20 not long after the hike from 90p, and the declining quality of the Monday sports review.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
I gave up on the Telegraph months ago as a direct result of their change of policy which gave about 20% of the front page, every day, to irrelevant photographs of pretty people. I know what the Duches of Cambridge looks like and I don't need to be reminded often. The last straw was when we were given a picture of a nice Italian waitress who had NOT ben left a tip in a restaurant. Not news and not worth a picture
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Manatee
>> I gave up on the Telegraph months ago as a direct result of their change
>> of policy which gave about 20% of the front page, every day, to irrelevant photographs
>> of pretty people. I know what the Duches of Cambridge looks like

I laugh every time, there seems to be no limit to the number of pictures of the DoC they will print! It's not new, they struck a rich vein of Elizabeth Hurley pictures a few years ago. The Sunday today has a shot of Kate Winslet's decolletage front page. The Saturday this week had Berenice Bejo on the front, also berry nice looking.

The SoS was exactly as expected, a waste of 50p, but to be fair it was only 50p. I can see why people would rather spend that to pass a few minutes with a cup of tea than £2 on a heavyweight.

I get my papers from a community run village shop. They had four orders for the SoS, and had sold those and the extra 6 they had by 9.30. I had to go to their supplier, another shop 2 miles away - he had an absolute stack, NI have obviously made sure to print enough.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - swiss tony
>> It wouldn't appeal to me personally and reading that they have Katie Price (Jordan) and
>> that well known mattress Nancy del'Ollio as columnists isn't likely to change my mind!
I will be buying a copy IF there's any left.

Then some time in the future (when it fails) I will put the last edition of TNOFW 1st and last editions of the SOS (sic) on Ebay, expecting a decent price!
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - L'escargot
>> Then some time in the future (when it fails) .........

It sound as if you're expecting (and secretly hoping) the Sun employees will be made redundant at some time in the future. I personally wish them and their employer every success.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Sun 26 Feb 12 at 10:24
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - mikeyb
Not really bothered one way or the other if it sinks or swims, but I suspect it will do well. It is to all intents and purposes the NOW with a different name, and all those poor lost souls with nothing to read since its demise will rush out to buy it.

They have printed 3 mil copies and I see they are hoping to sell 2+ mil

Not something I would buy, but if I saw one lying around I might have a flick through out of curiosity (skipping anything by that awful ex glamour model)
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Then some time in the future (when it fails) I will put the last edition
>> of TNOFW 1st and last editions of the SOS (sic) on Ebay, expecting a decent
>> price!
Ebay is full of copies of the last edition of the NoTW, none ever managing to reach their reserve of 99p. I work in my local newsagent/post office on Sunday mornings and the Sun had quite a pickup for deliveries, most of those who used to take the News switching back. Biggest loser was the Star which had picked up a lot of NoTW readers but has now slipped back to the usual half a dozen copies.

Funny thing with the Times and Telegraph is that the Tele outsells the Times by about 2:1 on a Saturday, yet it is the reverse on Sundays.
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Sun 26 Feb 12 at 10:31
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - R.P.
Reminded me - I shared a village with a former Page 3 girl - one of the original ones. A lady.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Robin O'Reliant
Now this makes interesting reading -
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
IMO the Sunday Times is a lot better value than the Sunday Telegraph. In fact when I got the Telegraph on vouchers I use to pay my newsagent the small cash difference and take the Times
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Runfer D'Hills
Never seem to have time to read a paper on a Sunday. Always tends to be a stuff to do day.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Armel Coussine
I gave up reading Sundays when I was being a hack and reading two dailies plus others and listening to radio. I haven't regretted it. Nor have I ever missed anything as a result. But if I did read one it wouldn't be a two-minute read like the Currant Bun.


No way. Sunday is the Lord's day to some, a 'day of rest and culture' to others.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - R.P.
As the Now Show helpfully points out abbreviation for the new paper is SoS !
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Focusless
Having browsed through it I'm a bit disappointed - not sure what I was expecting but thought it would be different in some way eg. like the difference between The Times and The Sunday Times. Perhaps unreasonable given the 50p asking price.

But I found it pretty similar to a midweek Sun, although admittedly I'm not a regular reader. If I was going to buy a Sun at the weekend, it would definitely by the Saturday edition.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - L'escargot
I bought a copy of the Sun and the only thing I disliked about it was that, on some pages, people's names were spelled entirely in lower case letters. However, I don't suppose it's the only newspaper to commit that error.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dog
Bring back ... The Daily Sketch.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dog
And here's one for Lud, he probably penned copy for it at one time or another.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Armel Coussine
Stimulated by this thread, I lashed out 45p for the West Sussex Gazette just now when I went to get some cigarettes. The lead story is a nimby shock-horror one on plans to build a new town in Sussex for ghastly people from somewhere else. The lead in the two or three other local rags, concerning two arrests for a series of arsons, doesn't get a mention.

