Non-motoring > Some assistance required - per favore! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 12

 Some assistance required - per favore! - Zero
Anyone a Brummie? or travel regularly in, around or through Sutton Coldfield/Wylde Green area? If so what's the current view south down the railway line from this spot like?

Also, Anyone live in/near or travel regularly in, around or through Penkridge? What's the view like south down the line from the station?

 Some assistance required - per favore! - Runfer D'Hills
Dunno, but that sounds like a two tartan flask and extra butties trip to me.

( Free bump in the convenient disguise of the expected and may I say, deserved mild insult )

 Some assistance required - per favore! - Zero
It might even be a two packs of marloboro trip, but you dont do you Humph.....
 Some assistance required - per favore! - Runfer D'Hills
Some closets remain firmly closed. Are you still allowed to smoke on station tops?
 Some assistance required - per favore! - Zero
No fraid not ole son. What's the fag lighter like in the Merc?
 Some assistance required - per favore! - Runfer D'Hills
Hasn't got one. Well, I don't think so anyway. Not looked...

 Some assistance required - per favore! - rtj70
I thought cigar lighters and ashtrays were optional extras on most cars these days. So if your car is a company car - is it possible to even rode them? It is illegal to smoke in a company car. Not that that stopped Humph :-)
 Some assistance required - per favore! - Runfer D'Hills
Has anyone ever actually been done for that? Just curious...
 Some assistance required - per favore! - rtj70
>> Has anyone ever actually been done for that? Just curious...

Doubt it. It's also a legal obligation to display a no smoking sign.... anyone done for not displaying that? My last two cars I didn't put the sticker on. This car has it on the tax disk holder - on the inside/windscreen side of course.
 Some assistance required - per favore! - RattleandSmoke
The i10 has an ash cup, a cig lighter and an additional 12v output in case you want to charge your sat nav while lighting a cig. You can tell it is made in India!
 Some assistance required - per favore! - DP
The tax disc holders in the company cars at my last employer had a freephone number visible from the outside, with a message encouraging people to phone it and shop anyone spotted smoking in the vehicle.
It's a very widely flouted law. Not aware of anyone ever getting done for it.
 Some assistance required - per favore! - Duncan
>> Hasn't got one. Well, I don't think so anyway. Not looked...

It has a 12v power outlet thingy in the cubby hole in front of the gear lever, but not a fag lighter thing as such. (What would the Yanks make of that use of the word fag?)
Last edited by: Duncan on Tue 21 Feb 12 at 08:13
 Some assistance required - per favore! - mikeyb
I think there was a case where a lorry driver was done for smoking in his cab just after the ban came in, but cant now find a link.

Its the only one I have heard of though
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