Non-motoring > Community Spirit Miscellaneous
Thread Author: DeeW Replies: 38

 Community Spirit - DeeW
I live in a lane which is about 2 miles long, starting near the centre of the village and ending on a trunk road. When we first moved in, we knew quite a few people at our 'end' of the lane, but most were elderly and have now moved on in one way or another.

One of our lane dwellers decided that there was no sense of community as few of us knew more than immediate neighbours (and she has none!) so she set out to remedy this. On Saturday morning residents from 13 of the houses met up in a pub carpark some 14 miles from home, complete with several dogs, and had a rather pleasant walk through the forest. The route had been recc'ed before hand to make sure it was a good but not too testing a walk so there would be time for chat. Those of us who wished could then have a pre-ordered lunch served in a private area of the pub.

Much to my surprise, as I would not dream of going rambling en masse, I had a lovely time. I have to admit that I was actually walking most of the dogs away from the main groups as I had a pocket full of tennis balls and a launcher so only chatted with two 'unknown' houses and caught up with two I did know but seldom see.

A novel idea, but it does mean a lot more people will know each other to nod to and address by name. We were each given a list of who was walking and which house they came from. Time will tell if there is any other result.
 Community Spirit - bathtub tom
It'll be a party next, where you all throw your car keys into a bowl on arrival.

 Community Spirit - Dutchie
Very funny I got invited once to these key parties I declined.>:) Still married to the one woman.

Yes community spirit there ..was some here when we had the flooding.Except one neighbour who wouldn't share the sandbags

 Community Spirit - Armel Coussine
>> Very funny I got invited once to these key parties I declined.>:)

Yer Dutch. Vey can ave a go on the bike no problems, but I'm not avin em drivin me customised Sierra Cossie lookalike, knowImean?

 Community Spirit - Dutchie
Not far from our village they had special farm buildings designed for Community spirit.

Caused a few problems >:)
 Community Spirit - Zero
>> It'll be a party next, where you all throw your car keys into a bowl
>> on arrival.

I went to one of those, I left with the Jaguar,
 Community Spirit - Bromptonaut
>> I went to one of those, I left with the Jaguar,

Yeah but who got the Cougar?
 Community Spirit - Zero
>> >> I went to one of those, I left with the Jaguar,
>> Yeah but who got the Cougar?

Not sure, both had leather seats.,
 Community Spirit - Dutchie
Dressed up as a butler.>:)
 Community Spirit - Iffy
If I went to that kind of party I would take the spare key as well.

 Community Spirit - Focusless
I'd settle for a Minx.
 Community Spirit - Westpig
>>Time will tell if there is any other result.
We've just exchanged contracts today on a rural property. It is oil heated (along with a wood burning stove in the living room).

I understand rural communities sometimes do a deal with the heating oil company, so that the delivery comes to all on the same day and everyone gets a discount...and then there's the added bonus of everyone knowing there's a potential problem if a tanker is about on a day not scheduled...i.e. thieving gits lurking.

Anyone do this...or is it a myth.
 Community Spirit - Zero
And the local IT'Ls know when the tanks are full and come and steal the oil.

Make sure its secure!
 Community Spirit - Focusless
 Community Spirit - Westpig
Thank you
 Community Spirit - Pat
I do hope you will be joining E-Cops and organising the local Neighbourhood Watch WP;)

 Community Spirit - R.P.
We are incomers into a small village - seems a pleasant enough place, not really "bonded" with many, there is a tiny Village Hall, no pub though (which might be a good thing). There was a cheese and wine thing around Christmas, apparently a good night out, with one guy in the village still in his PJs at 3.00pm the next day !
 Community Spirit - CGNorwich
"We are incomers into a small village - seems a pleasant enough place,"
 Community Spirit - Harleyman

>> Anyone do this...or is it a myth.

Suggested it to my neighbours, but nothing ever came of it. Biggest problem is synchronisation of need, space and finances.

One thing I would suggest; if your oil tank is due for replacement, buy the biggest one you can fit. I replaced my 1200 litre metal tank with a 2500 plastic one; not because I needed all that oil, but it gives me the opportunity to buy when prices are down, as you pay a premium for deliveries of less than 900 litres. Over 7 years I've recouped the cost of the tank three-fold in oil price savings when compared with the old one.
 Community Spirit - Dog
>>We've just exchanged contracts today on a rural property. It is oil heated (along with a wood burning stove in the living room)<<

Just as well you've got a good pension then!