The other front page yarn concerns a cat 'back from the dead', complete with photo of the fluffy feline and its doting owner. Inside, though, there's a serious investigative piece revealing that Sussex oldsters are adopting fewer and fewer old stray mogs preferring younger, more winsome cats as decor for their glamorous lives. A discreet curtain is drawn over what happens to these unadopted old cats. Perhaps they are released into the wild.

Anyway the one-eared, tailless and three-legged felines of Sussex need a Tsar to look after their interests. No salary, but would suit kind-hearted former truck driver. Any takers I wonder?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
I can hazard a guess as to what may be happening to ancient felines. They are being used by the catering trade as there is a shortage of chicken due to contaminated stock in a certain cheap corner shop chain.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Pat
Send them up here to the Fens Lud, they will have a safe and secure home for life with all the love they can handle!

When I win the lottery I shall set up stray animal homes all over the country and you'll never hear me moan that I've won too much.

My slogan will be

Animals are nicer than people, their love is unconditional.


 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - VxFan
I bought my usual Sunday paper, the Sunday Star.

Also bought the Mail On Sunday. Not to read I should add. It was for the £5 off @ Tesco voucher. Mind you, there is a motoring magazine inside that I might have a gander at later.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Harleyman

>> Also bought the Mail On Sunday. Not to read I should add. It was for
>> the £5 off @ Tesco voucher.

Yeah, right. So that'll be the £3.50 off at Tesco's voucher then? ;-)
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dave_
I haven't bought the Sun on Sunday because redtops just don't appeal to me. I occasionally pick up a copy of the Sun if I get advance warning of a long wait ahead, but as I'm not into sport it rarely occupies me for more than 5 minutes.

The only paper I buy regularly is the Sunday Times, it gives me breakfast reading material for the whole week and the TV guide is laid out in a Freeview-friendly format.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Bromptonaut
A friend's Facebook status reads:

The only sun I wanted to see today was the one that represents 99.86% of the solar systems mass and not the one that represents 99.86% of fleet street toilet paper

Sums it up brilliantly.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...Sums it up brilliantly....

Oooo, 'Fleet Street toilet paper' - biting satire.

Proves the cretin count on Facebook remains high.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - R.P.
Iffy with the best will in the world it's a rubbish newspaper....unpretentious, undemanding rubbish.

Like a turd - you may want to guild it and sex it up but fundamentally it's still a turd.
Last edited by: R.P. on Sun 26 Feb 12 at 22:54
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Fullchat
Which you can't polish.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...unpretentious, undemanding...

It's meant to be.

Circulation figures will show that's what many people want.

Nor are all these people idiots.

Reader research shows there are lots of professor/lawyer/doctor professional types who buy a tabloid to go with their more serious paper.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - VxFan
>> Yeah, right. So that'll be the £3.50 off at Tesco's voucher then? ;-)

Yep, every little helps, as they say.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dog
And, talking of News?papers...

Reported in the Newcastle Evening Chronicle (allegedly)

A lady died this past September, and MBNA bank billed her in October and November for their annual service charges on her credit card, and then in December added late fees and interest on the monthly charge.

The balance that had been £0.00, now is somewhere around £60.00.

A family member placed a call to the MBNA Bank . . . :

Family Member: 'I am calling to tell you that my grandma died in September.'

MBNA: 'But the account was never closed and so the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member: 'Maybe, you should turn it over to your collections section.'

MBNA: ‘Since it is two months over due, it already has been.'

Family Member: ‘So, what will they do when they find out she is dead?'

MBNA: 'Either report her account to the Frauds Department or report her to The Credit bureau, maybe both!'

Family Member: 'Do you think God will be mad at her?'

MBNA: 'Excuse me?'

Family Member: 'Did you just get what I was telling you . . The part about her being dead?'

MBNA: 'Sir, you'll have to speak to my supervisor.'

Supervisor gets on the phone:

Family Member: 'I'm calling to tell you, she died in September.'

MBNA: 'But the account was never closed and the late fees and charges still apply.'

Family Member: 'You mean you want to collect from her estate?'

MBNA: (Stammer) 'Are you her solicitor?'

Family Member: 'No, I'm her grandson'

MBNA: 'Could you fax us a death certificate?'

Family Member: 'Sure.'

( fax number is given )

After they get the fax:

MBNA: 'Our system just isn't set up for death. I don't know what more I can do to help.'

Family Member: 'Well, if you figure it out, great! If not, you could just keep billing her. I don't think she will care.'

MBNA: 'Well, the late fees and charges will still apply.'

Family Member: ‘Would you like her new billing address?'

MBNA: 'That would help.'

Family Member: ' Plot 1049.' Heaton Cemetary, Heaton Road , Newcastle upon Tyne

MBNA: 'But, that's a cemetery!'

Family Member: 'Well, what the *** do you do with dead people on your planet?'

