Non-motoring > Syria. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Dutchie Replies: 10

 Syria. - Dutchie
Egypt Libya now Syria.

What is this all building up to? Is Iran going to be the final story.

Russians and Chinese involved now, are we in the west the good guys?
 Syria. - SteelSpark
>> Russians and Chinese involved now, are we in the west the good guys?

It used to be pretty easy to know who the bad guys were.
 Syria. - Stuu
Problem with the Middle East is its often better the devil you know, so from a purely selfish national interest point of view, better to let revolutions be supressed and keep stability. Requires a strong stomach mind.

The only difference between us and Russia/China, is that we are two-faced about it, they arent - they are unashamedly self-serving, while we tend to shout from the sidelines but rarely do anything effective.
 Syria. - Roger.
Nothing to do with us.
Move along please.
 Syria. - Dutchie
Maybe if it wasn't for the oil none of us would have bothered in the Middle East.

If it has nothing to do with us why is our foreign minister shouting his mouth of?

Sad for the people on the street in Syria, many killed the way of the world.
 Syria. - Old Navy
>> If it has nothing to do with us why is our foreign minister shouting his
>> mouth of?

Because he is a deluded politician who thinks the world takes notice of him.
 Syria. - Dutchie

Remember some of this lot wouldn't trust them as far I could kick them..:)
 Syria. - Armel Coussine
SteelSpark will have been out clubbing or burgling or whatever he does and will have to watch it on Iplayer, but Newsnight was good on this too. David Owen and some other geezer, quite serious comment. Excellent.

Earlier there was an item about these dodgy breast implants. Naomi Wolf ferocious and brilliant, govt health minister ill-briefed and feeble, Katie Price absolutely sweet I thought but tough as an old boot obviously. Goodness she made me laugh.

I always wondered what people saw in her. Clearly not the 'boobs' as she vulgarly calls them, but the comic-strip personality.

I do feel sorry for all those poor worried women. And a bit annoyed with the government which apparently has been swayed by the private clinic racket and failed to give clear information. There's a sort of parallel with the public discourse on illegal drugs which is similarly obscurantist, destructive and ultimately irresponsible.
 Syria. - SteelSpark
Have I stumbled upon some new TV review section?

Each day AC will give us a rundown on what was covered on Newsnight, and then give us the latest gossip from our favourite soaps.
Last edited by: SteelSpark on Wed 8 Feb 12 at 10:12
 Syria. - Armel Coussine
>> give us the latest gossip from our favourite soaps.

No, sorry. Don't do soaps.

Do calm down SS. I'm sure your own beard is short and neatly trimmed.
 Syria. - Focusless
>> Katie Price absolutely sweet I thought but tough as
>> an old boot obviously. Goodness she made me laugh.
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