I understand rural communities sometimes do a deal with the heating oil company, so that the delivery comes to all on the same day and everyone gets a discount...and then there's the added bonus of everyone knowing there's a potential problem if a tanker is about on a day not scheduled...i.e. thieving gits lurking.

Anyone do this...or is it a myth.<<

There is such a scam scheme in Cornwall and the last I heard of em (via Radio Cornwall) their price was a few pence per litre lower than was showing on Boilerjuice,

Although we have oil heating and we've been here 10 months now!, I've managed to get by on the half tank (almost) that was left here by the previous bods but - I haven't put the heating on yet :)

We have a mighty efficient 8kw (max) multi-fuel stove, and once I get that cooking, it heats the whole house (cottage)

I'm down to about 2 on the ole indicator, so I do need some (for hot water) but I ain't blimmin buying any at the moment with the price the way it is - th ideal would be like my 2 m8's had it up on Bodmin Moor = solid fuel Rayburn running the rads, and all the hot water y'all want.

Re: the OP - no commune here as I've only got one neighbour, and she lives on her own :)
but she did give us a Herman friendship cake a few weeks ago, Ann looked after it - fed it - even talked to it, but she wouldn't eat it (for some reason) so I scoffed the lot, and I'm still ere!

 Community Spirit - Cliff Pope
>> >> a Herman friendship cake

Sister of the Harriet cake we were given. A lot of faff for a not very nice cake.
 Community Spirit - Dog
>>Sister of the Harriet cake we were given. A lot of faff for a not very nice cake<<

I lean towards conspiracytheory-ism (9/11, The Pelvis lives in Brighton etc.,)

Although I ate the whole damn cake, I'm highly sus-picious of its origins.

It is alive after all, but I know my body (had it long enough!) and it tells that cake was more-than just cake,

It might be just that it contains alcohol after standing for 10 days and containing yeast?

What an ideal way my an alien civilisation - to take over a planet, via a 'friendship' cake.
 Community Spirit - Dutchie
Talking about cake,my brother used to make a special cake everybody was happy.>:)
 Community Spirit - Dog
Satvia Cake - I made one once and it went up in smoke!

 Community Spirit - Dutchie
Not the one he made Dog made us all happy.(stoned) >:)
 Community Spirit - Dog
Do a search on Satvia, Ducky.

 Community Spirit - Zero

>> Re: the OP - no commune here as I've only got one neighbour, and she
>> lives on her own :)
>> but she did give us a Herman friendship cake a few weeks ago, Ann looked
>> after it - fed it - even talked to it, but she wouldn't eat it
>> (for some reason) so I scoffed the lot, and I'm still ere!

Best not give a German sounding friendship cake to Rogers wife.
 Community Spirit - devonite
Small Communities are so insular! - I`ve lived in this one for 30 odd years, married two of their Women, and i`m still classed as an "off-comer". I`m not saying the "locals" are in-bred, but they are very close to it, if you kick one, 3/4 of the town jumps! Only last week in my local, during a Craic, a "spotty-youth" came out with the usual "well you won`t know you`re an off-comer" I asked him how old he was and he replied 18, "well" says I, "I`ve been here three times longer you!" - Cheeky Oik!
 Community Spirit - hjd
>> I`ve lived in this one for 30 odd years,
>> married two of their Women
In most communities one wife is seen as the norm.
Unless you are a Mormon polygamist.
 Community Spirit - Zero
You outsiders, comin y'ear steelin our wioves.
 Community Spirit - Clk Sec
Baint on...
 Community Spirit - devonite
>>You outsiders, comin y'ear steelin our wioves. <<

That, believe it or not, was the most common comment during my first two years here!!

I just replied " I`ve never touched yer sheep!"
 Community Spirit - bathtub tom
>>I`ve lived in this one for 30 odd years
>>I asked him how old he was and he replied 18, "well" says I, "I`ve been here three times longer you!"

Is it my maths or yours?

 Community Spirit - Dutchie
I thought my English was rubbish.>:) 3x18=54.
 Community Spirit - L'escargot
I reckon that 3 times as long as 18 is 54.
3 times longer than 18 is 72.
 Community Spirit - Meldrew
It was a maths test and the spotty boy failed as he didn't pick upon the deliberate error!
 Community Spirit - Cliff Pope
Cultural differences. They don't count in English, but use the old Eeny Meeny Hoity Toity ritual.
 Community Spirit - devonite
Phew! thank goodness I got away with that one at the time!! ;-)
 Community Spirit - Woodster
Westpig - I often buy the heating oil with 4 neighbours and bulk book emptying of the septic tanks. That one saves the most money.
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