The MBNA were not available for comment when a reporter from the Newcastle Evening Chronicle rang them.

Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 27 Feb 12 at 10:55
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Bromptonaut
Martin Rowson in today's Guardian:
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
The Guardian cartoon is quite appropriate, although not in the way the clever-clever cartoonist thinks.

Sitting on the pot with a quality tabloid for company is one of life's little pleasures.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
Possibly, but has Murdoch ever produced a quality tabloid and is SoS ever going to make the grade?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
Murdoch's company produces a quality tabloid nearly every day.

The Sun is brilliant at what it does, and one of its strengths is they rarely produce a duff issue.

Same applied to the News of the World.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - sooty123
>> Murdoch's company produces a quality tabloid nearly every day.
>> The Sun is brilliant at what it does, and one of its strengths is they
>> rarely produce a duff issue.
>> Same applied to the News of the World.

I'd think that depend on your definition of quality.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - WillDeBeest
It sounds as if you're expecting (and secretly hoping) the Sun employees will be made redundant at some time in the future. I personally wish them and their employer every success.

I'm intrigued by this statement, l'Es - and Iffy's. Is making money and creating jobs enough to justify anything, however morally questionable? I tend to Bromp's view that Murdoch is a malign influence, so I wouldn't work for him or encourage anyone else to. I've been made redundant too - twice - but I chose to extend my period as a 'jobseeker' rather than take an IT job in the 'defence' (ie arms export) industry because I found it morally objectionable.

The same justification was applied to the slave trade 200 years ago. Would l'Es and Iffy have been among those making it?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...Slave trade, arms industry...

Calm down dear, it's only a newspaper.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - WillDeBeest
Is that supposed to be an answer, Iffy?

Supposing it is, the 100,000+ civilians killed in the war that Murdoch's media organs encouraged Bush and Blair to start might take a different view. Given that, it tells you something about the British public's odd sense of proportion that it took the relative trivia of phone hacking to damage Murdoch's standing here. Bit like Al Capone going to prison for tax evasion, but those of us who've shunned him and his work for years will take what we can get.

Calm enough for you?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...Is that supposed to be an answer, Iffy?...

Was your point supposed to be serious?

I thought it was a wind-up.

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - WillDeBeest
Sitting on the pot with a quality tabloid for company is one of life's little pleasures.

Vegetables are another, Iffy. In my experience you don't need both.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Harleyman

>> Sitting on the pot with a quality tabloid for company is one of life's little
>> pleasures.

And an ideal chance to recycle it in a highly appropriate manner.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dutchie
Very strange behaviour in my opinion sat on the loo reading a paper.

The Sun good quality loo paper cuts the buttocks.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dutchie
Takes some believing Dog.Diana was laughing reading your letter.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dog
>>Diana was laughing reading your letter<<#

That's the main thing though isn't it Dutchie :)

Although my wife who is practice manager for a Solicitors says "We deal with similar stuff all the time when dealing with peeps estates"
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Ambo
If it is like the main edition it is a juvenile comic but the cinema advert for it yesterday was brilliant, a take-off of that tedious flm "Chariots of Fire".
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Meldrew
That'll be the nominated for 7 and won 4 Oscars tedious film?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - R.P.

Maybe the Sun is a ray or er...sunshine after all. Slow news day in Sussex or just a boring dump ?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Armel Coussine
I nearly tripped over a small fallen tree branch during my walk today, and didn't feel as ill after it as I did yesterday, despite the forbidding grey skies and slight nip in the air.

Boring dump indeed! Thrills and spills from, er, late morning to early morning. In West Sussex anyway.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Dutchie
Good to hear you are ok A.C.I was up early this morning to see my surgeon for twenty past nine.Took me ove 1 hr to cover 15 miles.Traffic.Surgeon was happy see him again next year.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Bromptonaut
Murdoch's celebrations may be short-lived:

(Leveson inquiry told of 'culture of illegal payments' at Sun Newspaper)
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - L'escargot
3.26 million copies of the Sunday Sun sold.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Focusless
Do we know if that's the number sold to newsagents, or sold to readers?
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Robin O'Reliant
>> Do we know if that's the number sold to newsagents, or sold to readers?
Newspapers are sale or return, so it will be total sales to readers.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - VxFan
Hopefully the cover price of 50p will continue for some time as my usual Sunday paper has also matched that of The Sun.
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - WillDeBeest sales to readers.

Perhaps 'to end users' might be more accurate - readers, lip-movers, picture-lookers, cat owners, constipated Northern curmudgeons...
 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Pat
>>cat owners<<

Oi, the name is Pat:)

 Anybody going to the buy the Sun on Sunday? - Iffy
...constipated Northern curmudgeons...

And the name's Iffy, and I'm now quite regular, thanks to the reprovision of smallest room reading.

Can't argue with curmudgeon, though.

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